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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109

Solomon would never let the machines reach the Valiant Institute’s construction site.

He tossed the cigarette away and made a call. “Lewis, I need a favor.”

Ever since he had a fallout with Jamire, he found another gang leader named Baldy Lewis to do his

shady bidding.

Baldy Lewis was near the port, and he would be able to intercept the delivery.

“What is it?”

“A new batch of machines is being delivered to the port. I want you and your men to sabotage the

machines, all of them. They are being sent to New Moon Corporation’s construction site, a small

company with no support. I can give you 10 million for this job.”

Luna did not mention that the order invoice was from the military factory, so Houser had no idea where

it came from, let alone Solomon.

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Therefore, he did not hold back on the sabotage.

10 million was enough to move Baldy Lewis. He nodded and said, “Alright. I’ll take the job.”

The call ended. Solomon breathed a sigh of relief.

Baldy Lewis was much more ruthless than Jamire, and he was a swift worker. He

believed this would be it.

At the same time, Baldy Lewis was having a drink with Jamire.

“Jamire, a job just came in!” Baldy Lewis bragged.

Jamire finished his shot and asked, “What job made you look so happy?”

“Just a small one. Solomon Stormbrew from the Castle Rock Corporation wants me to sabotage a pile

of machines being delivered to New Moon Corporation. The port is my turf, so it’s an easy one,” Baldy

Lewis said frivolously.

He sounded happy until Jamire demanded, “Lewis, what did you say? Where are the machines being


“New Moon Corporation.” Baldy Lewis was not overly concerned. He took a bite of meat and asked,

“What’s the problem?”

New Moon Corporation!

The name made Jamire gasp in fear.

The job that Baldy Lewis accepted was suicidal!

Since Jamire had known Baldy Lewies for a while now, he decided to talk him out of it.

“Lewis, listen to me. Don’t take the job. You can’t take it. There is someone terrifying in New Moon


Baldy Lewis scoffed. “Tsk. Jamire, New Moon Corporation is just a company with no name. What

terrifying people could they possibly have?”

He noticed Jamire’s urge to continue, so he stopped the man and said, “It’s okay, Jamire. Don’t say

anything. I’m taking the job and I’m leaving now.”

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He finished his glass of shots and went away to gather his men.

“Lewis, oh, Lewis… When you face that person, you will know how it feels like courting death.” Jamire

sighed and shook his head.

Back at New Moon Corporation, Luna still felt surreal about how things got resolved. She called the

number on the contract for confirmation and found out that the military factory was producing the

machines just for New Moon Corporation.

“It must be Mayor Freely!” Luna felt grateful for the help. “He is in charge of the Valiant Institute project,

so he’s worried that the project might be delayed due to the lack of machinery. That’s why he arranged

this deal for us. Mayor Freely is such a good man.”

Andrius was speechless, but he was too lazy to explain. It was not the first time anyway.

Luna called Fatty Frank and said, “The machines are coming to the port. Bring all the security from the

office and oversee the delivery. Remember, do not make any mistakes this time.”

Act Fast: Free Bonus Time is Running Out!