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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2099: mask man
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Du Yu and the others continued to stop and go, just to find the whirlpool.

Nothing else matters to them now. As long as they quickly find this vortex, they can ignore other things.

"Senior, are you sure that thing is really in that vortex? We've all been gone for so long."

Du Yu didn't know how long they had been gone, but he felt that they had been gone for a long time. After all, the sky was full of yellow sand, and there was smoke everywhere, so how could he know what time it was.

The gloomy atmosphere harassed the hearts of everyone from time to time.

"The only thing we know now is that the vortex here is important to us."

Bai Linger pursed her lips and frowned, her face a little dignified.

She didn't know how to describe what she wanted to say, because that thing was important anyway.

Looking at Bai Linger's appearance, Du Yu also knows that no matter how he asks the other party next, the other party must not know what the situation is.Thɪs chapter is updatᴇd by novelenglish.net . ꜰɪre.nᴇt

"If that's the case, then I won't ask, anyway, as long as we find that thing, we don't need to worry about the rest, right?"

After these remarks, everyone's heart gradually stabilized, and there was no restlessness at the beginning.

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At the beginning, it can be said that the most obvious one is the young master, and the whole person's emotions are revealed on his face.

Now that I heard Du Yu's words, I suddenly remembered that I also have a master, and the master is next to me, why should I be so afraid, there is a master in everything, and there are a few seniors.

The young master who had figured it out became very magnanimous. Before, he was holding Du Qing's clothes timidly, but now he let go of the other party's clothes.

A few people walked around and didn't know how long they walked, and finally heard a little sound, and it was all joy to hear this sound in such a quiet situation.

This sound is like the sound of water splashing on the stone surface and on the ground. It seems that they have found the place they want to find.

Following this voice, I gradually approached the source, and the picture in front of me became clearer and clearer, as expected, it was a sea.

Everything was so clear and clear that everyone who had been carrying the new item breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's easy to find this place now, but senior, where is the whirlpool? Could it be that we have to swim to the place with the whirlpool?"

After Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief, he began to look for the whirlpool, but the sea was very calm, and there was no such thing as the ferocious whirlpool in legend.

This brought up Du Yu's already relaxed mood again.

Shouldn't they find the wrong place after going around in circles?

"Don't worry, this is the place. You have to know that this sea occupies more than half of it. How could there be a second one?"

Although Bai Linger doesn't know much, at least she knows that there is only one sea here, and there will be no second one.

But now, as Du Yu said, they haven't seen the whirlpool in the legend. Could it be that this whirlpool has to go into the sea to see it?

Just when Bai Linger was still thinking about something, suddenly a group of people in black came out of the fog.

The leader of them wore a gold mask and looked very luxurious. The clothes they wore were also black and gold, and there were traces of gold threads in them.

When you look at the other party's outfit, you know that the other party's arrival is not simple, and the purpose of their imposing manner is not simple, and you don't know whether it is for them or this whirlpool.

The masked man looked at the few people in front of him and twitched the corners of his mouth. He spent a lot of energy for this group of people before running over after finishing the matter. He didn't expect that he was not late.

When he came, these few talents had just entered here, so he used the magic weapon to hide their breath and followed them all the time, but he didn't expect such a surprise.

"I didn't expect you to bring me such a surprise. I should really thank you, but if people on both sides knew that you came here for their magic weapon, how angry they would be."

The voice of the masked man has been processed, and no one can hear its voice for a while.

The hoarse voice was as if he had experienced some hardships, and it was extremely unpleasant. Du Yu and the others couldn't help frowning after hearing it.

On the contrary, the subordinates of the masked man were very loyal, and they all took a step forward when they saw Du Yu frowning.

"What kind of expression do you have, you actually dislike our Lord!"

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A stance about to fight soon made Bai Linger take a step back.

I don't know why he felt a very familiar feeling on this man in black, very similar to that Jun Baiyi, but they were so different.

The previous Jun Baiyi can be said to be very weak, but this person has his breath, but the whole person's aura has changed, almost comparable to her and Bei Liang.

This person should not be underestimated, and now is not a good time to fight. You have to evacuate here first, and wait until a good time comes.

"Du Yu, don't be impulsive. This group of people is not easy, especially the masked person. You protect Du Qing and the others, and Bei Liang and I will cover."

Bai Linger told Du Yu and Bei Liang of their next plans through voice transmission.

Du Yu, of course, also felt that the masked man in front of him was unusual in strength. He originally planned to listen to Bai Linger's method, but now Bai Linger has said that he will naturally use Bai Linger's method.

The group of people was stalemate like this, Bailinger and Bei Liang quietly moved to the front.

The group of men in black also followed in a stalemate.

The masked man squinted his eyes and noticed the movements of Bai Linger and Bei Liang. With a wave of his hand, the man in black immediately rushed up behind him.

In order to protect Du Qing, Du Yu and the others naturally formed a group and fought with this group of black people, while the masked man watched all this from outside with a smile on his face.

They should not only pay attention to the group of men in black, but also pay attention to whether the masked man will suddenly rush in and insert a foot.

Sure enough, their attention was useful. The masked man suddenly attacked Du Qing while they were not paying attention. Bai Linger responded very quickly and quickly went up to catch this move.

The air wave that the two forces collided with naturally endangered others, and the group of men in black had no ability, and naturally they were all knocked to the ground.

Bai Linger and the masked man both retreated a lot, which was the result of the collision of this force.

During this period, Du Yu, the others, and Bai Linger jumped into the sea and escaped. *