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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2131: lend me a play
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When Linger saw Qi Guaner coming, she swallowed what she was going to say to Du Yu.

As Linger said, Qi Guaner's mind is simple, if she really said something to Qi Guaner, that guy would not only not solve the problem, but would tell Mingcheng as a joke.

"It's not too early. Since you are still used to it, you should rest first. By the way, do you have the habit of getting up early? If you get up early, I can show you the morning here." Linger got up and said with a smile, The eyes are suggesting Du Yu, these things will be discussed in the morning.

Du Yu complied with understanding, and then got up and sent Linger out.

"Hey, what is the matter with my second sister looking for you? Why do I think he seems to have something on his mind." After Linger left, Qi Guaner asked Du Yu with wide eyes.

Du Yu smiled helplessly, he returned to the room, Qi Guan'er followed closely to the table and sat down, without any intention of leaving at all.

"What? Why don't you go back to sleep?" Du Yu picked up the kettle on the table and poured himself a glass of water.

Qi Guan'er excitedly took out two goose-egg-sized things from his pocket, placed them on the table, and then pursed his lips, as if telling Du Yu, "Look at it."

Du Yu took a sip of the water in the glass and stared straight at the egg. Compared with his own fire spirit, the two ends of the table were pointed.

"What? Could it be that this is your fire spirit beast?" Du Yu put down the quilt, picked up one of them and put it in his palm to observe.

"No, this is my Firebird's egg, I'll give it to you." Qi Guan'er said generously, and after he finished speaking, he moved his chair a few steps in the direction of Du Yu.

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Du Yu quickly put the things back to their original positions, as the saying goes, go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, who knows what the **** this guy is thinking.

Besides, when he jokingly asked him for one, he was nervous and scared. Now, how can I take the initiative to deliver it to the door?

"It's getting late, hurry up and go to bed. Tomorrow, I will learn from your elder brother how to hatch that fire spirit beast and get eggs." Du Yu immediately made a gesture of seeing off guests.

Qi Guan'er immediately pouted and replied unhappily: "I have taken out my most precious things, you won't be so disrespectful. In fact, I just want to discuss with you to see if you can take your Lend me to watch that egg for a night. My elder brother said that I am young, and my egg will not appear until a few years later, and I don’t know how long it is, so I just thought about it.”

Du Yu looked at Qi Guan'er's aggrieved appearance, and felt a little sympathetic. But the fire spirit beast egg body, such a precious thing to play with him all night, I don't know if this little guy will be angry.

Suddenly, in his mind, the stars of Mingcheng in the daytime appeared.

With that vicious appearance, if this one of yours hatches, will it take revenge on yourself for giving it to Qi Guan'er to play with? Thinking of this, Du Yu couldn't help shivering.

"Come on, go back quickly. It's all white eggs, what difference can he make. You wait, after the fire spirit beast comes out, if you have a good temper, I'll play with you for a few days."

Du Yu found a random reason, but Qi Guan'er took it seriously and jumped with excitement. He quickly grabbed the two eggs on the table, as if afraid that Du Yu would go back on his words, before leaving, he repeatedly asked: "Just say it that way. Well, I'm serious."

Du Yu nodded, and he was relieved to go out.

Seeing Qi Guan'er walking away, Du Yucai closed the door and returned to the bed.

Du Yu was lying on the bed and looked at the pattern carved on the wooden board on the top of the bed. Although it was a bit abstract, it was not difficult to see that the depiction should be the story of a fire spirit beast and a practitioner.

Somehow, something started to keep popping up in his mind. It's only a day here, but it seems like a century has passed.

Moreover, this family seems very strange. Linger seems to have too much trust in herself, Mingcheng seems to be too enthusiastic for herself, and Qi Guaner is really as innocent as Linger said?

Also, why did the fire spirit beast send itself to this space? Is it possible that the achievement is just for the egg in his hand? Could it be…

Thinking about it, Du Yu's eyes began to blur, and his head began to become dizzy. Du Yu couldn't remember exactly when he fell asleep.

When he became conscious again, he was awakened by Linger's voice.

"Wake up, wake up, the sun is about to dry your buttocks, you are still asleep. Wake up..." A vague voice came from Du Yu's ear, and his body felt violently shaken.

Du Yu slowly opened his eyes, and the blurred face in front of him gradually became clear. After seeing the person coming, Du Yu suddenly sat up and moved back.

"Am I so scary?"

Du Yu rubbed his eyes a few times, why is Qi Guan'er in front of him? Just now, what he heard was clearly Ling'er's voice.

"Haha, what's up, I'm like my second sister's voice? Don't forget what you said last night."

"Just this little thing, you scared me to death. By the way, what time is it now, why do I feel so tired?"

Du Yu stretched his waist and yawned as he spoke.

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"It's almost noon, you've slept long enough. My parents are still waiting to see you."

"Your parents? Ahem..."The most update n0vels are published on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

Du Yu was so frightened that his throat was choked by Qi Guan'er's words.

In other words, Linger's parents are the elders of the family after all, and they have been here for a day and haven't seen them yet.

Du Yu rolled over and got out of bed, then followed Qi Guanerxiang out the door.

Just as he stepped out of the door with one foot, a rustling sound came from his ear. Du Yu looked up, but found nothing.

"It sounds a bit like rain, but why can't you see raindrops?"

Du Yu looked up at the sky, the sky above his head was clear, and there was no sign of rain at all, but the floating white clouds seemed a little leisurely.

Qi Guan'er didn't care and explained casually: "Oh, didn't you see it before you came in, our facade is a messy thatched cottage?"

"Does it matter?" Du Yu frowned slightly.

"Hey, although you are a person with a deep cultivation base, why is your brain less bright than mine? Everything outside the house has already explained that our family has a barrier here, and the sky is just an illusion created by my parents, and it happened outside. It's a big thing, as long as the barrier is not broken, we are all clear skies here."

After speaking, Qi Guan'er raised his brows proudly.

It seems that Linger's parents are even more difficult. Du Yu sighed repeatedly in his mind. *