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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 320
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Chapter 320

Lexi was gasping for breath through her tears as she followed Natalia away from the bustling harbor

walkway, settling down in a crowded spot.

“Okay. Lexi, stop crying and tell me what’s going on. Why do you look so distressed?” Natalia asked,

her voice filled with worry.

“Natalia, can I get something to eat first? Lexi asked hesitantly. She was pregnant and couldn’t handle

being hungry. But she didn’t have a penny in her pocket. Callum held all her identification documents.

“Sure, what do you want to eat? I’ll take you somewhere.” Natalia responded, helping Lexi up and

leading her to a cafe by the harbor.

They found a private booth and ordered some food. After Lexi had gobbled down her meal, Natalia

softly asked, “Lexi, what’s going on? I’ve been looking for you for a while but haven’t heard from you. I

even visited your parents, but they said you hadn’t returned from overseas.”

Lexi swallowed her last bite, finally feeling full. As Natalia asked about her situation, tears welled up in

her eyes. “Natalia, I was held captive. It’s


“What?” Natalia could hardly believe her ears. “Where were you held captive? Who did this to you?”

Lexi shook her head. Despite the constraints Callum put on her, she didn’t want to expose him. She

sighed deeply, “Natalia, I was out in England, just wandering around, and suddenly someone took me

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captive. I don’t know who it was. Then, after a lot of struggle, I managed to escape.”

Natalia was heartbroken, unable to fathom the horrors Lexi had endured. “Lexi, this is horrifying! It’s all

my fault. If I hadn’t been arguing with Magnus then, none of this would’ve happened”

Natalia glanced at Lexi’s swelling belly, asking cautiously, “What will you do about the baby?”

Tears poured down Lexi’s face as she shook her head. “I don’t know, Natalia. I don’t want this child. It’s

not a product of love. But, but I

Lexi couldn’t finish her sentence, but Natalia understood her feelings. “You can’t bear to give it up, can

you? I get it. I’m a mother, too. Lexi, I’m so sorry You wouldn’t have had to go through this if it wasn’t

for me.”

“It’s not your fault, Natalia. I wasn’t careful,” Lexi consoled Natalia, urging her not to overthink.

Natalia was distraught and asked Lexi. “What are you planning to do now?”

Lexi shook her head. “I’m not sure, Natalia. That person has all of my IDs. And I don’t have the courage

to go home. How can I let my parents see

me like this, in such a mess? Natalia, I don’t know what I should do.”

Natalia bowed her head, equally unsure of what to do. After a moment of silence, she looked up and

suggested, “Maybe, we can lay low here? Wait until the baby is born and then decide what to do?”

Lexi looked at her, puzzled. “Lay low? Natalia, why would you need to hide? Did you have a fight with


Natalia gave a bitter smile, shaking her head. “No, it’s not a fight, Lexi Magnus and I have split up, for


“What?” Lexi was even more confused. “Natalia, even though I wasn’t there, I saw how much Magnus

cared about you. How could he let you go? Was there a misunderstanding?”

“If only it was a misunderstanding, Lexi. I used to nitpick about Magnus flaws, but now that I’ve left him,

I miss all his good qualities,” Natalia said. feeling a sting at the tip of her nose. “Lexi, you can’t be too

picky. It’s only after you lose something that you realize its worth.”

Lexi held Natalia’s hand. “Be strong, Natalia What exactly happened? Can you tell me?”

Natalia nodded, recounting how Isabella, disguised as Belle, drugged Magnus and threatened her to


After hearing Natalia’s story, Lexi was furious “How could Isabella be so shameless? Natalia, did you

just let her threaten you like that? ignore her Let’s go back to Melfort now! If Magnus knew you left,

he’d be devastated”

“No. Natalia sighed deeply, her voice filled with bitterness and sorrow “Isabella has loved Magnus for

many years. The more she loves him, the more she hates me. If I go back, she’ll hurt Magnus again!

And I’ve made a solemn promise that if I return to Magnus, my son won’t have a good life! Lexi, I can’t

break my oath

“Natalia! How can you be so foolish? What kind of a promise is that? It’s meaningless! And why should

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she decide whether you leave or not? Natalia, can’t you be a little less naive? Let’s go! Let’s go back to

Magnus. I’m sure he can handle this.” Lexi’s voice rose in anger as she stood up and grabbed Natalia’s

wrist, trying to pull her up

Natalia pulled away from Lexi “Alright, you’re pregnant now, you need to take care of yourself. I’ve

made a promise and won’t change my mind easily. Ever since Magnus met me, he’s had bad luck. I

think it’s because my luck is so bad, it’s affected him too.”

Lexi was genuinely vexed with Natalia She couldn’t for the life of her understand what was going

through Natalia’s head. Yet, after many years of being best friends, Lexi knew all too well how stubborn

Natalia could be

“Natalia, can you please listen to me? I think you’re really “Lexi’s words were abruptly cut off as the

door to their booth was pushed open

Lexi and Natalia both turned towards the door, only to be shocked by the sight of Callum strolling in.

“Cal, how on earth did you end up here?” Natalia’s jaw dropped in surprise. This was too much of a

coincidence, wasn’t it?

Meanwhile, Lexi was so stunned that she didn’t know how to react. She wished the floor would open up

and swallow her whole! This damn man, how did he know she had sought refuge here?

Callum glanced at Lexi before turning to Natalia, enveloping her in a warm hug. “Natalla, long time no

see I came specifically


“Pursue?” Natalia paused, her gaze flicking over to Lexi, who was seated opposite her. “Oh my gosh,

Cal, don’t tell me you’re here to find Lexi.”