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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chatper 248
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Chapter 248: Ayla My mind was still reeling from what | had done in the pavilion. Now this. And I still had to figure out how | was going to deal with the other pack leaders. | had a feeling my demonstration had them more weary ofthan accepting at the moment.

| rubbed my forehead as there was a knock on the door. Kingston entered the room.

“Ah, and here must be the one who has the other half of the stone,” Sister Mona said.

We all looked at one another in surprise.

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“The women of my order are trained to be observant,” Sister Mona stated. “A few months every ten years isn't a lot of time. We have to be skilled to gather as much information as possible.” “Alpha Kingston, this is Sister Mona of the Moon Haven Order,” Theo introduced. “Sister Mona, this is Alpha Kingston of the Sablemane Pack.” “I see,” Mona replied. “If | recall, you are an adopted Amvorov.” Kingston looked around the room in surprise and confusion. “I fear | took too long to arrive and have missed something.” “You could say that,” | replied.

“When we found Luna Matilda's tomb, | remembered something my father had toldwhen | was a boy,” Alpha Torin said. “It was a story about a secret hidden within both Luna Matilda and Alpha Isaac's 9.00% 111 11231 Chapter 248: Ayla 288 Vouchers burial crypts. It wasn’t until we found Luna Matilda, telling us they weren't buried together, that | realized this needed to be looked into further. It led Luna Grace and | to a human city, where we found the Moon Haven Order.” “Now, perhaps you can tellhow a Sablemane cHe in possession of the Onyxcrown Moonstone.” We are the protectors of the MOO Prophecy,” Sister Mona said.

“Alpha Kingston is an Onyxcrown survivor,” Theo defended. “He just recently retrieved the Moonstone from it's hiding spot when it was threatened to be discovered.” “My father was the Onyxcrown Beta,” Kingston said.

“So you also understand what it means to be the protector of such an important secret,” Sister Mona indicated.

We briefly filled Kingston in on the information he had missed out on. | was eager to move on and find out what Sister Mona expected us to do next.

“Say you are right,” | stated, “and Theo and | are meant to make the Moonstone whole again, what about the other pack leaders? How are we supposed to reconcile them with the fact that the largest pack will now also be the most powerful? I just got done telling them we weren't looking for a crown.” “I never said this would be easy,” Sister Mona said gently. “Only that it was your fate.” “We can’t hide it from them,” Theo said. “Powerful or not, the last thing we want is a war.” “I think you may have better luck addressing one or two of them at a time,” Briggs noted. “They don't all see things the sand it seems to 20 74% [e] 112/D Chapter 248: Ayla 288 Vouchers that diplomacy can often get in the way when we are all in a group. | think you'll have better luck getting honest responses.” “I think Beta Briggs is right,” Alpha Torin replied.

Theo nodded. “Agreed. At least when delivering the information. We will eventually have to get them all together to confirm whatever outcwe are looking at.” “Well, Alpha Kingston is already here,” | said. “What do you say? Should we do this?” Kingston's expression softened. He could sense my apprehension. | didn’t want this. My life had already been the object of too much attention as it was. How would | ever find any peace? How could | ever move on from everything | had been through? “I will support whatever decision the two of you make,” he said firmly. “But | won't deny that | believe this is what you were meant to do. We’ ve always known you had a destiny bigger than any of us, Ayla.” I shouldn't have, but | felt a little betrayed. | turned away from everyone.

“I think we need stto discuss things,” Theo said to the others. “Briggs, could you see to the other pack leaders and set up a meeting schedule? Sister Mona, | would greatly appreciate your attendance.” “Of course,” she replied.

“For now, do you all mind giving us sprivacy?” They all agreed and | listened to them leave our apartment, not even turning back to watch them go. Mina rested a hand on my shoulder briefly before exiting, but the rest left quietly. When we were alone, Theo cup behind me, snaking his arms around my waist and 46.06% [e] 1123) Chapter 248: Ayla 288 Vouchers resting his chin on my shoulder with a heavy sigh.

“We should clean up,” he whispered.

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| glanced down. We were both still covered in now dry blood. | could only imagine how terrifying we both looked.

Theo kissed my neck and took my hand, guidingback toward our bedroom. | chose not to look at the mirror as he started the shower and mirror as he started the shower and we undressed: He pulledunder the hot water and began to wash my body clean. As he did so, | felt sof the pain and anger and guilt and all the other emotions that had been boiling insidefor weeks start to ebb away.

But it wasn’t just the temporary release | had been getting glimpses of.

As Theo finished, | returned the favor. | watched the red-tinted water flow off of him and I thought about what | done. What it had meant. What it would mean going forward. And | felt sof that burden wash away with the filth of that evening.

| didn’t feel anger toward Malcolm or Amy anymore. But more importantly, | didn’t feel guilty for their deaths. | did what I had to do. | understood what Sister Mona spoke about when she said we had changed as a species.

After spending the last few months reading so much of our history, | knew we had lost something of who we were.

But we were still wolves.

| felt Dasha stir within me. | realized she hadn't been there withlike she once had been before. Had | really drowned her out that much? ‘Hey, girl,” | reached out to her. ‘I'm sorry. | guess | should have asked you how you felt about this whole Moonstone thing.” 71 68% 111 [e] 11:23D She cto the trend of a wind wasting for the to war something else to ask her what | should have asked her all along Should we do this” I's our inte