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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 383
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383: DESTINY'S CALL ARIEL'S POV "You think you know everything, don't you?" I barked at Luke, my voice rising with each word. "Well, lettell you something, Luke Reynold. You don't know the first thing about me, about my family, or about the sacrifices we've made just to survive.

"And what sacrifices are those, huh? Please, put an end to this fake story. I don't want to even hear another nonsense coming out of your mouth. You and your good-for-nothing family have been golddiggers since the dawn of time. Don't say anything further." "That's a lie! And it's so fucked up that you would spit such nonsense! My parents have worked themselves to the bone, just to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. We've faced hardships that you couldn't even begin to imagine, and yet you have the audacity to stand there and judgebased on your own misguided assumptions." "I'm not judging you, Ariel," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm just... frustrated." The vulnerability in his tone caughtoff guard, momentarily disarmingin the midst of our heated exchange. "Frustrated?" I echoed, my anger giving way to confusion. "What do you mean?" He took a deep breath, shaking his head, and then he gavedark look. "That's none of your fucking business. Just get the hell out of my life, Ariel Walker. Leave! I do not need you!" I suspired with a slow nod, and my tone beccalm. "I totally understand you, Luke. But we have to face the facts and embrace what life has thrown at us." I looked him in the eyes. "And this is our destiny now." Luke continued to glare a me, not taking his eyes offone bit. "Fine, have it your way. You want to get married, right? Cool, go ahead, becmy wife. Ariel Reynold, wife of the famous billionaire; Luke Reynold. That's what you want, right? Fan wealth. It's cool, you can have them, you can have them. all. But trust me, I will make your life a living hell. Every day of your married life will be miserable, and I will make sure a smile never comes in your face again." After that, he stormed into his car and drove away.

As Luke's car disappeared into the distance, leaving behind a cloud of dust and echoes of his harsh words, I stood there, rooted to the spot, feeling the weight of his threat hang heavy in the air.

His venomous words reverberated in my mind, each syllable a dagger aimed at my heart. Yet, despite the pain and anger swirling within me, a sense of resolve began to take root deep within my soul.

I refused to let Luke's bitterness define me, to dictate the course of my life. Who the hell did he think he was? He was too rude, how in the world was my relationship going to work with that idiot? It would be best if I just give up. Take the ring off and get the hell out of this place. This could just be God tellingnot to get married to that man, because the future might be really dark, full of sorrow, bringing intense tears, heartbreak, melancholy.

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393 DESTINYS CALL "Ariel!" I heard my nfrom behind, and I quickly turned around. It was Sir Reynold, he was treading forward, right in my direction.

"I didn't know you were still around. I thought you had left," he said the moment he had gotten nigher to 1. me.

"I was just about to leave," I told him gently, making a fake smile.

"Well, since I found you here, I'll just have to tell you." "Tellwhat?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's about your engagement party. It will be taking place tonight." I just gave him a surprised face, and all I could say was, "Ohhhh." "Yes, my daughter. Tonight will be special because you are special." He placed his hand on my shoulder. Now you just have to go home, think about all the fun that's going to take place tonight, get dressed, and get prepared for the party." "Take care," he toldand was about to walk away.

But I halted him, saying, "Uhmm, Sir Reynold." | He slowly turned around, and then I asked him calmly, "Can I ask you something?" "Yes, go on." "Don't find this disrespectful." He nodded, still givinghis attention. “Say what you have to say. Do not be afraid.” "Why do you likeso much?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow immediately, and I continued, "You see, it's just so strange that you want Luke to get married to only me, and even when he doesn't want that, you keep on pressuring him.” "Who said I was pressuring him?" "Well, it's kind of clear, and..." I trailed off, noticing how we was just gazing at me. Wasn't an angry stare though, but it madefelt really uncomfortable.

"I think this is the part where I shut up," I said lowly, looking in a different direction.

Sir Reynold laughed, and then he walked closer to me. "Ariel, you are a special woman." "Special?" "Yes. There's just something about you that I can't even tell myself. You are awesome, you're wonderful, pretty, nice, you're just remarkable." 303 DESTINYS CALL "Wow, I...I don't know what to say." "Ariel, lettell you something. Since the moment I laid eyes on you, I saw a spark, a radiance that's rare to find. You possess a strength of character, a resilience that's truly admirable." I couldn't help but feel a warmth spread throughas he spoke, his words touching something deep within my soul.

"You have a kindness in your heart that shines through, even in the darkest of times," he continued, m he sincerity evident in every word. "And your determination, Ariel, it's something to be marveled at. You face challenges head-on, refusing to back down, and that, my dear, is a quality that not many possess." I listened intently, feeling a sense of validation wash over me. Sir Reynold's praise was unexpected yet incredibly uplifting.

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"And beyond all that, Ariel, you have a spirit that lights up any room you walk into," he said with a smile, his eyes reflecting genuine admiration. "You have this ability to bring joy to those around you, to uplift their spirits with just a smile or a kind word." His words were so touching. Honestly, I was speechless. The words were beautiful, and....and.. and I didn't even know what to say right now.

"So, my dear Ariel," Sir Reynold concluded, placing a hand on my shoulder once more "never doubt ve your worth your value. You are a treasure, a gem in this world, and anyone who fails to see that is simply blind to true beauty." I couldn't find the words to respond, my heart too full with gratitude for Sir Reynold's kindness. Instead, I simply nodded, a soft smile gracing my lips.

"Thank you," I whispered, giving him a fragile smile.

With a final nod, Sir Reynold turned and walked away, leavingstanding there, and I watched him. disappear into the distance.

His words were quite encouraging, but would this goddamn marriage match up to that? Different demeanor, between a grandfather and grandson.

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