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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 298
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Chapter 298

"You're a child, so I don't want to aim my firearm at you. Consider this your last chance to lower your

gun," Edward commented with a neutral tone as he stood composedly.

However, Maurice saw the former's calmness as fear. He retracted his gun, casually leaning it against

his shoulder while jutting his chin.

He sat in his car, shutting the car door while mocking Edward through the open window, "Don't you

think the way you’re speaking to me is counterproductive to what you want me to do?”

Edward remained unmoving but had already narrowed his eyes. No one could tell how he felt since he

spoke emotionlessly the entire time. "I'm curious-what do you mean by that? I'd like to know what you

think my motives are.”

Maurice's eyes widened. He wanted to know whether Edward was genuinely curious or if the latter was

trying to embarrass him. His face then warped hideously compared to everyone else's when he could

not decipher Edward's facial expression.

He was both desperate and determined to know what Edward was thinking now, his face darkening as

he focused harder on the latter.

The experience was refreshing to Edward, who had never been scrutinized from head to toe by a child.

Still, it did not feel nice, so he interrupted coldly, "You've been very impolite from the moment you

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appeared before me."

Eyes reddening with rage, Maurice's arm shot forward, aiming his gun at Edward again.

Meanwhile, Erin's breathing grew rigid as she gripped the door handle tightly. She wanted to open it but

did not because Edward's gaze locked onto her. The fierceness and intensity in his gaze caused her to

freeze, goosebumps prickling down her arm.

Before she could snap to her senses, Edward was already studying Maurice like a predator.

"You don't have the guts to fire a second time," he flatly remarked.

That was when the others booed Maurice, including the blond, who jeered the loudest and even

clapped. He could not hide the wide grin on his face at his arrogant companion’s downfall.

Edward noticed him but quickly looked at Maurice afterward, daring the latter to shoot.

Throughout that time, Maurice did not fire again. Although he wanted to, he dared not do it for fear of

having to explain things to his dad. After all, Maurice could easily cover up the first shot as him misfiring

and accidentally hurting Edward.

Things would be different if Maurice had shot the same person twice. With all that in mind, he froze on

the spot with uncontrollably shaking hands.

Eyes curving slightly from amusement, Edward looked at the petrified boy and said, "You're a good kid,

and you're different from the others standing around you."

He then returned to a blank expression while moving quickly, his figure flickering all over the space.

Before Maurice could process what had happened, he realized his hand was empty, and his gun was

now with Edward. Only then did reality hit Maurice. His lips rounded into a wide 0 shape while his

trembling gaze settled on Edward. Earlier, Edward had guessed correctly-the gun was stolen.

Maurice knew he was in deep trouble if he could not return the gun to his dad, so his jaw tensed. He

kept staring at the firearm, his gaze pinning onto it regardless of how much Edward waved the gun


Edward grinned before putting the gun into a spare holster around his back. While doing so, he kept his

eyes on Maurice since the latter was the most fascinating child he had ever met.

Opposite him, Maurice's expression shifted from the excitement of getting away to confusion, then

disbelief and regret. Fear eventually ate away at his mind as he asked, "Y- You're going to take my gun


He licked his lips as he flashed a pair of puppy dog eyes at Edward. Yet, disappointment soon

shrouded his face when Edward nodded.

"Yes, that's the plan," said the latter.

It was now Maurice's lips that quivered. He stood there, unable to lift his feet as though they got

cemented onto the ground. His eyes grew moist while he unknowingly lowered his voice, speaking


"I can pay you. Just please-l need that gun back. It’s my dad's favorite, and I brought it here without

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him knowing. If he realizes it’s missing and that I had something to do with it, he'll surely beat me up..."

The thought of that made Maurice's eyes tremble.

Even so, Edward held his ground. He ignored the boy's request and stoically replied, "I'm more than

aware of what you're about to do and say."

Maurice was speedily brainstorming a way to get the gun back. His eyes darted around, but their focus

stayed on Edward's waist.

That alone was enough to tell Edward what the boy was planning. He just did not voice his revelation.

Instead, he placed a hand on Maurice's shoulder.

Erin had been waiting in the car all this time. After seeing that things outside were under control, she

could no longer force herself to sit still. All Erin could think about was Darius ' safety and reputation,

knowing he would never let the video go online if he had more time to settle things.

Therefore, she wanted nothing more than to aid him.

"Not only is Edward unperturbed by the gravity of things, but he's also wasting our time by confiscating

a kid's gun! Ugh. Seriously? That boy is old enough to learn his mistakes from today!" Erin thought.

She then rolled down the window and poked her head out, bellowing fiery words like she were a


"What the hell are you doing now? We should be returning to Mr. Reid's side at once!"

It was the first time Erin yelled like that throughout the lengthy period Edward had served by Darius's
