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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 85
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What do I do? What can I do to gain his trust again? How do I make sure he doesn’t get distracted by anyone else? She looked down and let the tears fall as she clenched her fists tightly. “Yes, I don’t see Ian

as my own child, because I want to have one of my own!” “What?” Sebastian exclaimed, rising from his

seat abruptly. “Your own child?” Xandra looked into his eyes and continued, “Yes, Sebastian, I want a

child of my own. I have craved for reciprocated love and emotional contribution from your end for five

whole years?” Sebastian fell silent with a grim expression on his face. However, Xandra was not going to

give up.

This was her chance to fight back, and she would not let that chance slip by. “I feel neglected and scared

every night, and I see nothing but you leaving me behind every time I close my eyes,” she said

sorrowfully. “Don’t you know, Sebastian? I was the girl who left you those letters under that magnolia tree

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for ten years. I didn’t want to reveal myself, simply because I was scared that you’ll treat me like I was

transparent!” She opened her bag with shaking hands and took something out. Sebastian narrowed his

eyes at the sight of the object that she took out. It was just an old fountain pen wrapped in an old and

yellowing handkerchief, but Sebastian could see the magnolia flower embroidery on its edges from

where he was standing.

He curled his fingers instinctively. “I’ve never thought of sucking up to you, so I never expected you to

write back. You told me afterwards that you’ll take care of me for the decades to come in return for the

warmth I gave you those ten years, and that’s why I went home with you. Don’t you remember,

Sebastian?” Xandra cried, almost choking on her tears. Sebastian pinched his fingers together. He

prided himself on his self-control, and he knew Xandra’s true intentions. Somehow, he managed to keep

his emotions in check despite her irritating attempts to get his attention. “What do you want, exactly?” he

asked. Xandra looked up with a start, her pitiful act completely forgotten. What do I want? I want to return

to your side and live like how we used to before! Without even bothering to wipe her crocodile tears off

her face, Xandra blabbered,

“No, nothing much. I just wish to go back to Frontier Bay and make up for my mistakes… “ “There’s no

need, Xandra,” Sebastian said coldly. “Now listen up. I won’t let you touch my son ever again.” Xandra’s

hopeful expression disappeared immediately, and her face turned as pale as a sheet. Left with no

choice, she decided to change gears. “Can I come and work here instead? I really miss you, Sebastian.

Is there any position that I can fill?” she asked. “Work here?” Sebastian repeated quietly, eyes still trained

on her. By the time Sasha heard of Ian’s plan to get her a job at the Hayes Corporation, it was already

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the next afternoon. Her eyes widened when he told her about his plan. “Why are you telling me to work

at your Daddy’s company? I’m a doctor! I can work in a hospital!” Ian raised his head to look at her in the

eyes as he slung his bag over his shoulders. “

I’ll go to school if you agree to work at Daddy’s company.” Huh? Sasha stared at him with a perplexed

expression on her face. What has going to school got to do with me working at the scum’s

company? Since when did he learn to strike deals with people? Sasha pondered over it for a moment

and decided to mention a certain person as a last resort. “You see, Ian, getting into your Daddy’s

company isn’t as easy as you think. Your Daddy doesn’t even like me.”

She bent down and looked into his eyes as she spoke those words while trying her best to hide her

sorrow. Isn’t it true? He’ll never let someone like me work at his company. He wouldn’t even have let me into his life if not for Ian’s illness! However, Ian simply grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the

house. “Let’s go and see Daddy!” Huh? What in the world is happening? Sasha’s eyes widened in shock

as she stumbled after Ian.