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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 705
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The bodyguard wanted to fight back, but he found that he was not only immobilized, but his bones felt like they were shattering.

His face was a picture of shock as he stared at Vivienne.

She was so strong! How could such a young girl be so powerful? Who on earth was she? With icy blue eyes that could freeze hell over, Vivienne coldly inquired, “What were you about to do?” For reasons he couldn't fathom, locking eyes with Vivienne was like being cornered by a wolf. He had been a bodyguard for the Abernathy family for over two decades, trained in martial arts and bolstered by remarkable strength, but before this girl, he felt utterly insignificant.

The bodyguard remained silent for a moment before finally speaking, “I apologize. | was out of line.” Vivienne glanced at him dismissively, shook his hand off, and casually wiped her hands with a tissue from her pocket.

It seemed like a gentle shake, but the bodyguard was flung several meters away. He had to use his own strength just to steady himself.

He looked up at Vivienne again and then turned to Victoria, speaking in a low voice, “Miss, we should leave.” “Slap!” Before the bodyguard could finish, Victoria's hand connected sharply with his face, followed by a furious scolding, “You useless thing! | sent you to deal with those two old fools, and you got weak at the knees over a pretty face? What use are you to me?” The bodyguard took the slap without a hint of dissatisfaction, softly advising, “Miss, this person is very strong.

With her here, we won't succeed today. Let's go back aBdevise a plan.” “Hmph! When |, Victoria Abernathy, want something, there's no need for planning. You're a failure, and now you want to teachhow to handle my affairs?” Victoria glared at the bodyguard, then turned her attention to Vivienne. “I want to see what she can do about it!” With that, she marched forward, hand raised to strike Vivienne, but before she could even swing, Vivienne kicked her away! “Thud!” Victoria slammed against a wall several meters away, coughing up blood immediately.

“Miss!” The bodyguard’s face paled as he rushed to help Victoria to her feet.

Clutching her chest, Victoria looked at Vivienne in disbelief; she had been sent flying by a single kick without even a moment to react.

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She wasn’t sdelicate flower - she was the heiress of the ancient warrior lineage, the Abernathy family.

Martial training was her childhood bread and butter, and her inner energy was among the best in her family. Few in her family could match her.

Yet today, she didn’t even have the chance to react before being kicked away.

“Who are you?” Victoria asked, eyeing Vivienne warily.

When did Kaitlyn acquaint herself with someone so formidable? She had never heard of her.

“I'm your worst nightmare!” Vivienne replied with an expressionless face.

Victoria's face turned sour as she snapped at Vivienne, “Don’t think because you know a few fighting tricks you can strut around here like shotshot. | am Victoria Abernathy, the heiress of the ancient warrior lineage, the Abernathy family. Kaitlyn has offended us! Be smart and stay out of this.” Vivienne, hands in her pockets and eyes half-hidden by a curtain of hair, spoke with a voice as cold as the winter frost, “What if | insist on getting involved?” The ancient warrior lineage? Perfect! She let Samantha go just to deal with the likes of the Abernathy family.

Victoria narrowed her eyes. “Then you won't live to see tomorrow!” “Haha!” Vivienne laughed, “I've been told that my whole life, yet here | am, alive and kicking. Want to know what happened to those who said that to me?” Victoria stayed silent.

Vivienne stepped forward, her tone indifferent. “They're still alive. Sare in my dog kennels, getting their body slowly devoured by dogs. Others are in my wolf sanctuary, keeping the wolves company, and a few are in my lab, serving as living specimens.” She paused for a moment, looking directly at Victoria. “Where would you like to go?” A sudden panic gripped Victoria. For sreason, she believed this girl's words.

She was too strong, and Victoria knew she was no match for her.

Victoria's thoughts raced before she finally spoke, “You can protect Kaitlyn once, but can you guard her for a lifetime? What she has is something all ancient warrior lineages covet. Aside from my family, there are many families who will cause her trouble. No matter how strong you are, can you stand against the ancient warrior lineages? I'd advise you to mind your own business to avoid getting burnt.” She wasn't foolish; she knew better than to pick a fight with someone so powerful. Her only aim was to retrieve what Kaitlyn held, not to invite trouble for herself. Especially not trouble as formidable as this.

Vivienne remained silent, just watching her. But that look alone told Victoria everything she needed to know - Kaitlyn’s problem was now Vivienne’s concern.

Narrowing her eyes, Victoria finally said, “At least have the guts to tellyour name.” “Vivienne Hawthorn!” Vivienne said plainly.

“Fine! Just wait, this isn’t over. Since you're so keen on getting involved, prepare for the wrath of the ancient warrior lineages!” With that, Victoria left, supported by her bodyguard.

After they were gone, Isolde tilted her head, puzzled. “Vivienne, why didn’t you teach the bad guys a lesson like you usually do?” Vivienne usually made sure any troublemakers got what they deserved. Today, it was merely a kick.

Isolde had no idea how heavy that kick was. All she knew was that it had happened.

Vivienne patted Isolde’s head and said with a smile, “Sweetie, keeping the bad guys around can be useful.” Her gaze followed the direction in which Victoria had vanished, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“Ms. Hawthorn, thank you.” It wasn’t until Victoria was out of sight that Kaitlyn snapped back to reality.

She was amazed at Vivienne’s strength to have sent Victoria packing so easily.

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She knew just how formidable Victoria was; if she could have stood up to her, their family wouldn't have fallen on such hard times.

Vivienne's eyes lost their icy edge, and she spoke softly, “It's not safe for you all here anymore; start packing; you're coming withnow!”

Yes, | know it's not safe here, but | don't want to be a burden to you Kaitlyn said. “I'm aware you're capable , Ms . Hawthorn, but the

people I've crossed are no ordinary folks; they're powerful. If it weren't for the item | possess, I'd probably be dead already.” Kaitlyn sighed. “I'm truly grateful for your help during our family’s tough times, but please, stay out of this.” No sooner had she finished speaking than several cars rolled in.

Matthew stepped out of one vehicle and approached Vivienne with respect, “Vivienne, the house has been cleaned up. We can move in right away.”

Vivienne nodded. “There's a sick man inside. Carry him to the car. As for the belongings, take what's useful, discard the rest."Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates... “Understood.” Without a word, Matthew directed his men to enter the house, and they carried out Kaitlyn’s husband.

Seeing this, Kaitlyn hurriedly said, “Ms. Hawthorn...”

Before she could finish, Vivienne cut her off. “Kaitlyn, even if you won't think of yourself, think of your daughter . She's still young, and seeing her mom get pushed around all the t— can you imagine the stress on her? Besides, this place PUR , ” isn't fit for your husband's recovery.

Kaitlyn thought of her husband's leg and hung her head in sorrow, “I've failed my family; my husband's disability is my fault. I...” “I can heal him!” Vivienne interrupted her.

Kaitlyn looked up sharply. “You can heal him? But his leg is gone, crushed under a car...” “Trust me! | can!” Vivienne said with utmost conviction.