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The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C

Chapter 81
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81 Bloody Hell $457310 Aurora POV The black room.

The nitself makesinvoluntarily shiver as Stephen, the sperm donor traitor, dragsbehind him in an iron grip. As much as | try to struggle against him, the restraints binding my arms behind my back make it significantly harder to fight him.

He takesdown the flight of cement stairs that were behind a thick metal door, like a safe. The dark amber lighting against the pale grey cement gives stark contrast and as we reach the bottom, a stench like rotten eggs and cow feet permeates my nose makinggag. | will never complain about smelling Brussels sprouts again.

Stephen dragsthrough a large hallway. We pass by several large red oak doors with equally large and heavy- looking metal latches. We pass by a few hallways that probably lead to more rooms. This place is a labyrinth. | try to focus on the path that Stephen is taking. But | lose my focus when | hear the rustling of chains echoing in the corridors. You can hear faint feminine screaming like a high-pitched whistle. My heartbeat quickens at the thought of what is in store for me.

Before | know it, we cto the end of the last hallway. The door in front of us is the only one in this alcove. A heavy door with an advanced metal locking system and you guessed it, colored black.

Stephen, without letting go of my arm, goes to a control panel on the side of the wall and like a James Bond movie, shigh-tech panel comes out. He puts his palm on the scanner and then does a retinal scan before the panel disappears into the wall.

| can’t help but gawk and my smart mouth just opens: “What are we entering? Narnia? Fort Knox? Area 51? Oh, | know! Opera’s secret lair?” Stephen givesa sideways glance and an eye roll as the locks click open and the door swings toward us.

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“You forgot to say Open Sesdipshit!” | mutter to Stephen, digging my heels in the ground because dreaming is so going to happen, *For your good, just please shut up Aurora,” the sperm donor warns close to my ear as he continues to draginside.

It's pitch black. Literally. The only light seeping into the room is from the lights outside the door. | can barely make out a silhouette of a chair. Shit, not again. Not another sensory deprivation room.

| begin to light the man holdingwith even more vigor. But Stephen just guidesto this chair, pushesdown to sit, and then swiftly reaches behindto unlock my cuffs. I tried to push him out of my way, but he effortlessly pusheddown and had one of my arms shackled to the chair before | could even contemplate what was happening. He used his weight to push against my legs so | couldn’t kick him and my not-so-subtle attempt to flail my free arm around like one of those balloon people at a car dealership was halted quickly.

*Please! Don’t do this,” | beg. | continue to struggle against the harsh iron manacles on my wrists. | am on the verge of a panic attack. The clanking sound against the chair was almost deafening to me. My heartbeat quickened like it was about to jump out of my breastplate and run a marathon. | could barely make out Stephen's features as most of the light was blocked by his tall figure.

1/4 -Blood mal hear him sugh and he lexus diose Thund as he pulls up to his height and tund to leave. We beying Shahed as he wanted or sommering etc.

Father | call ah him dich afiuer bir, but the door is rinsed via a resounding bing and a lout click sole my fine. Please don’t leavein her Daddy pleaser | beg | stream again the metal acties I am in dariness. There is no light, no sound lust me, my thoughts, my header and thences of the dades | am fighting so hard desperate for freedom. Jey panic sets in and faint only take sometme and continue my zo framt begging. After what fee how of stresing, or eves i hears and swollen my head is aching any ans feel cavc, and my voice is hoarse. Ipak out a firma pies of pisse to louder them a vinger beine my es dese DMGROVE TOMONI IF la A Seactful darkness Semitty places my cough peace waited overall of my bodic All of a sudden | am lohed awake by a harsh biting cold like a million needles asading my sitim Inte a deep branch stole away fast. I'm staking vent Fuck a lucky duck in a crucicon Sandey seem. | boot around and cot by bear vdich is cause and berry.

