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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81: Theo

It was a rough night, but I finally fell asleep around four in the morning. I didn’t think I’d be

able to sleep, but having Ayla in the room across the hall made it


scent was all over me, eithe,stead of worse. It didn’t hurt that her

They let me sleep in because it was almost noon when I finally regained consciousness. I

pulled myself out of bed. When I opened the bedroom door, a strange smell wafted up

from downstairs. It wasn’t a bad smell. It was kind of pleasant but still strange.

I slipped into the laundry room when I got downstairs and grabbed a shirt before heading

to the kitchen. Ayla was at the stove, adding some kind of plant to a pot.

?Seemed to get more gorgeous every time I

saw her. I shook my head, pushing away the thoughts that invaded my mind.

“What’s all this?” I asked, going to the counter where an array of foliage was laid out.

She paused for a minute, looking out the back window where we could see my father

sitting in his ch

in the back.

“Hopefully, something that will help,” she said.

I didn’t think she managed to get much sleep after the night’s events. But she was

entirely focused on her current task, so I didn’t want to interrupt that. I left her to her

project and went out to sit with my dad.

I faltered slightly when I got a better look at him. Most of his joints. were visibly swollen.

His knees and ankles were twice their normal size. The knuckles of his hands and his

wrists were now prominent




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pter 81: Theo

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features. It would take time for them to return to a point where they at least looked

normal. But the pain would still be there for him.

I took the seat next to him, not speaking.

“I’m sorry, son,” he said after a time. “I wanted to make it right for you. I had to go into

the woods. I had to make it right.”

His mind was always muddled after these episodes. He wouldn’t make much sense today. I

reached up and rested a hand on his shoulder.

“It’s okay, Dad,” I assured him. “It’ll all be okay.”

It wasn’t long before Ayla came out to us, holding a jar that released the same scent from

the kitchen. She knelt down by my father and rested a hand on his. His face seemed to

light up at seeing her.

“Alpha,” she said softly, “I think I can help with the pain, but I need to massage this into

your skin. Is that okay?”

“I’m so glad you came back,” he said. I didn’t think he registered Ayla’s question. “I was

scared when you left the pack. But you came back.”

She looked at me. I nodded to let her know she could do whatever she needed. She

poured a small portion of the oily contents of the jar into her palm. Rubbing her hands

together briefly, she took Dad’s hand and massaged his swollen joints. I watched as she

took her time, making sure to spend time on each individual area.

Dad slowly began to relax. I could see the relief Ayla was giving him as she continued her

ministrations. His eyes closed and his breathing slowed. He had fallen asleep. But she


“What are you using?” I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb him.

“It’s an old homeopathic remedy,” she replied softly. “There’s ginger,




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green tea, and a mixture of willow bark, Boswellia, and cat’s claw. I found the Boswellia

and cat’s claw growing not too far from here around an old, dilapidated shed. I wasn’t sure

I was right, so I’ve been researching to make sure.”

I moved down to the ground, holding my hand out. Ayla filled my palm, and I started

working on his other hand.

“Where did you learn to do this?”

“My father.” She smiled gently as she moved on to Dad’s knee. “My grandmother was an

osteopath. A healer. She taught my dad. He taught me. I’ve been thinking about him a lot


“I should have done more,” Dad said suddenly, causing both our heads to snap in his

direction. “I promised Jack I’d protect you. I should have taken you in. But we were afraid

that would draw attention. I couldn’t draw attention to you. No one can know. He made me


I looked at Ayla. She had a pained and confused expression.

“Dad, what are you talking about?” I probed gently. “What did you promise Jack?”

“I should have just taken you in,” he continued. “I stayed away,

but he

watching from afar, watching but not knowing. And you suffered. The goddess is punishing

me, punishing my family, for that mistake. I should have been a better Alpha.”

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“You are a wonderful Alpha,” Ayla said.

His gaze moved to the trees, but he didn’t seem to be seeing anything anymore. His

expression was far away.





Chapter 91. Theo

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“I deserve this pain. The goddess has inflicted me with this,” he whispered. “But don’t

punish my son. Please, goddess, this wasn’t his fault.”

“Why are you being punished?” I asked, hoping to reach him.

“They were the oldest. The goddess’s favorites,” he mumbled. “I failed the Blessed One. I

thought I would put her in danger. Too many eyes on me. Too many eyes. I made a

mistake. Forgive me.”

He was rambling, but these weren’t random, meaningless thoughts. He was talking about

Ayla and her family. Alpha Harden was right. He did know something about her family. I

turned to Ayla again. Concern filled her eyes. Did she know what he meant?

I gently gripped my father’s shoulder. “Dad,” I urged.

He seemed to snap out of whatever nightmare or delusion he was experiencing. He looked

at me, and I saw the man I had known my whole life in his eyes.

“Come on, Dad,” I said. “Why don’t we get you inside for a rest.”

He nodded and allowed me to help him from his chair and into the house. I settled him

into his recliner, and he dozed off almost immediately. I had so many questions for him.

But it would be a while before he would be healthy enough to handle that.

But there was something deeper going on. My father’s attachment to Ayla had an

explanation, and I needed to figure out what that was. Especially if he felt he was being

punished for something involving her and her family.