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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109 Diana's pov Is he angry? But why would he be angry? | can’t find any reason.

It can’t be because Ryley hugged me; is he jealous? | disregarded the emotions in his eyes, smiling wryly, “Whatever | do here seems to have nothing to do with you, Alpha Nathan.” “Diana, I..." Nathan seemed to want to say something more, but | didn’t give him the chance.

“Alpha Nathan, the message you had Healer relay to me, | remember it all. | believe you haven't forgotten,” | said.

-Anything related to me, he doesn’t want to know.

He won't be involved in the further investigation of Gummy Skull.

Nathan choked up, lips pressed into a thin line. In his amber eyes, there seemed to be a hint of struggle.

...What is he struggling with? Realizing | was once again succumbing to curiosity about him, | frowned irritably.

“I don’t know why your attitude towardssuddenly changed, but continuing to investigate is really unnecessary. Since you've said we should step back to being strangers, I'll abide by that. | hope...” | stared at Nathan without blinking, enunciating each word, “You will abide by it as well. | won't disturb you, and | hope you won't disturbanymore.” Nathan looked atwith icy coldness, offering no verbal response.

| didn’t expect any reaction from him either.

For me, this conversation has cto an end.

The annoying music downstairs continues, along with the shouts of men and women, drilling into my ears like needles.

| don’t linger, | turn and leave with Ryley.

Ryley supportedto his car parked at the bar's entrance.

Before he could open the back seat door, | sat in the front passenger seat.

There are too many doubts about tonight, not just because of Nathan.

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Ryley glanced atfor a moment, said nothing, circled around the front of the car, and took the driver's seat.

For a while, neither of us spoke. That's normal; after all, Ryley has always been silent, unconditionally executing all my commands, giving a sense of security that betrayal will never come.

But is that really the case? | haven't forgotten he was sent by William to be by my side.

“How did you end up in this bar?” After a long silence, | broke the silence.

Ryley wasn’t supposed to be on the trip to Dark Moon Pack; he should be at Blade Moon Pack at the moment.

I don’t think it's a coincidence.

| inevitably associate Ryley with William, even suspecting that William brought him here, and maybe William is in this bar right now! Nathan just mentioned Gummy Skull... Did Nathan accidentally hear or see something? The car fell into complete silence.

Ryley didn’t answer my question.

“Why aren’t you talking?” | asked.

“Because... | don’t want to lie to you,” Ryley’s voice said heavily, his gaze through the windshield fixed on something indiscernible.

This time, the silent one was me.

Ryley’s response seemed like a tacit admission.

Suddenly, | found it hard to breathe.

| rolled down the car window, letting the night wind blow in.

Instantly, my thoughts becclearer.

I no longer insisted on getting a specific answer from Ryley but asked, “Ryley, can I still trust you?” Tpassed slowly; | felt like | could hear the ticking of the watch hands moving one grid at a time.

Just when | thought Ryley would rejectwith silence as before, suddenly, Ryley spoke.

“No,” he said, lowering his head, his knuckles on the steering wheel turning white, “Don’t trust me; | am William's man.” | widened my eyes in astonishment.

Of course, | knew Ryley belonged to William, but hearing it directly from Ryley was different.

I, in my presumptuous imagination, thought maybe Ryley would choosebetween him and William.

| reached out a hand, placing it on the back of Ryley’s hand.

“Ryley, you...” However, just as | was about to confirm Ryley’s meaning, my phone rang.

“Diana! Where are you? | can’t find you anywhere!” I hesitated.

Oh no! | forgot Nora was still at the bar! Ten minutes later, Nora sat in the back seat, arms crossed, casting a scrutinizing gaze atand Ryley.

“You lefthanging without a word just to go on a date with this guy?” “Date... a date?” | was shocked, turning to explain to Nora, “You've got it wrong, Ryley... Ryley is my assistant, and we just happened to run into each other.” I didn’t plan to tell Nora much about William and Gummy Skull; I didn’t want to involve her in dangerous matters.

Unexpectedly, Nora wasn’t buying my explanation at all.

She rolled her eyes, sneered, and sarcastically said, “Assistant? Happened to run into each other? You and your assistant coincidentally met in the car? Con! What were you two really doing in the car?” Nora’s head squeezed between the two front seats, her eyes gleaming with gossip. “Are you secretly kissing, or even 11 Before Nora could say anything more absurd, | quickly pressed her head down and pushed her back.

