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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2613
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Eventually, Lucas nodded heavily. "Don't worry, Mister Henry. I won't break my promise." "Good. I can rest easy now that I have your assurance." With the die cast, there was nothing Claudia could do to change their minds. Lucas and Henry stealthily got up to lift the mesh wires on the large window at the back while she kept watch. Claudia dared not even breathe too loudly, afraid of waking up the two kidnappers outside, despite their loud snoring.

"Hurry up!" Claudia whispered urgently.

Lucas and Henry were sweating profusely. Although it was easy to handle the wires, they had to be extremely careful not to make any noise, which made it quite difficult.

Thud! Henry accidentally knocked on the window frame, producing a crisp sound that startled all three of them. Claudia stared anxiously at the two kidnappers, afraid they might wake up and ruin everything. Luckily, with a bit of alcohol in their systems and it being the wee hours of the morning, they remained deeply asleep and undisturbed by the noise.

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Lucas and Henry hastened their movements, speeding up until the wire mesh was lifted enough for Lucas and Claudia to slip through. They stopped only when it was large enough.

Henry and Claudia switched positions. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at her father. Lucas had already crawled out and was waiting outside the window to assist her.

Henry's eyes were also red. He pretended to casually wipe his eyes and waved at her. "Go quickly!" Lucas remained silent, his furrowed brow betraying his anxiety. He wanted Claudia to move faster, but urging her then would be too cruel. This might be the last tClaudia saw her father alive.

In the end, Claudia made the decision herself. She bit her lip and resolutely crossed through the window.

"Dad, cout alive, okay?" she whispered.

Henry did not utter a word. He knew he might have to break his promise this time.

Once they were both gone, Henry stealthily crossed over the two kidnappers and ran outside. As he approached the gate, he paused for a moment, counting the seconds in his mind to ensure Lucas and Claudia had run far enough before deliberately making a noise.

"Who's there?" The two kidnappers groggily sat up.

"Was it a rat?" One of them yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"There was no sound. You must've misheard." "Damn it! Where are they?" Both of them becwide awake, their drowsiness gone.

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With only the two of them left on guard, the three captives had vanished without a trace. Howlet they going to explain this to their UMS boss?.

Both of them paled in fright. They m hurriedly searched the rundown house but found no sign of anyone. "Where did you hear the noise?" one asked.

"It sounded like someone kicking a can... Oh, right, it was near the main gate! We piled up the garbage there when we were drinking tonight. We were planning to clean it up el.?

tomorrow... Quick, let's chase after them! They ran out in this direction.

Outin Wake up the boss! Hurry!"