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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93 Diana's pov At first, | didn’t know Nathan had arrived.

| just heard footsteps of leather shoes stepping on the marble floor from behind. Immediately after, | saw Avia running past me, with a sweet smile on her face. “Nathan!” She shouted happily, “Have you gotten our ring?” “Got it.” A deep voice rang out.

And it was at that moment that I turned around.

Nathan was originally taking out a box containing a ring, but when he saw me, his movements suddenly stopped.

He looked shocked, as if he didn’t know | would chere.

| smiled lightly.

| didn’t understand what he was pretending. Wasn't that message from him? Following Nathan's gaze, Avia looked atwith a stiff smile on her face, but she quickly adjusted her state and said to Nathan, “I asked Diana to cover.” Nathan's face was a bit unpleasant, but when he faced Avia, his tone remained gentle.

“Why? Don’t you want to see her?” “Nathan, I've thought about it. Since we're getting engaged, | decide to forget all the things before, including...” Avia paused and continued, “including the things Diana did tobefore. | forgive her.” Nathan stared at Avia, with complex emotions in his eyes, including surprise, confusion, guilt, affection...or something else.

“I believe that the Moon Goddess will wishhappy for a lifetbecause of my choice.” Avia’s mouth curved upwards and she gazed affectionately at Nathan. “And you are my happiness. You won't letdown, will you?” Nathan's throat rolled and after a while, he said in a hoarse voice, “Yes.” Avia’s laughter was crisp. “Where’s my ring? Open it and show me!” Nathan lifted the lid of the box and a ten carat diamond ring shimmered under the crystal chandelier.

Avia was pleasantly surprised and reached out her left hand, looking at Nathan expectantly.

Nathan pondered for a moment, then picked up the ring and placed it on Avia’s middle finger.

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“I love you,” Avia tiptoed up and kissed Nathan's cheek.

The two looked at each other affectionately, as if a perfect match.

“Diana!” Avia ran up toand showedthe diamond ring on her left hand, excitedly asking, “Look at my diamond ring. Isn't it beautiful?” | seemed to see Nathan's figure swaying slightly, with a somewhat stiff expression on his face.

But | chose to ignore it because | believed it was my illusion.

I showed a fake smile like Avia’s “Very beautiful. Wish you happiness.” “Thank you, | also think Nathan and | will definitely be happy. Diana, you also need to work hard and find a new partner. Although...he will definitely not be better than Nathan, at least...” “Avia.” Nathan interrupted her and took a few steps forward. “Didn't you have to choose the items for the engagement banquet?” “Yes! Nathan, | was just struggling with what flowers we should use. Do you have any good ideas?” Avia asked.

“You can decide,” Nathan said. “You don’t need to seek my opinion. Choose everything you like.” The wedding planner walked over and asked Avia when she would go to choose the tablecloth.

“Now, my fiancé is also here,” Avia smiled and wrapped her hands around Nathan's left arm.

| lowered my head and glanced at my watch.

It was exactly two o’clock in the afternoon.

| didn’t think Nathan would go to The Enchantment withanymore, so | stopped lingering and turned around to leave.

“Where are you going?” Nathan's big hand wrapped around my arm.

| frowned impatiently and said, “Let go!” Nathan stared atwith a deep gaze and said, “Wait for me.” “I don’t have tto wait for you. You'd better accompany your fiancée to choose the items for your engagement banquet. That matter had nothing to do with you.” | was not interested in interrupting their date.

But Nathan still didn’t let go.

Everyone stopped their work and looked over here.

Avia’s smile gradually faded away.

She looked up at Nathan and whispered, “Nathan, let go of Diana. So many people are watching...” Nathan had a struggling expression in his eyes, but in the end, he still let go of me. | sneered and walked away without looking back.

Coming out of the wedding building, | couldn't help but curse, “Bastard.".

In my opinion, it was not a problem for Nathan to accompany Avia. They were getting engaged and it was normal for them to be together.

But why did these two people insist on callingover? To makea backdrop for their great love? And Nathan... Since he couldn't do it, why did he offer to accompanyto The Enchantment? | have repeatedly rejected him, but if it weren't for his strong demands, I...

A sour breath emanated from my throat, and my heart felt as if it had been blocked by something.

So...all of this was Nathan's strategy, right? He said he wanted to accompanyto The Engagement, but in reality, he just wanted to trickinto going to the wedding company and showhow much he loved Avia. He even allowed Avia to show off toand make fun of me! “Despicable bastard!” | kicked the flower bed on the roadside fiercely in anger. In an instant, a sharp pain hit.

| took a deep breath and suddenly realized that my behavior was foolish.

| was crazy enough to waste tsulking here.

| rubbed my face and tried my best to calm my mood, but behindcan unpleasant voice- “Who is the despicable bastard?” | suddenly turned around and saw Nathan's face.

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“You...did you...” “In order not to beca despicable bastard, | abandoned my fiancée and chased you in front of everyone,” Nathan said.

| didn’t know what to say for a moment.

“Let's go.” Nathan turned around. “My car is parked in the underground garage.”.

Meanwhile, | received a text message from Avia.

‘Diana, you bitch! What did you say to Nathan? He leftbehind! In front of everyone! I've lost all my face! Diana, you did it on purpose, right? You disgusting mistress! A despicable woman! You stole my husband!” My fingers tightened slightly.

Avia’s anger certainly pleased me, but her words also remindedto sextent. “Diana, what are you looking at?” Nathan turned around and asked me, seeing that | hadn't followed.

“Nathan,” | said calmly without moving, “you go back.” Nathan looked atwith a puzzled expression.

“Are you still angry? | can explain. | didn’t mean to tease you. | thought you would waijt forin the underground garage. | didn’t know Avia called you too. | didn’t mean to...” “So what?” | let out a long sigh and said calmly, “It’s a fact that you and Avia are about to get engaged. You should be with her now, not me. And...with our previous relationship, we should avoid any meetings. You should be responsible to Avia, responsible for your feelings. And I...should be responsible for myself.” Nathan fell silent and stared atfor a long time.

After a while, he said, “Diana, | know what I’m doing. Since I'm engaged to Avia, | won't betray her. You don’t have to worry about me...doing anything to you. I'll accompany you to The Engagement, just because I'm also concerned about it. After all, besides Avia, I'm also a victim of Gummy Skull now. | need to know who caused this.

Besides...” Nathan frowned, with a hint of annoyance appearing between his eyebrows. “Until the truth is found out, you are still a suspect for harming Avia. | won't forget that.” The implication was that there was no possibility between him and me.

| instinctively clenched my palm, and my fingertips touched the wound, causing a sharp pain.

But I smiled.

“I understand,” | said.

“So, can you cwithnow?” Nathan asked.

An hour later, Nathan and | entered The Enchantment.