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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79

The Hawthorn clan was all worked up. They had high hopes that Vivienne’s dowry would revive their

family’s fortune. But who could’ve guessed that the Ellingtons only coughed up a meager 88K? How

could they swallow that?

So some relatives started grumbling, “You Ellingtons are such cheapskates! Even if the Hawthoms are

just regular folks, 88K as a wedding gift is way too stingy. That’s just not on!”

“Did you lower the dowry to 88K just because Percival’s leg is healed? That’s low, even for you. You

were willing to give 10 million when Percival was ill. But now that his leg’s all good, you’ve slashed the

dowry. That’s not right!”

Everyone was chiming in, not giving Richard a chance to get a word in edgewise.

Arabella was shocked at the 88K dowry, but secretly, she was thrilled.

So what if Vivienne was a real Hawthorn? To the Ellingtons, she was only worth 88K.

Now, with Percival’s leg healed, they cared even less about Vivienne. Looked like she still had

a shot at winning this match.

“What the heck are you all blabbing about?” Dorian snapped, “I was the one who suggested the BBK

dowry. I’m not selling my daughter! 10 million dollars? I don’t need it. I just want my daughter to live


Beatrice jerked her head up and stared at him in disbelief. “You suggested it?”

“Yes, I did! And I’ll let Vivienne take the entire 88K with her when she gets married.”

Dorian looked serious. “Mom, are you disappointed? Did you expect me to get 10 million and give it to

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you? Dream on! Even if there’s just a penny left, I won’t give it to you.”

“You ungrateful child!” Beatrice clutched her chest. “I raised you with my own blood, sweat, and tears,

and this is how you repay me? If I knew you’d be this ungrateful, I should’ve never had you!”

She had been hoping to get that 10 million to save the Hawthorn family’s business.

But now her son had ruined it all. How could she not be furious?

“Dorian, you’re way out of line! She is your mother, and Vivienne is her granddaughter. Mom has

always taken care of the family’s wedding affairs. Why didn’t you consult her on such an important

matter? Do you even consider her our mother?” Michael roared.

“Don’t you know the state the Hawthorn family is in? Do you want to see our family’s business go

under? Dorian, how could you be so cold-hearted?” Joseph chimed in.

Everyone knew the state the Hawthorn family was in. They just didn’t want to air their dirty laundry in

public, especially not in this setting. It would be humiliating to let everyone know that the Hawthorns

were banking on Vivienne’s dowry to save their business.

Chapter 79

But right now, they couldn’t care less.

They had to fight for a bigger dowry.

Even if they couldn’t get 10 million, a few hundred thousand or a million would do. At least it’d ease the

financial strain on the Hawthorns.

Dorian looked at them coldly. “I really don’t get it. Vivienne is my daughter, so why can’t I make

decisions for her? A grandma demanding her granddaughter’s dowry? I bet we’re the only ones in

Havenwood who would do such a thing!”

“What’s wrong with me wanting her dowry?” Beatrice stood her ground. “Vivienne is a Hawthorn; she

should follow our tradition. I’m the head of the Hawthorns.”

I’ve made up my mind about the dowry. Mom, if you have any objections, I can’t do anything about it.

We’ve wasted too much time. With all these people watching, if you keep causing a scene, I might

have to ask you to leave.” Dorian said resolutely.

“Your words don’t count!’

Beatrice knew her son had drifted away from her. Arguing with him was pointless. She didn’t want to

bicker anymore.

So she turned to Richard. “Richard, I make the decisions for the Hawthorns. I decide my

granddaughter’s dowry. 10 million dollars. That’s what we agreed on. If you shortchange us by a penny,

we won’t agree to this marriage.”

“Unbelievable greed!” Richard hadn’t even opened his mouth when Cecilia coldly interjected.

She had always looked down on the Hawthorns. But since Richard insisted on having their son marry

Vivienne, she had to suck it up.

But now, Beatrice was going back on an agreed-upon dowry. What was that about?

The Ellingtons could afford 10 million dollars. She just couldn’t stand the Hawthorns’ greed.

“Cecilia, it ain’t like you’re saying.” Beatrice responded. She didn’t even sound mad. “It was your folks

who first came knocking on our door for marriage. At first, I wasn’t on board with this match, but

Richard was cool with it. Mr. Ellington and Vivienne were too, so naturally, I had nothing to say.

But when it comes to the dowry, it’s always up to the head of the family to decide, right? And Richard

himself mentioned it. As long as we stuck to the marriage agreement, he’d give us ten million bucks.

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Now that Mr. Ellington’s leg’s all healed up, why are you guys backing out?” Beatrice cared about her

dignity, but what was that compared to the family’s honor?

She didn’t give a damn about what the Ellingtons thought of her, as long as she got the money

“Who says we’re backing out?” Cecilia retorted, her face ashen. “Your son himself suggested an 88k

dollar dowry, and we prepared it as requested. Why are you blaming us now? Beatrice,

Chapter 79

your family does hold some sway in Havenwood, but are you really willing to stoop so low?”

You guys didn’t think this through. I’m still the head of the Hawthom family, but you went straight to my

son to propose. You think that’s right? There’s no way we’re accepting an Be-thousand-dollar dowry.

Give me a straight answer. Do I take Vivienne back, or do we keep the engagement!

Before Cecilia could even respond, Beatrice continued, “The Hawthom family isn’t as prestigious as the

Blington family. If the wedding’s off, it’s gonna be a real bummer for the Hawthons, not to mention the

impact it would have on the Ellingtons.”

Your Cecilia was now red in the face with anger. She’d never met such a shameless person.

Dorian was dumbfounded by Beatrice’s behavior.

He never thought that Beatrice, who valued honor, would act like a hooligan just to get her

granddaughter’s dowry

He tried to reason with her and even used harsh words, but Beatrice wouldn’t budge. He was at his

wits end

Dorian let out a deep sigh and said to Vivienne, “Vivienne, maybe we should call off the wedding? You

see, I’m out of options here.”

“Call it off? Why?” Vivienne lifted her chin slightly, her face expressionless, as she stared at Beatrice.

‘No one but my mom can change a decision I’ve made.”

She walked up to Beatrice as a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes. “If the dowry was ten million

dollars, I would take it. Would you dare accept it, though?”