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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 221
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Jocelyn patiently warmed the bottle, tested the temperature against her wrist, and only then did she gently lift the baby boy into

her arms, feeding the milk to little Euston's lips.

With the milk flowing, Euston's cries subsided.

His beautiful eyes were glistening with tears. The sound of him swallowing made him all the more endearing.

Seeing the baby quieted, Jocelyn finally felt a wave of calm wash over her.

"You and Melvin..." Daisy suddenly choked up, "if you two really have thought it through and want to spend your lives together,

then you should."

Jocelyn was taken aback. She looked at her mother, noticing for the first tthe redness around her eyes.

Gazing at the child, Daisy said, "All we ever wanted was for you to marry a man who makes you happy. If you two truly love each

other, we can't stand in your way."

"Jocelyn, your life is your own journey. Your father and | will grow old and pass away. You're still young, and only a husband will be

there to support you in the end."

Wiping her tears, Daisy added, "You're our only child, and we just want you to be well."

Jocelyn always knew what her mother feared. She couldn't bear to see her mother's heartbreak. Moved as she was, she hesitated

before making her confession.

"Mom, Dad, this isn't my child," Jocelyn apologized, "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

Daisy was stunned, turning to look at Calvin.

Calvin was equally surprised, "Not your child? Then whose is it?"

"A friend's," Jocelyn explained from start to finish.

Drying her tears, Daisy asked, "Does Melvin know?"

Jocelyn shook her head, "He doesn't. He thinks Euston is mine and Castiel's child."

"He cares Euston so much even though he thinks it’s another man's child?" Daisy couldn't believe it.

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Jocelyn didn't know how to respond.

Calvin sighed, "It's clear he still has feelings for you."

Jocelyn couldn't deny it.

"And you, do you...?" Daisy frowned, her question hanging in the air, but the implication was clear.

"lI don't want to think about all that right now." Having fed Euston, Jocelyn carried him around the living room, "Let's just see what


Seeing her daughter so detached, Daisy felt a pang in her heart.

She looked at her husband, her eyes filled with sorrow and regret.

After clearing the air with her parents, the weight on Jocelyn's shoulders finally lifted.

Daisy still adored Euston, and even if the baby truly were Jocelyn and Melvin's, she wouldn't have the heart to turn him away.

While Jocelyn stepped out to use the restroom, Daisy confided in Calvin, "To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed to learn he's not

really their child."

Calvin understood his wife's feelings, gazed at the sleeping baby and sighed, "But he isn't our kin, after all."

As evening approached, Quinta and her parents arrived.

Upon seeing the extra child in the house, Jocelyn explained that she was looking after a friend's baby who had to travel for a while.

Quinta loved children so much that she took Euston into her arms and wouldn't let go.

If Quinta's own child had lived, they would have been older than Euston.

Watching Quinta's tender embrace, Aunt Mae's eyes welled up with tears.

Every parent dreams of their child's happiness and success.

After her experience with Damian, Quinta might still harbor hopes for marriage. But she'd likely not rush into it again.

With the addition of a child, they agreed it would be too cumbersto bring him along for the holidays.

Besides, explaining Euston's presence to everyone would be too complicated.

So, Jocelyn’s parents decided to visit her grandparents’ graves on Christmas Eve and return that night.

Jocelyn didn't mind spending the holiday alone. She understood her parents’ feelings and told them not to worry about her.

But which parents would leave their child alone on such an important festival, especially when she had a child with her?

Jocelyn was indifferent to her parents’ plans. She was the one being arranged, after all.

She returned to Castiel's villa that night, where all of Euston's things were.

Quinta accompanied her. Upon arrival, they were surprised to find Yasmine and Melvin there.

Seeing them, Melvin stood up to leave, "I'll get going then."

"Wait," Yasmine stopped him, turning to Jocelyn, "Do you needto stay?"

It was a question that stirred a bittersweet feeling in Jocelyn.

Yasmine was a wonderful babysitter, treating Euston with so much care, never minding that he wasn't her nephew.

"If you don't mind, of course," Jocelyn had grown fond of Yasmine, regarding her as a friend beyond being Melvin's sister.

Yasmine beamed immediately and turned to Melvin, "You can leave now."

Melvin was left speechless.

Feeling like he was the only surplus person around.

Despite the rush of complex emotions, Melvin could only internalize them and leave.

That night, with Yasmine taking Euston to her room to give the cousins space, Quinta asked Jocelyn softly, "Are you just going to

keep this from him?"

"Keeping it from him isn't bad," she replied, content with the situation.

"Both he and his sister have accepted the child," Quinta observed. "I can tell that even if he were your son, they would still accept

him and treat him well."

Images of Melvin cradling Euston filled Jocelyn's mind, and she too could sense the affection he harbored for the child.

"If Castiel and | were really married with the kid and all, what they have done would be quite the backstabbing," Jocelyn glanced at

Quinta and then lay back, staring at the ceiling. "They're trying to wreck my home."

"If you and Castiel were really hitched, they wouldn't even be setting foot in this house. Castiel wouldn't have it, and you'd be too

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responsible to let them in the door," Quinta said, lying next to her.

"Jocelyn, you don't even see how much you've been coddling them. Deep down, you know you lack that sense of duty, so letting

them in feels natural and no pressure."

Jocelyn stayed quiet.

"Anyway, you're still tangled up with Melvin. Who knows how long that's going to last," Quinta closed her eyes, "If you can't change

the ending, might as well make peace. For your sake, his, and whatever future lies ahead. Leave sroom to breathe. Why make

the path so rough?"

Quinta didn't speak after that.

Jocelyn couldn't sleep, mulling over Quinta's words.

It wasn't that she didn't want to widen the path. It's just that she wasn't as desperate as before.

Love should be a gentle, steady stream, not a wild storm that comes and goes without a trace. She was done playing those games.

Eventually, Jocelyn drifted off.

In that night, she dreamed of Melvin again.

In the dream, he was holding Euston, encouraging him to call "Daddy."

When Euston called out "Daddy", Melvin’s joy sent him spinning around the backyard with laughter.

At that moment, Jocelyn's face was lit up with a blissful smile.





