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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 49
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He was drugged that night, and the lights were switched off when he was trying to force himself on her,

so she did not manage to catch a glimpse of his body. Sasha gulped. His damp torso glistened in the

light, accentuating and flattering his shapely muscles. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he spoke, but she

did not hear a thing. She was too busy following the water droplets that trickled down his chin and onto

his chest. “Are you done?” Sebastian said sharply. Sasha snapped out of her reverie. It suddenly

dawned on her how long she had been salivating over him like a slab of meat.

She wished the ground would just swallow her up just to spare her the embarrassment. “You were… I

just… I didn’t mean to… I thought you were done, and I wanted to speak to you.” She spluttered on in

an attempt to explain herself, not daring to look up. Her porcelain face had reddened like a tomato by

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then. Oh, come on. You’re not that innocent. You’re no stranger to flings and one-night stands. This isn’t the first naked body of a man you’ve seen. As she stood there deliberating with herself, Sebastian

slammed the door shut in her face. Sometime later, he emerged fully dressed.

“Well? What was it that was so important?” he snapped. Sebastian straightened up and addressed her

with a haughty glare. It was as if he had donned his familiar snarky persona along with that suit. His

disdain permeated the corridor and suffocated her, robbing her of her confidence. Sasha took a deep

breath and gulped. Bracing herself again, she blurted, “I would like to take care of Ian if that’s okay with

you.” “Take care? What right do you have to do that? You are an unfit mother. You can have another kid

with that adulterer and care for him!” The words were barely out of her mouth before she regretted

uttering them. His remark stung, but her mind was whirring with something else. Adulterer? Instantly,

her face became as white as a sheet. Why did he say that all of a sudden? Was he stalking me? Sasha’s embarrassment turned into indignation.

She glared at Sebastian. “Mr. Hayes, did you have me followed?” she asked, barely suppressing the

rage in her voice. “Follow you? Ms. Wand, you overestimate your importance. I do not need to do that. I

know everything that goes on around here.” he sneered at her, looking as evil as the Devil himself.

Sasha was stumped. This was his territory, so of course he had eyes everywhere. But why did he specifically mention the word “adulterer”? He is just a friend! “Yes, I went out last night with a friend,”

Sasha retorted defiantly. “But Mr. Hayes, watch your choice of words. He is most definitely not an

adulterer.” Sebastian was undeterred. “My choice of words? Tell me, Sasha Wand, have you ever

heard of a decent woman going out at that hour with a man and not have any agenda?” Sasha reached

her tipping point. “If I’m an indecent woman, what does that make you?

Remember when you brought your b*tch and paraded her in front of me when I was pregnant? What

does that make the two of you? A scumbag and a wench, that’s what the two of you are!” This time,

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she had gone too far. Sasha watched in slow motion as Sebastian raised his hand to strike her, his face

contorted with rage, but she was too petrified to move. “Mr. Hayes, what do you think you’re doing?”

Luke, who appeared just in time, yelled. With one stride, he stood between Sasha and Sebastian, who

was looking deranged and quite ready to beat her. This woman is asking to be killed! Luke restrained

Sebastian with some difficulty. “Mr. Hayes, calm down. She only spoke out of turn. I’m sure she didn’t

mean what she said.”

Then, he turned to Sasha. “Ms. Wand, you owe Mr. Hayes an apology. Did you know that he waited up

for you?” Sasha was frozen in place since she last spoke and finally came to her senses upon hearing

that, but her face turned deathly pale again. Luke was right—she did not mean to lose her temper. In

fact, she was waiting for Sebastian to get out of the shower to apologize for not showing up last night,

but his words had hurt her. That was when her anger got the better of her. Sasha hesitated for a

moment before she said, “The reason I came here was to apologize for last night. My friend needed

help, so I went with him. I only recalled our appointment after I went home, but it was too late.”