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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 81
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“Does it hurt a lot?” “No!” lied Sasha angrily. She was stubborn in denying her pain. However… He’s not listening at all! After that scum heard that she wasn’t in pain, he tossed her to the side. She was staring

in surprise when he picked up the ointment and pinched her chin. “Open your mouth,” ordered the man.

Sasha couldn’t speak. She swore that it only lasted a second, but she could sense her brain exploding

with a loud boom! Every thought in her mind stopped running. She was sitting so close to him that she

could hear his breathing. In the end, she opened her mouth obediently.

That was the first time they were that close to one another. It didn’t matter if it was five years ago or right

this moment in the washroom. Sasha’s heart still couldn’t help but beat faster and out of rhythm. At first,

Sebastian didn’t think much of it. He simply wanted to help that woman put the ointment on. She is so stupid. I honestly have never seen a woman this dumb before. Things changed when he put some

ointment on his finger and tapped gently on the woman’s soft lips.

A sense of familiarity suddenly zipped up his fingers to his heart. He was taken aback, and his mind

immediately recalled that wedding night from five years ago. He had always been a loner and had never

had much interest in women. Hence, he hadn’t been with any other woman over the past five years, and

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she was his one and only. He remembered that he was drugged that night. There were many things that

he could no longer recall, but he retained some memories of how he spent the night with a woman in his

arms. He recalled how she was as soft as a kitten and how her lips were especially soft.

That sweet, peach-like taste and her watery lips… Sebastian remembered what she tasted like, even

after all those years. His gaze suddenly turned wilder. He stared at those lips that had no lipstick on but

still looked soft and sexy. There was a moment when he actually felt the urge to kiss her. He wondered if

she tasted as good as she did five years ago. “S-Sebastian? A-are you done?” Sasha couldn’t bear with

it any longer. She had never been that close to him before, and his warm breath was caressing her face.

His other hand was also pinching her chin. That made her feel hot, and her heart raced. She didn’t dare

to look into his eyes because she was worried about falling for them again. Those eyes… They were my

downfall five years ago.

Fortunately, the man came around after she called out. All she saw was uncertainty and confusion

zipping past his eyes before he immediately applied the medicine to her lips and let her go. “How did

someone as stupid as you become a doctor?” The man immediately started dissing her again after he let

her go and walked out of the washroom. Sasha’s heart was still beating wildly. It took her a while to

gather herself and look into the mirror. She saw that her ears were still a little red from blushing too

much, so she turned on the tap. She only felt better after splashing some cold water on her face.

“What does any of this have to do with me being a doctor? I am not a nurse, and that is their job.”

“Excuses!” dissed Sebastian before he left. Sasha didn’t know where he went or what he planned to do.

She put her things away, then got out of the room to walk down the stairs. “Ms. Wand? D-did you just

come from Mr. Hayes’ room?” Sasha was surprised to bump into Wendy immediately after exiting the

room. The latter was holding a men’s suit at the time, and it looked like she was there to deliver the

clothes. Has he already left? Sasha nodded to answer Wendy’s question before adding, “Yeah, I was in

there to put some ointment on. What’s wrong? Wendy?” Wendy couldn’t speak. What’s wrong? This is

rather peculiar. This employer of mine rarely lets anyone enter his room, and he usually instructs me to

disinfect the entire room after the visitor left.

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That even applies to Ms. Green. So… why wasn’t I instructed to disinfect the room this time? Wendy was

a little stumped by all that. Sasha, however, had no idea what Wendy was thinking about, so she walked

down the stairs when the latter didn’t respond. Sasha had to go home. She left a note for her sleeping

son before asking Wendy to take care of the kid. Then, she left the place. Sasha had some extra time

that day, so after she went home, she decided to make good use of it.

Her two babies were still studying in their preschool, so she wanted to cook a great meal to make up for

her two angels. It had been a while since she prepared a nice meal for them. Sasha went to the grocery

store. “Nancy, what a coincidence.” Sasha was picking out the ingredients when she suddenly heard

someone approaching and greeting her in a surprised tone. Sasha shifted her gaze over and turned to

the person beside her. “Solomon,” said Sasha, “

Hi, I just got here. I’m thinking about buying some ingredients to make some calzone for dinner. What

brought you here?” “I had a meeting nearby with a client, and I just finished discussing work with him.”

Solomon had always been a gentleman. He was wearing a pair of glasses with gold frames, and a light

grey windbreaker. He looked relax and handsome.