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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 280
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 113.

✰ Darryl ✰

208 Nouchers

“This is completely unorthodox.” Elder Iris waves her hands around as she leans down to check on her

little slave boy, I didnt hit him that hard so there is no reason he should still be out cold.

“Well he wouldn’t let Alpha Cas and Selena in to see Eva, I had to take matters into my own hands.”

My voice echoes off the empty corridor as she glares up at me with her almost grey eyes, “you should

have called sooner instead of leaving it to Thomas.” Eva should have been seen by a Doctor long

before now and Elder Iris knows it. I wonder if the other Elder’s know how she’s treated a pregnant


“What’s going on?” The door opens behind me and Cas steps into the hall letting the door close behind

him. The worried look that was marking his face seems to have lessened so either Eva is alright or

being close to his mate is bringing him some peace.

“Elder Iris was just saying how you could stay to be close to your pregnant mate.” She stands much

more quickly than I thought an older woman could, the look of anger on her face could turn you to

stone if you were actually afraid of tiny little women in red cloaks.

“I said no such thing.” She actually stamps her feet like a child as she clenches her feet, Cas growls

deeply so I step between the two of them.

“Cas is staying where his mate needs him unless you want harm to come to an Alpha heir?” Knowing

how important heirs are to The Elders I know this is the right card to play.


“Nothing will happen to my mate or my pup.” I put a hand on Cas’s. shoulder and squeeze slightly,

looking into his green eyes I try to show him that I have this and to back down. It must work because

his shoulders deflate and he gives me a slight nod before turning around. and heading back into the


“You were told not to come here, apparently you aren’t good at being told what to do.” Elder Iris sounds

smug as I breath through my nose and smirk as I turn to face her, with no witnesses I can finally give

this woman a piece of my mind.

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“Don’t think that just because you aren’t being torn apart right now that I want to hear anything you

have to say.” Her eyes widen as I step into her personal space causing her to step backwards, she

doesnt stop until she slams into the wall directly behind her.

“You wont hurt me.” Her eyes shift to the side as I put each of my hands above her head on the wall so

I’m towering over her.

“I have no plan to hurt you, Elder Iris.” I spit her name like an insult, “your days of controlling my Packs

are coming to an end. You will take me to the Council so I can show them what a dam n mistake you

have made by taking this Luna from her Pack.” She looks like she’s about to interrupt me so I let Zeek

peek out from behind my eyes as I growl down at her. “After they let her go home you will never go

near her again, do you understand me?” The stale smell of urine reaches my nose as my Alpha aura

pulses out, people always underestimate how strong I am but I’m much stronger than they will ever

understand. Elder Iris shakes in fear as she pisses herself, nodding her head she slides to the floor as I

push off the wall and storm off towards the main part of the hotel. I know the Elder Council is already

here, I smelled. them the second I entered the building, there is no hiding that kind of raw power from

an Alpha like me.


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 113.

288 Vouchers

The Elder Council consists of three shifters, one being Elder Iris and the other being two males. Elder

Alec and Elder Christopher, both are men well into their lives, they have both had Pack under their

command, fought wars and lost battles. They have lived their lives but that doesn’t mean they are

ready to roll over and die.

“Too da mn late in the day for this sh it,” Elder Christopher is the first to arrive, I don’t stand as he

enters the boardroom, instead I stay sitting as the red cloaked old man walks across from the double

doors with a cane to aid him. His grey hair is looking more and more white each day and the lines of his

face remind me of those saggy dogs humans seem fond of

“Do you ever not complain, Elder Christopher.” Elder Alec is not fair behind as he closes the doors and

starts walking towards us. He wears his age a lot better than Christopher and Iris, he’s still got some

colour to his hair and his face is nowhere near as wrinkled, you can still make out the chiselled lines of

his jaw. The only thing that gives away Alec’s age is his eyes, they are a deep piercing emerald colour,

every time I look into them I can see true horrors staring back at me.

“Forgive me, I know my presence is not a welcome one.” Elder Christopher actually tuts as he sits

himself down, Alec sits next to him but doesn’t say anything, he just purses his lips as he studies me

with those eyes of his.

“Well get on with it, I’m not getting any younger. Did you take a mate and make a Heir?” I clench my

jaw and shake my head at Elder Christopher, of course he would think I’m hear about that.

“I’m here to discuss Eva.” It’s taking everything I have not to start shouting about my own problems but

now is not the time, Cas needs. me to advocate for his mate right now.

“Ah, the rogue who mated with an Alpha. Tricky business.” I shake my

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His Rogue Omega Chapter 113

head as Elder Alec nods his head at Elder Christopher’s words.

“She’s not a rogue, she’s the Luna of Everfur. She is Alpha Castiel’s fated mate, an Omega and is

carrying his Heir. Do I need to tell you how strong of an Alpha his child will be?” I put my hands flat on

the table as I look from one Elder to the other, “he met her just over a year before they mated. After

finding her again they connected and nature took its course, her being a rogue has nothing to do with

any of this.” The fact that they are still stuck on Eva being a rogue is concerning to me, to me she’s

never been a rogue, more she was a lost wolf until Cast found her.

“His human though, that’s some messy business. Telling a human lover about our kind and allowing

him to see her accelerated healing, there has to be a punishment for this.” Elder Alec steeples his

fingers under his chin as he leans back in his chair.

“If it was true then sure but it’s not.” Both of them watch me with interest, “Eva’s wolf was beaten into

submission thanks to The Shalamayne, she had no wolf that she knew of so how can she spill a secret

she didn’t even know she was keeping? The only reason the human knew about her was because he is

working for The Shalamayne, he already knew who she was when he plucked her off the streets.” It still

makes me sick that there was a young wolf walking around the streets of Seattle being beaten

everyday by a man that would declare his love for her. I can’t help but see this as a failing on my side, I

should have been here for her instead of letting Fraction cast her out into the world.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“She had no Pack to claim her?” Elder Alec sits forwar, his eyes are showing interest like this is the first

time he’s heard this side of the


“Surely Elder Iris has told you?” The two men share a look that makes me realise Elder Iris has been

keeping some secrets of her own. “Eva

was stolen from her Pack in Russia when she was just a pup, she barely remembers her parents. I

have tried to hunt them down but it seems the Packs that existed then are long gone.” Me and Lewis

have been searching ever since I found out who Eva was, we have met nothing but dead end after

dead end.

“So who raised the pup?” Elder Christopher coughs a little so I look around for some water but he

waves me off when I go to stand.

“The Shalamayne raised her until they made the mistake of sending her into the Swiftmane pack as a

spy,” Elder Alec actually chuckles as he shakes his head and stands from the table.

“Thank you for your visit Alpha Darryl, this has been very

illuminating. Now if you don’t mind, it’s late and I’m not a young man.” I give Elder Christopher a slight

head bow as he stands from the table and hobbles out of the room.

Neither me nor Alec say anything for a long time, it isn’t until I am sure that there is no one listening

that I relax in my chair and cross my


“Go on then, ask me.” I spear Elder Alec with a glare as he licks his lips and sighs deeply.

“Did you choose a mate? I have no desire to vote against you Darryl but the votes will not go your way.”

I want to tell him that I’ve decided to fight against them, that I won’t force someone to mate me and

carry my Heir but I can’t. That I’m too da mn old to have a young female under me day and night while I

force my way into their body.

“I’ve chosen.” I tell him as I dip my head in shame, I can only hope that no one ever finds out the things

I am doing to keep my Pack and the rest of them safe.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!