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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 144
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Chapter 144 Third-person POV Kayden'’s face contorted with rage as he paced back and forth in the office at Kayden’s face contorted with rage ash his home. The news he had just received from one of his men had infuriated him to no end. How had they managed to lose Marlene? And worse yet, someone had cto her rescue, thwarting his carefully crafted plan to bury her alive in a coffin and be done with her once and for all.

Grabbing his phone, his hands trembling with anger, Kayden dialed the number of the incompetent fool he had hired for the job. The phone rang, and finally, the man picked up.

“What the hell happened?! You imbecile!” Kayden bellowed, his voice laced with fury. “How could you let her slip away?” The hired killer stammered, clearly intimidated by Kayden'’s rage. “I... I'm sorry, Mr. Black. It was unexpected.

Someone, out of nowhere, showed up, started shooting at us, and he ended up saving her.” Kayden’s anger surged even higher, his face turning a deep shade of red. “Do you have any comprehension of the consequences, you fool? You had one job and one opportunity to eliminate that one insignificant woman, but you just had to blow it like an idiot! Now, find her and make sure you do your jobs right this twithout excuses, or | promise you, you'll be the one buried in a coffin!” With that final warning, Kayden abruptly ended the call, his breath heavy with 1/6 Emergency calls only M 041% 12:41 Chapter 144 5 Stars frustration. He hated that he had underestimated Marlene’s resourcefulness, and now he had a brewing storm in the form of Marlene’s rage to contend with. He paced the room, his mind racing with the implications of Marlene’s escape and her potential knowledge of his involvement.

As he brooded over the possibilities, his phone began to ring, the jarring sound cutting through his thoughts.

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Irritated by the interruption, Kayden intended to ignore the call, but when he saw that it was Martin, his best friend and assistant, his annoyance subsided, replaced by curiosity.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Kayden quickly answered the call. “Martin, what's going on?” he asked, trying to keep his voice from betraying his pent-up frustrations.

latin wh There was a slight pause, and then Martin's voice cthrough the phone, sounding more urgent than usual.

“Kayden, have you heard the news?” Confused, Kayden replied, “News? What are you talking about, Martin? Get to the point.” The sound of Martin sighing deeply reached Kayden’s ears before he spoke again.” Switch on your TV, Kayden.

There have been multiple fire outbreaks, and they're reporting that most of them are at your warehouses and ongoing construction sites.” Kayden’s heart skipped a beat as Martin's words sank in. Fire outbreaks? His properties and projects? Dread, accompanied by a sinking feeling, knotted his stomach, and he didn’t want to believe that was possible.

With Martin still on the line. Kayden scrambled to find the remote control and 216 Emergency calls only MO a 041% 12:41 Chapter 144 5 Stars With Martin still on the line, Kayden scrambled to find the remote control and turned on the television. The news channel appeared, showcasing footage of billowing flames engulfing what he immediately recognized as his warehouses, which looked almost nothing like he remembered.

As Kayden watched the chaotic scenes unfold, his eyes widened, and his n echoed through the newscaster’s voice. Panic gripped him as the realization hit. Since Marlene would never be capable of such damage, that would mean that whoever was responsible for this was none other than Richard Romero.

Kayden'’s face contorted with anger as he watched the news coverage of his properties engulfed in flames. He clenched his fists, feeling the weight of his staggering losses. How could this be happening to him? How could he be losing billions of dollars in the blink of an eye? “Kayden, are you okay?” Martin asked cautiously, concern lacing his voice.

“How can | be okay, Martin? Look at this!” Kayden spat out, gesturing toward the television screen displaying images of his burning empire. “Billions of dollars have just gone down the drain like it was nothing. Do you know how much this would cost us?” Understanding the magnitude of Kayden’s anger, Martin took a moment to gather his thoughts. “We need to find out who's responsible for this,” he said firmly.