“Don’t talk nonsense, it really is my assistant, and it really was a coincidence!” Nora made a skeptical sound of disbelief.

Worried that Ryley might feel annoyed by Nora’s words, | glanced at Ryley, ready to say something to diffuse the awkwardness. However, | noticed that Ryley’s ears and neck seemed to be turning red.

I was stunned.

Ryley, a silent assassin feared even in the underworld, blushing due to such a trivial jest? No way... | must have misread it.

So, | blinked, about to confirm whether my eyes were playing tricks onwhen, with a soft “click,” the car's overhead light went out. In the vast darkness, a somewhat stiff voice echoed.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I'm going to drive,” | heard Ryley say.

The engine roared, and the car smoothly merged onto the highway. With Nora around, discussing anything related to William was not suitable, so we maintained a tacit silence throughout the journey.

At six in the morning, Nora barged into my room with a crowd in tow. | stared at the makeup artist, hairstylist, and the maid pushing in a dozen haute couture dresses behind her, dumbfounded.

“What... what's going on here?” | asked.

Nora confidently and loudly laughed.

“Of course, we're going to dress you up nicely. You'll shine at the engagement banquet, make Nathan regret losing this gem, and choose someone like Avia. She's just a low-grade gravel!” | sighed, rubbing my forehead. Nora pulled my arm, urgingto choose a dress.

“How about this one?” she asked. “I absolutely love this one!” The dress Nora pointed to was a Dior haute couture, a modified version of the “New Look” design, worth millions and indeed exuding an air of noble elegance.

But | didn’t really want to refuse.

“This one looks too much like a wedding gown. People might think I'm attending an engagement banquet, or worse, trying to elope,” | said.

“Elope?” Nora displayed sheer disgust. “No way! Who would want to elope with a guy like Nathan? Let's pick something else!” Nora picked up another gown, a black one adorned with diamonds. “How about this? It's Chanel. It doesn’t look like you're eloping, right?” “No, it’s not good,” | shook my head again. “It’s too extravagant. While it doesn’t The engine roared, and the car smoothly merged onto the highway. With Nora around, discussing anything related to William was not suitable, so we maintained a tacit silence throughout the journey.

At six in the morning, Nora barged into my room with a crowd in tow. | stared at the makeup artist, hairstylist, and the maid pushing in a dozen haute couture dresses behind her, dumbfounded.

“What... what's going on here?” | asked.

Nora confidently and loudly laughed.

“Of course, we're going to dress you up nicely. You'll shine at the engagement banquet, make Nathan regret losing this gem, and choose someone like Avia. She's just a low-grade gravel!” | sighed, rubbing my forehead. Nora pulled my arm, urgingto choose a dress. “How about this one?” she asked. “I absolutely love this one!” The dress Nora pointed to was a Dior haute couture, a modified version of the “New Look” design, worth millions and indeed exuding an air of noble elegance.

But | didn’t really want to refuse.

“This one looks too much like a wedding gown. People might think I'm attending an engagement banquet, or worse, trying to elope,” | said.

“Elope?” Nora displayed sheer disgust. “No way! Who would want to elope with a guy like Nathan? Let's pick something else!” Nora picked up another gown, a black one adorned with diamonds. “How about this? It's Chanel. It doesn’t look like you're eloping, right?” “No, it’s not good,” | shook my head again. “It’s too extravagant. While it doesn’t scream elopement, it does give off the vibe of trying to snatch Nathan's Alpha position.” “Uh... what about this one? Pink, sparkly.” “Still not good. Too flashy.” “Flashy isn’t good? It'll make everyone's eyes focus on you, and Avia will be so jealous!” | sighed repeatedly and finally settled on a light green long dress from the collection.

“This one looks too plain,” Nora disapproved, shaking her head. “Also, though it’s Elie Saab haute couture, it hasn’t been officially released. People who don’t know might think you're wearing/sunknown brand.” “It’s fine,” | shrugged. “This dress goes well with my headpiece.

“What headpiece?” Nora looked puzzled, following my gaze to the dressing table. After a few seconds, she screamed in excitement, “Ah, ‘Heart of the Ocean,’ the flagship of the store!” Nora ran excitedly to the dressing table, staring at the crystal and gold tiara for a long tbefore reluctantly turning away and saying, “Indeed, with this crown, doesn’t matter what you wear. You're destined to be the center of attention!” it