vi My blurry vision is now sharp. My hazy brain is now alert and now on oventive. | whip my head from side to side trying to look at the monster, strands of my hair sicting to my neck and fire. The pitch black Now there are a few lights on. | am still in a chair, funny enough black and the rasy iron, also black manacles Be what you see in pirate movies are still securely on my weiss A faint purple color is appearing around the eips of the cuffs. The room is Black Black wall, black ceiling, even black floor. He wasn’t kidding when he said black room. The room doen't look too large but | can’t see sucules facing closer to the door, which is black. Shocking As | continue to try to look around. | see a salad plate-shed sher drain not too far away from my feet drilled into the foot Oh shit.

| started thrashing again, ignoring the ever-growing burning pain in my wrists, but soon strong as cupon my shoulders and pressed on them firmly, makingstop. | felt warm breath on my exposed neck. “Scared?” He spoke and | nearly jumped out of my skin with a small yelp.

“Shhh. It’s okay love. It's only been a few days. He continued saying weet nothings and tried to reassure me, petting my head lightly. My breathing finally steadied after a fer moments.

He comes in front ofwith a black stool and sits down, he spreads his tall legs wide and brings his knees to touch my outer legs, casingin. He rests his big calloused lanky hands on my thighs and starts rubbing them.

His face cast 24 81- Bloody Hell in a bit of shadow.

“Get. Your. Filthy. Fucking. Hands. Off. Me!” | seethe in anger between my teeth with a clenched jaw. My voice was hoarse and my throat was sore and chapped. Of course he didn’t listen. He just smiled and cocked his head to the side, watching me.

“You are too cute when you are angry. Like a puppy!” He cooed and bopped my nose with his finger. If looks could kill, I would have just popped his brain like a watermelon with a jackhammer.

Maybe when he frees| will accidentally on purpose kick him in the fucking balls repeatedly and say | tripped? Yeah, that should work. | smile at my little savage plan. No babies for this knucklefucker! Cue an inner evil laugh.

But my inner scheming is cut short when he leans over and kisses my cheeks. He surprisingly puts a water bottle to my lips and | take hearty sips of water greedily, almost finishing the whole thing. | feel so much better.

“Oh love,” he says exhaustedly, “we have so much to catch up on.” “Nah, I'm good. | don’t socialize with people who have sticks up their ass!” | spit out. Damn, | need to bite my tongue.

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There is a pause. He just looks atand then a chuckle. Now a full-on booming laugh! If he hadn't already repulsed me. | would have said his laugh was beautiful.

He gets up and walks behindagain only to return with something small and silver in his hand.

My eyes bug out when | realize what it is: A scalpel. A fucking scalpel! | guess there is no more foreplay for either of us. The shit just got real. “Um, Sir, w-what are you d-d-doing?” | begin to freak out.

As he sits back down in front of me, he twirls the small knife in front of me, so casually. He takes a few moments before he answers me. He watchedas | tried to will my body to be consumed by the chair | was in.

“You are mine Aurora. You have been mine since before you were born. | have waited a long tfor you.” He continued to play with the knife in front of him.

“You keep saying that. | don’t understand! | am not yours!” | say loudly, my anger getting the better of me. | am frankly disturbed.

Sweety, you are! | will tell you everything dear. But first | need to do something. He says casually. | notice an evil glint in his eyes and before | can say anything else, he takes the scalpel and plunges it in the side of my leg.

Pain. White hot pain. | scream as he pulls it out vigorously and warm red liquid bursts out and begins to paint the floor below. That was for trying to escape.” He seethes behind his clenched jaw. “BLOODY HELL!” | grit between my teeth. This was a bloody fucking hell. Damn, that hurts.

Yep, | am definitely going to kick him in the balls as soon as | am free. Maybe I'll take that scalpel and peel his dick like a banana. Bloody hell that hurts.

“You look so good covered in red! Blood suits you. He says adoringly as | pant through the searing pain pulsing in my leg and he holds up the bloody scalpel in front of me: “Now, | am going to tell you everything. So where to begin? Oh 3.4 81- Bloody Hell yes! Once upon a time...” Chapter Comments LIKE POST COMMENT NOW