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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

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Chapter 87: Theo

We rushed back to the packhouse. Nearly the entire police force was out searching for

Amy. I didn’t expect it would be hard to find her. She likely didn’t think we suspected her

yet. But I had something else to address first.

I made my way straight to my apartment. I paused at the door to push Kieran back again.

He was pacing frantically in my head. I entered the apartment and found the living room

and kitchen empty. I heard voices coming from down the hall and found Ayla with her

mother and sister in our bed, deep in conversation. I cleared my throat to get their


“Can I borrow Kylee for a moment, please?” I asked tightly.

“Um, sure,” Kylee said tentatively. “I’ll be right back.”

Kylee left the room and I looked back at Ayla. I wanted to ask her how she was doing more

than anything at that moment. But I didn’t think she was ready. The strange look she was

giving me didn’t help to change that feeling. I couldn’t read its meaning, but I could see

the oceans of pain in her eyes. I knew seeing me was hurting her. So, I left without another


Kylee was waiting in the living room for me.

“What did you…”

I grabbed her arm roughly and started hauling her towards the door, ignoring her protests,

I dragged her down the hall to an empty room and threw her inside, closing the door

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behind me.





Chapter 87: Theo

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“What the hell, Theo?”

“I’m going to give you this one chance, Kylee,” I growled threateningly. “I will get the

truth. And so help you, if I find out you had a hand in this, I will kill you where you stand.”

Fear filled Kylee’s expression. “Theo, what are you talking about? A hand in what?”

“Ayla’s attempted assassination,” I thundered.

Kylee looked shocked and disgusted. It seemed genuine, but I couldn’t bring myself to

trust that with our history.

“How dare you?” she cried. “Why on earth would you believe I had anything to do with

what happened?”

“Because it was your little friend, Amy, who poisoned her,” I yelled.

“What? I…”

“Don’t try to play dumb, Kylee,” I continued. “She was always following you around like a

da mn puppy dog. She was the one responsible for all the rumors that Ayla stole me from

you. Whatever trouble she had caused has been due to some misguided, delusional’

devotion to you. So, you better figure out a d amn good way to convince me this wasn’t

your doing real f ucking fast, Kylee.”

“I swore I would never hurt Ayla again,” Kylee bellowed with a newfound confidence that

startled me. “I may have been a spoiled brat before, but I have spent months trying to

change that. And regardless of who I was before, I would NEVER wish that kind of harm on

my family. Especially Ayla.”

“Then why else would Amy do it?”

Chapter 87: Theo

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“I don’t know,” Kylee exclaimed. “I barely talk to her anymore. And when I do, I certainly

don’t talk to her about Ayla. With the exception of telling her to back off and get over

herself. You can check my emails and text messages for proof of that. If Amy did this, it

had nothing to do with me.”

I forced my fingers through my hair. I wanted to both believe and not believe her. Even if

she did have something to do with this, how could I break that to Ayla? She just got her

family back. I couldn’t take that away from her after this loss.

My phone rang in my pocket.

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“Yeah,” I answered gruffly.

“I’ve got her, Alpha,” Maggie said over the line. “She was at the college. I’m bringing her

in now.”

“I’ll meet you there,” I said before hanging up. I turned back to Kylee. “You better pray

Amy doesn’t tell me anything you don’t want me to know.”

I turned to leave when Kylee called after me.

“I want to be there,” she said insistently. “When you question her. I want to be there

without her knowing.”

I looked back at her. “Why would I allow that?”

“Because right now, I don’t give a sh it if you believe me or not,” she said. “That bit ch

hurt my sister. I want to hear from her. And I want to be there when you end her.”

I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to play some game.

“Look at this way,” she went on, “if she implicates me somehow, I’ll be

Chapter 87 Theo

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right there to do what you want.”

She had a point.

“Fine,” I grunted. “Find Jimmy. He’ll take you down.”

I left Kylee there. She was the least of my worries now. Now, I had to get Ayla to talk to

me. She needed to know what happened. Amy’s fate was in her hands as much as mine.