“It’s obvious that this was done deliberately to sabotage you.” Kayden let out a frustrated sigh, his mind racing with a mix of anger, betrayal, and helplessness. “Of course, it was deliberate. Someone was out to destroy me, and I'm sure it’s that bastard, Romero,” he growled. “Martin, | need you to find out the cause of this fire | can’t let Richard get away with 3/6 Emergency calls only MO Chapter 144 111 attivic a lean any Star II 041% O 12:42 5 Stars 00000 The arcu nayuun.

Taking a deep breath, Kayden shifted his focus to the practical matters at hand. “Tell me, Martin, what is the extent of the damage? How much will this fire cost me?” Martin's face turned grim as he relayed his estimation. “Depending on the severity of the situation, we're looking at a debt of over two billion dollars, Kayden,” he replied, his voice weighted with the severity of the news. “Most of our ongoing projects will have to be restarted, and there is a possibility that clients will withdraw and demand full refunds.” Kayden let out another frustrated sigh, the sheer magnitude of the loss overwhelming him. “Two billion dollars,” he muttered, his voice laced with disbelief. “This has to be ssick joke.” “What about insurance? Can they help cover any of these damages?” he asked, his desperation evident.

“Insurance will only cover the damages once they confirm the cause of the fire,” Martin explained. “If it was an accident or as a result of our negligence, then we shouldn't expect much assistance. However, if it is proven to be arson, as we suspect, then insurance should be able to cover at least a portion of the debt.” “Alright, Martin,” he said, his voice laced with a mixture of urgency and rage. Just getthe information | need.

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Find out the cause of the fire outbreak immediately, and | want to know what Richard is up to, and | want answers to everything and how it turned upside down.” 4/6 Emergency calls only 041% 12.42 Chapter 144 “Understood, Kayden. I'll get right on it. We already have an investigator looking into the fire, and I'll personally ensure we have all the information as soon as possible.” 5 Stars Kayden nodded, appreciating Martin's efficiency. “Good. And while you're at it, dig deeper into Richard’s and Amber's recent activities. | want to know everything-every move they've been making.” Martin nodded in understanding. “Consider it done.” Kayden’s hands trembled with both anger and frustration as he hung up the phone. The news of a fire outbreak at several of his properties was the last straw, and he was even more determined to make Rylan pay for messing with his money.

With a deep sigh, Kayden moved across his office, the scent of liquor filling the air. He reached the elaborate bar, pouring himself a generous glass of whiskey. The alcohol burned his throat, temporarily calming the storm that raged in him.

As the amber liquid coursed through his veins, Kayden’s mind spun with plans of revenge.

Kayden would be lost in his thoughts until he suddenly heard the unexpected knock on his office door, which caused his brows to furrow in confusion. He was in no mood to be disturbed, his mind consumed with thoughts of the devastating fire that had bechis newest problem. Frustrated, he called out, his tone commanding.

“I don’t want to see anyone right now! Leavebe!” 5/6 Emergency calls only MO 041% 12.42 Chapter 144 5 Stars But as the door swung open without his permission, Kayden'’s irritation quickly turned to shock. His eyes widened as he beheld Marlene, standing by the doorway with a twisted smirk on her face. Her eyes gleamed with a chilling combination of mania and sadism, and Kayden mentally braced himself for the worst.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He demanded, his voice laced with both confusion and a growing sense of apprehension.

Marlene took a step forward, her heels clicking ominously against the marble floor. There was a dangerous air about her, as if she had something menacing planned. Ignoring Kayden’s question, she mockingly tilted her head to the side.

“My, my, Kayden,” she purred, her voice dripping with false sweetness. “You seem a little stressed. I'm here to provide a distraction if you'd like.” “Get out of here, Marlene. I'm not in the mood to deal with you,” Kayden Emergency calls only M warned, his frustration mounting, and Marlene chuckled.

“Sorry for you, my dear husband, but I'm here to stay for a while. You and | have a lot to talk about, don’t you agree?” Marlene responded, and as Kayden stared at the malice in Marlene’s eyes, he could only think to himself that whatever conversation he and Marlene had tonight, no matter how it ended, only one of them would leave this office unscathed, and it wasn’t going to be Marlene.