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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

The next two days went on as usual for Darius. He went to classes as usual, practiced his martial arts and made some time to relax. Now

that majority of his work had been delegated to Erin, he now had some free time for himself.

The situation with Helen was however a bit complicated. Although he was still shocked about the kiss from Helen, there was nothing he

could do about it as Helen had put him in a bind.

He had gone to the hospital today as her roommate was being discharged. He drove her roommate to her dormitory personally with the

hopes of fishing her out, but the result was the same as other days.

Since she kissed him on the night he saved her, Helen had avoided him like the plague. He had called her several times to keep her updated

about the progress of her friend in the hospital, but she had refused to pick any of his calls. He only got reports from Erin that she visited the

hospital regularly during the time her roommate was hospitalized.

Frustrated by her antics, he had no choice but to drive her roommate to the dorm. He figured out that at least she would welcome her

roommate since she cared about her so much. Yet, even after waiting for ten minutes, Helen refused to come out. Left with no choice, he

drove away from the dormitory. Since she had refused to see him then so be it.

Helen watched Darius drive away from the dormitory with frustration on her face. She herself was very

confused as to why she suddenly kissed Darius that night. From what she had seen Darius was

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someone that was way above her class. He was very wealthy, tall and handsome, while she was a

poor and struggling student. As such, she didn't believe that someone like Darius would look favorably

on her romantically, hence why she refused to pick his calls or talk to him.

However, Helen was wrong from the beginning, as Darius wasn't calling her or drive here to discuss

about the kiss. On the contrary, he just wanted to make sure that she was okay. Not everyone would be

able to bounce back from what Luke did to her and her friend. He wanted to make sure that such

unlucky events had not affected her in any way. Sadly, as she had refused to talk to Darius, she had

misunderstood his intentions.

After his visit to Helen's dorm, the rest of the day went on as usual for Darius. When classes were over,

he decided to stay behind in the library to go over his notebooks and study. The semester exams were

fast approaching after all, and although he no longer needed the scholarship to continue studying at the

university, there was no harm in maintaining his status as a top student in the university.

As such, Darius immersed himself in his notebooks and textbooks. Due to how engrossed he was, time

seemed to fly by, and by the time he removed his head from his books, he saw that it was already 9


He quickly started packing his books. The library closed by 9:30 pm every day, which meant that he

had only thirty minutes left for him to leave, otherwise he would be locked inside the library. He was

sure that it wouldn't be a pleasant experience.

Soon enough, he finished packing books and hurried down the steps in haste. By the time he was

outside the library, it was already 9:20 pm. The reason it took twenty minutes was because he had to

return the textbooks that weren't his to the shelf he brought them from, otherwise he would be

penalized by the librarian when she discovered it.

Relieved that he managed to beat the time, he walked leisurely to the parking lot where his car was

parked. As he walked however, a sense of foreboding came over him.

He stopped walking and abruptly turned around, but could see nothing except the darkness. The whole

area was dark as the moon was not full that night. Darius felt that he was being followed, but after

repeating the process and checking his back three times, he chalked it up to him being paranoid; but

that did not stop him from being incredibly vigilant.

He walked for over ten minutes, and occasionally glanced back to see if he was truly being followed;

but his search always proved him wrong. However, Darius instincts told him that he someone was on

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his tail.

He suddenly stood still when he got to where he parked his car. He then faced back and shouted into

the darkness.

"I know you're there. Come out."

The only response Darius got was an eerie silence. The silence made him feel so uneasy. He was about to yell again when a gravelly voice

echoed in the darkness.

"You're awfully vigilant for a non-awakened. That's quite interesting."

Darius' hair suddenly stood on end when he heard the gravelly voice. Something about the voice was very off putting to Darius. He made his

skin crawl. Darius hated to admit it, but at that moment, he was incredibly afraid. "Who are you?! Come out!" Darius yelled loudly; trying to

chase away his fear. However the trembling in his voice gave his fear away. "You’re afraid. That's normal." The voice sounded again; and this

time Darius could hear his voice right beside his ears.

"Come out! Stop being a coward by hiding in the shadows!" Darius yelled. The voice laughed, but his laugh sent shivers down Darius' spine.

After a few moments, the voice replied. "If that's what you wish." Then a figure appeared from the darkness. His features were very hazy, and

shrouded by the darkness of the night. Darius could feel his heart beat rapidly at the sight of the person, but he forced himself to calm down.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?" Darius asked. Right now, all his instincts were screaming at him to get away from that

figure. "You don't need to know who I am; and as for what I want from you?” the man said slowly in his gravelly voice. Darius' heart sped

twice as fast when the man suddenly stared at him. "That's simple. I want your life."