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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104

“Mayor Freely is concerned about our company and the funds we lost, so in return, we must quickly

initiate the Valiant Institute project.” Luna looked serious. “So, I have an idea, which is to purchase a

new batch of machinery to increase the efficiency of the project. With that, we can complete the project


Andrius nodded. The Valiant Institute project had been delayed for a while now and must be initiated


It was great that Luna was concerned about it.

“Frank has been doing well lately, and he’s starting to win recognition within the company. That’s why I

am assigning him to this task.” Luna added, “You should learn from him and get some experience.

When the project is completed, you can also get some sharing profit from the company.”

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After what happened with the company funds, Luna realized that other than being boastful, proud, and

arrogant, Andrius did not have any serious flaws despite him coming from the mountains. He had a

good heart above everything else.

“Alright, I’ll follow Frank around and see what I can do,” Andrius said.

Luna hummed a reply and returned to her room.

Andrius took a shower and went to his room. He still had a lot of military affairs to deal with.

Meanwhile, Solomon received an update from his man. “Mr. Stormbrew, New Moon Corporation is on

the move again.”

Solomon asked, “What are they doing now?”

His man reported, “They are going to purchase a new batch of machinery from Eastern Orient Machine

for the Valiant Institute project. They should be going there in the next two days.”

Eastern Orient Machine?

Purchasing a new batch of machinery?

Solomon narrowed his eyes. The gears in his mind spun rapidly.

“Okay, I got it.”

The call ended. Solomon grinned and muttered, “New Moon Corporation wants to purchase new

machinery, but I’ll make sure your money and your machines are gone!”

Then, he found a contact in his contact list and dialed the number. “Houser, I need a favor.”

Houser Selensky was Solomon’s long–time partner, and Eastern Orient Machine was

his company.

Houser said, “Solomon, there’s no need for courtesy between us. Since when have I ever let you

down? Just tell me what is it.”

Solomon had delight on his face with Houser’s assurance. “New Moon Corporation is looking to

purchase some machines from your place. It should happen within the next two days. They are looking

for machines to speed up the progress of the Valiant Institute project.

“I want you to stop the delivery. Take their money first but delay the machines as long as possible. That

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will be it.”

Houser thumped his chest confidently. “Not a problem. Leave it to me. I will make sure they cannot

complete the project in time.”

With the assurance, Solomon breathed a sigh of relief. He had to make it work this time!

The next day, Andrius arrived at the office to meet up with Fatty Frank before they went out to purchase

the machinery from Eastern Orient Machine.

“Boss, you’re awesome!” Fatty Frank exclaimed on the way there, “If you hadn’t warned me about that

b*stard Axel, I would have thrown all my money to him.”

Andrius smiled without saying a word.

“Oh, right! I can settle the deal later! Boss, just go wherever you want or do whatever you wish. I’ll call

you if there’s anything.”

Fatty Frank was indeed a capable employee.

Andrius then accepted his suggestion and headed to Noir’s garage.

“Andy, you’re here.” Noir put the wrench down and said, “I just got the news that the Hanshus are

making a move. Randal’s pops looks pissed.”

Andrius scoffed. “That’s his business, not mine. If he leaves me out of it, I won’t do anything to him

either; if he crosses my path, I don’t mind destroying him as well.“