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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 211
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Jocelyn had no clue what Harrison and Ursula talked with each other after they left, but she had a hunch that Harrison was

seriously into Ursula.

To Jocelyn, the greatest respect a man could show a relationship was to provide a woman with a sense of security, and nothing

spelled security more than the promise of marriage.

To want to build a family with a woman was not just a responsibility but an attitude.

She had tried on her bridesmaid dress. It was a blush pink number, understated and demure so as not to upstage the bride or fade

into the background.

The next day, Calvin called asking when Jocelyn would be heading hsince it was tto prepare for the Christmas holidays.

That's when it hit her—Christmas was around the corner, and she couldn't possibly stay away from hthen, could she?

The truth about the baby was bound to be told to her parents sooner or later. She could explain it to her parents if she brought

Euston home, but the neighbors might misunderstand it and spread another version of the story.

Adopting the principle that less is more, Jocelyn decided to keep the baby a secret from her parents for the tbeing.

With the nanny going hfor the holidays, Jocelyn knew handling the baby alone would be a tough task.

Every day she could keep the secret was a small victory. What if Castiel decided to bring Hermia back before the holidays?

"Sorry Dad, I've got to tutor sof my students over the next few days. You and Mom will have to tackle the holiday shopping

without me," Jocelyn lied smoothly over the phone.

Calvin asked if there was anything special she wanted, but Jocelyn's mind was elsewhere.

She transferred smoney to her father to cover the expenses for Christmas shopping. It had beca tradition over the past

few years. If she couldn't be there in person, she'd at least help in other ways. It eased her guilt a little.

The house felt empty when the nanny left, with just Jocelyn and little Euston keeping each other company. If they could just get

through the holiday period, things would settle down once the nanny returned.

Jocelyn was playing with Euston on the floor when the doorbell rang.

Visitors were rare at Castiel's especially since they had just moved back, and they hadn't had a chance to meet friends and


Curious, she walked to the door and called out, "Who is it?"

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Jocelyn froze. That voice was unmistakably his.

He had finally found out where she lived now.

She knew that if he had call this way, he wouldn't leave without seeing her. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.

Melvin stood on the doorstep. His eyes were sharp with an almost predatory glint.

"What do you want?" Jocelyn asked, avoiding direct eye contact. She felt a mix of sympathy and pity for him, after learning about

his past from Yasmine.

Melvin glanced inside, where Euston, with his chubby, adorable face, looked back at them from the play mat.

"Just you?" Melvin's gaze cback to Jocelyn.

She suspected his question was deliberate. If there had been someone else at home, would he have been so bold to show up?

"Yeah," Jocelyn replied, stepping aside. "And my son."

At the mention of "my son," Melvin's chest visibly tightened.

"Heh," Melvin scoffed sarcastically. "What a good husband he is, leaving you alone to deal with the kid."

Jocelyn wasn't riled by his mockery. "He's busy."

"Busy?" Melvin pursed his lips. "Busy entangling with other women?"

Jocelyn paused.

Had Castiel found Hermia?

As she didn't respond a word, Melvin assumed she was struggling to accept the situation.

But he didn't care.

Seeing her so lost actually pleased him. He wouldn't be satisfied until he saw her regretful tears, proving that his reluctance to

marry back then was justified.

"Is this the marriage you wanted?" Melvin stabbed at her heart directly. Without seeing her break down, he wasn't content. "I

thought you'd be happier."

Jocelyn knew his visit wasn't innocent. He wanted to see her regret, to witness her tears and prove he was right all along.

"Thanks for your concern," Jocelyn replied, now eager to learn when Castiel would return from SouthMyst—a place fraught with

hidden dangers.

Melvin's sneers meant nothing to her now. She understood his fear of marriage, his disbelief in it. So she harbored no resentment.

The regret she felt was for not being the person who could help him overchis fears.

"I need to take care of my son, so | don't have tto entertain you. Please..." Jocelyn gestured towards the door.

Melvin narrowed his eyes, "You don't care at all?"

"Care about what?" Jocelyn was confused.

"You gave him a child and you don't care when he's out with other women?" Melvin retorted.

From the moment he knew Castiel had gone to SouthMyst region, he had specifically asked Zachary Turner to help him find out

what he was doing there.

It was a surprise to Melvin that the man had left Jocelyn behind to fool around with another woman.

He was also mad to think of coming to remind her that the man she married was not worth it and could not give her the life she


But what was her reaction?

Seemed perfectly indifferent to it.

"This is our business, not yours." Jocelyn was calm, "Since you've known | have a family and a kid now, it's really inappropriate for

us to see each other."

Melvin was fuming.

As Jocelyn moved to close the door, Melvin braced it open. "Is a title that important for you?"

"Yes," Jocelyn responded bluntly.

Melvin was livid.

As if sensing the tension, Euston began to cry.

Jocelyn rushed to him, abandoning any thought of Melvin. "Shh, don't cry, Mommy's here," she soothed, as the baby's cries echoed

through the empty house.

Jocelyn gently patted the back of Euston in her arms, "Did you have a poo?"

She laid him down on the changing mat and knelt beside him, pulling back his onesie to take a peek. "Oh boy, you did."

With quick, practiced movements, she stripped off the diaper and wiped his tiny bottom clean, then scooped him up and headed to

the bathroom to rinse him off with warm water.

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Once he was fresh and clean, she slipped a new diaper on him and carried him back into the living room.

Melvin hadn't left. Instead, he had made himself comfortable on the couch.

He watched as Jocelyn adeptly managed the chaos of childcare - she was a whirlwind of activity, yet she handled everything with

grace and ease.

After dressing the baby in a fresh pair of leggings, Jocelyn set him down on the play mat and went to fetch swater.

The little baby was still fussing.

Jocelyn wasn't flustered, but her movements sped up, "Don't cry, Euston, I'm making your milk."

Melvin glanced at the crying baby and then at Jocelyn, wondering if this domestic scene was truly the life she had always dreamed


He tentatively reached out, thinking about picking up the child - maybe holding him would soothe the tears.

If the baby stopped crying, perhaps she wouldn't be so panicked.











