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The Luna Is Gone by Angelique Quinn

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 When | hurriedly returned to the wedding planner’s place and pushed open the glass door, Avia and Cameron were sitting on chairs, listening to classical music, enjoying the maid's service, and leisurely tasting desserts.

Anger surged in my heart; | suddenly realized | had been played by them! Avia and Cameron obviously hadn't noticed my arrival, chatting happily.

“Don’t worry, Mom. Just now, | deliberately sent her a message, telling her that Nathan left because | got burned, not because | falsely claimed you passed out. If she has any shleft, she should stay away from my Nathan.” “You always are smart, I-* “What are you talking about?” | asked coldly, almost unable to believe my ears. What had they fabricated about Diana behind my back? Without my knowledge, what had they told Diana? “Nathan!” Avia saw me, trotted over, and grabbed my arm. “You're finally back. I'm tasting the cake for our wedding with Mom. Cand try-" “Avia.” | interrupted her sharply, looking at her in disbelief.

The brighter she smiled, the clearer Diana's weak appearance becin my mind.

Suppressing the anger within me, | shook off her hand.

“What were you and Cameron talking about? What burn... Did you message Diana?” “No, | didn’t.” Avia immediately denied. “You heard it wrong.” “Then explain what happened. What's the story about Cameron fainting? She's perfectly fine sitting here!” “I... | just wanted you to cback.” Avia shrugged, explaining with her shoulders hunched. “You're my fiancé.

What's wrong with wanting you to be with me?” “So, lying is the solution?” | looked at her, somewhat puzzled. “Avia, you've changed a lot. | almost don’t recognize you. Are you still the kind girl who savedand Cameron from the warehouse? Why can’t | find a trace of her in you?” Avia’s face turned pale instantly, and her lips trembled slightly. For a moment, | seemed to see panic in her eyes..

“That's enough!” Cameron slammed the table suddenly. “Nathan, it’swho had Avia tell you that | fainted. It has nothing to do with her. If you want to blsomeone, blme.” | looked at Cameron, my mother, in disbelief.

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“You had Avia lie to me?” | questioned, “Have you forgotten my identity? How dare you-" “Nathan, | am your mother!” Cameron stood up from the chair. “Even if | lied to you, are you going to punish me?!” | silently clenched my fist.

Cameron walked to Avia’s side and embraced her.

While comforting Avia, Cameron sternly said to me, “Nathan, Avia is your fiancée. Think about it. For a malicious woman, you abandoned your fiancée. Do you think you're doing the right thing? This woman is also the one who caused Avia to be gang-raped! If | didn’t pretend to be sick and make you cback, do you plan to keep making mistakes? How can you speak to your mother, your fiancée, and even doubt Avia’s identity because of such a morally corrupt woman? Don't forget, if it weren't for Avia, both you and | would have died!” “I've said | will reinvestigate Diana's case! Until the investigation results cout, she is not the culprit!” | growled.

“Who says she isn’t?” Cameron sneered. “Lettell you, even if she didn’t harm Avia, you're already engaged to Avia! You should be clear about who is the most important woman in your life.

Cameron gavea cold glare, grabbed Avia’s hand, and said, “Cwith Mom, let him reflect on his own. One day, he will realize how foolish it was to trust that vile Diana! And you, are his only correct choice.

“Damn it!” | muttered under my breath, roughly rubbing my hair. After several deep breaths, | managed to calm down.

Regardless, the priority was to call Diana. She still had the aftermath of Gummy Skull, and she had just learned the devastating news about William possibly deceiving her for many years! But what did | do? | left her on the roadside! | promised her that no matter what happened, | would be with her... and | broke that promise.

Regret, self-blame, anxiety, guilt, heartache... Myriad emotions intertwined in my heart, causingto misdial the number several times.

Finally making the call, someone calledat the stime. My first thought was Diana! | quickly answered the call, eager, “Diana, it's me, |—" “Nathan?” Omar's voice cfrom the phone, carrying a slight surprise, extinguishing all my enthusiasm.

“How did you know | was calling you about Diana?” he asked.

“I...” My voice was hoarse. | pinched my forehead, calming down a bit. “Is there progress in the investigation?” “Not progress.” Omar said, “It's already cleared up.” | tightened my grip on the phone. | felt like my heart stopped beating; | even dared not breathe.

“The answer is...” “Nathan, | know the following words will cause you great pain, but the fact is so. The mastermind behind the gang rape of Avia is...” Omar sighed, speaking slowly, “Diana!” “Impossible!” | shouted at the phone, “Go and investigate again! | don’t believe Diana would do such a thing!” “Nathan.” Omar threw out another piece of evidence. “We obtained the surveillance video of Diana bribing those people. I've sent it to your email. Believe it or not...

You'll know when you see it.

Omar hung up before | could respond.

The air was filled with deathly silence. | stood still for a few seconds, then slowly opened the email and played the video.

The video was silent. A woman wearing a beret and a high-collared trench coat was talking to a group of thugs on the street. The woman's back was facing me, making her face unclear. Fifteen minutes later, she handed them smoney. The thugs happily accepted the money, and the woman turned around. As she lifted her head from the trench coat, a beautiful, bright, yet malicious face with a cruel smile entered my view, stabbing my eyes effortlessly.

“Diana...” | whispered softly, “It's really you...” My world seemed to be spinning, and the prolonged ringing in my ears intensified my headache! After the shock and confusion, an uncontrollable anger followed. Diana, with red eyes, said she wanted to save those patients, resolutely threw herself at Lewis, looked at the trash can with compassion and guilt... How could she be the one in this video? “Diana,” | muttered softly, “It's really you...” 11 My world seemed to be spinning, and the prolonged ringing in my ears intensified my headache! After the shock and confusion, an uncontrollable anger surged within me.

Diana, with red eyes, claimed she wanted to save those patients. She resolutely threw herself at Lewis and looked at the bodies in the trash bin with compassion and guilt...

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Countless images kept alternating in my mind.

Then, that beautiful face in the images gradually turned hypocritical, distorted, and grotesque in my sight...

| laughed mockingly.

So... what have | done? Just now, | actually opposed my mother to her, doubted Avia...

It felt like being slapped by countless hands; | seemed to be the biggest joke.

| am the Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack. How could | be repeatedly deceived by a woman! Foolish! I am... too foolish! “Alpha Nathan.” A hoarse voice cfrom behind me.

| turned around hastily, and a face I didn’t expect appeared before me.

Instantly, | calmed down.

“Is it you? What are you here for?” | scrutinized the newcomer warily.

William smiled, strolling to my side, “Of course, | cto find you. Alpha Nathan, |