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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 957
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Chapter 957 The Savior He had been hanging around with sgangsters back in Waterview Alley, Southdale. But those gangsters weren't evil at heart.

One of the men, Carl, had stopped Wynter in her path, claiming that they wanted to give her a lesson.

Back then, that kid, Whitley, was standing quietly in the corner.

Wynter raised an eyebrow in shock. "Are you the Savior?" She did sense that Whitley was somewhat special compared to others back then. She had found him in the spile of trash that Wolf was found in.

The only difference was that Wolf was much younger than him. Not to mention that one of them couldn't speak, whereas the other could not walk.

Whitley also recognized Wynter. Although his eyes did not work well in dark places, he was still as smart as he had been.

When he saw Wynter, he immediately greeted her despite their circumstances, "Boss." His voice was incredibly weak.

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Whitley's hair was also wet due to the sweat. It stuck to his pale face, making him look pitiful.

Since he had already acknowledged her and called her "boss", she could not turn a blind eye to him. She quickly took a look at his injuries and pressed on a few acupuncture points.

Then, she glanced at his wrists and ankles. There were needle wounds all over them. There was even a beast-locking chain around one of his arms.

Wynter quickly took the chain away.

Only then did Whitley seem to have been freed as his eyes immediately brightened. Although he was exhausted, at least he could still move.

Whiley looked up at Wynter. His lips were pale, and he had an indescribable beauty despite his current state.

"Thanks, boss.

"You and your gang didn't cto work the next day, so I'm not considered your boss." Wynter looked at Whitley's face and bent down. She sounded certain as she said, "You knew you were the Savior." Whitley did not look away. "I guessed it. After Uncle Carl broughtback, a lot of weird people would clooking for me.

"I did a small investigation and guessed that my flesh and blood must be quite valuable." "Then you're very smart." Wynter stood straight as her eyes darkened slightly.

Chapter 957 The Savior.

Whitley and Wolf had both cfrom a pile of trash. Wolf wasn't even able to sense anything, but Whitley was able to conclude from his surroundings about his true identity.

Wynter wasn't even sure if it was because Whitley was much more cunning than Wolf was. After all, the Savior had not awakened his true form yet, so he had been trying his best to protect himself.

She knew Wolf was Chaos because Wolf had shown ssuspicious behavior when he first arrived at their house.

Wynter had been forced to read a number of books, hoping to help Wolf.

As for the Savior's true thoughts, Wynter had not reached that level where she could see through his thoughts. She had always considered herself a half-assed medium.

Whitley used his hand to prop himself up. He could tell from the sounds just now that Wynter had saved him.

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After giving it sthought, he stretched out his hand and said, “Boss, why don't you start your journey as a cultivator?

"I don't have any money onnow.

But once I earn smoney, I'll pay Hpay you back. I've researched my kind. My flesh and blood will be able to help you since I'm giving it to you willingly." "Are you só free that you have tto investigate such a matter?" Wynter smiled and looked at his outreached hand.

"Givea minute, Wynter said as she began to search Fred's body. Soon, she found an antidote for the poison and scloth.

Wynter tore the cloth up and wrapped it around Whitley's bleeding wrists.

Whitley tensed. "Boss, do you not need my blood?"

Wynter was adept in bandaging wounds. Her methods were sharp and quick. "I'm not a cultivator. But there's something I would like to point out. "You should followfrom here on out. You must have heard their words just now.

"They're from Foplya, and I'm guessing they're here to capture you.

They won't stop so easily. You'll also end up hurting your your fellow Cascadians if you end up in their hands." X