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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136 Diana's pov My heart tightened.

Frowning, | asked, “If you're looking for Healer, go find Healer. Why knock on my door?” 0 “A nurse saw Healer entering your room.” | recalled that not long ago, due to my failing health, | had entered the room in Healer’s attire.

It must have been when the passing nurse saw me.

Once | understood, | sighed in relief.

“Healer has already left,” | said without changing my expression. “If you want to find her, you can contact her by phone.” With that, | raised my hand to close the door.

“Ah!” A miserable cry stopped my actions.

Avia suddenly pulled back her rapidly swelling hand, tears streaming down her pitiful and innocent face.

Nathan immediately lowered his head to inspect Avia’s injury, his eyes filled with concern and worry.

Watching this scene, | couldn't help but sarcastically smile.

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Nathan's forehead twitched, his face turning icy. He wrapped his freezing gaze around me.

“Why are you laughing?” | was surprised.

“What? Is it wrong forto laugh? Who says | can’t laugh? Or is it that the entire world must cry just because your fiancée got hurt?” Anger surged through my chest, making my heart and wounds ache.

| said unkindly, “Whether she gets hurt or not has nothing to do with me. Even if she dies, it’s none of my business. Oh! That's not entirely accurate. Considering what she did to me, if she really died, I'd throw a party to celebrate.” Avia cried even harder. “Nathan, did you hear? Clearly... Clearly, Diana injured my hand... She not only refuses to apologize but also... cursesto death!” | coldly snorted, rolled my eyes, displaying the indifference and disgust in my eyes.

“Yeah, | cursed you to death! Why aren't you dead yet?” “Diana!” A warning-laden voice sounded, and Nathan looked atsternly. “Apologize to Avia!” My thoughts momentarily froze for two seconds.

| was shocked. Where did Nathan get the nerve to makeapologize to Avia! “Truly mentally disturbed. “I shook my head. looking at these two people.

“Yeah, | cursed you to death! Why aren't you dead yet?” “Diana!” A warning-laden voice sounded, and Nathan looked atsternly. “Apologize to Avia!” My thoughts momentarily froze for two seconds.

| was shocked. Where did Nathan get the nerve to makeapologize to Avia! “Truly mentally disturbed...” | shook my head, looking at these two people unbelievably. “Both of you... are not quite right in the head.” | attempted to close the door for the second time.

For the second time, | failed.

This time, Nathan held onto the door.

1 Unlike Avia, Nathan's strength far surpassed mine. His sudden force caused my back injury to flare up.

The intense pain almost made my legs go weak, and | almost knelt on the ground.

Biting my lip, | looked up at Nathan, enduring the intense pain.

“What the hell are you trying to do? If you still wantand Avia to apologize, | advise you not to dream! Damn! Can't you see she voluntarily extended her hand? How about this-did you blthe tree for blocking your way when you crashed your car into it? If her hand got caught in the door, did the door also trap your brain?” Nathan was momentarily stunned, seemingly not expectingto explode like this. After a long pause, he said, “I just wanted to ask if you knew where Healer is now. Avia is not feeling well and needs Healer to check on her.” Avia coughed a few times while clutching her chest.

| closed my eyes, trying to calm down reluctantly.

“I told you, Healer has left. If you want to contact Healer, just call-" “I've called her many times.” Nathan interrupted me. “But she hasn't answered, so we cto find you.” | fell silent for a moment, guessing that when Nathan called me, | was in the shower, and after coming out, | hurried to sleep, missing his calls.

But now, | genuinely lacked the strength to continue treating Avia.

Observing Avia’s complexion, | speculated that she probably just had a common cold. So, | suggested, “You should find a regular doctor to examine Avia first. If that doesn’t solve the issue, then look for Healer.” | thought my suggestion was reasonable.

But suddenly, Avia angrily pointed atand shouted, “Diana! You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? You knew | wasn't feeling well, so you deliberately sent Healer away and won't let her answer our calls... You want to kill me!” What is she talking about? | gripped the doorknob, gasping for breath, and the surging cold sweat soaked through the wound on my back Pain, fatigue, and weakness blurred my consciousness...

Nathan glanced atwith confusion and asked, “What's wrong with you?” Realizing | couldn’t hold on much longer, | decided to cclean.

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“The injuries from my car accident haven't healed yet, and | need to rest. So, could you please leave?” Nathan paused, then furrowed his brow, and there was a strangely amusing worry flickering in his eyes.

However, the next moment, Avia screamed, “You're lying! Do you think | don’t know when you had the car accident? It's been over ten days, and according to a werewolf’s recovery speed, your injuries should be healed by now! You're clearly faking it, trying to gain Nathan’s sympathy! Then you plan to take advantage and snatch Healer away so she can’t treat me!” The pain renderedspeechless.

At this moment, just standing here had exhausted all my strength.

Yet, my silence seemed to convey a different meaning to Nathan-I was guilty.

“Is what Avia said true?” Nathan asked in a cold voice.

| clutched the doorknob tightly, leaning part of my body’s weight against the door. After taking a long breath, | gave a sarcastic smile.

“Is there a need to ask me? Didn't you already believe that I'm faking it and deliberately sent Healer away? No matter how much | explain, what's the point? Think whatever you want; | don’t care.” “Diana!” Nathan, furious, raised his voice.

| disdainfully glanced at him, taunting, “Why shout so loud? Does having a loud voice make you right? Aren't you afraid of scaring your weak and sickly fiancée?” Nathan's face grew darker, and his gaze turned icy. | felt my last ounce of strength being drained away.

Everything spun around me, and | fell backward.

Bang! | heard the heavy sound of my body hitting the floor.

Yet, | couldn’t perceive much pain.

| only vaguely felt something warm and sticky under me, spreading...

It seemed like my blood.