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Three Fated Hearts by LNC

Chapter 69
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This is so damn annoying. Jenna has been sitting in the back of the office, staring at me since I’ve been here. When the twins
left, I figured the door opening was the first meeting they wanted me to handle in their place after putting me in charge. I was
very wrong; it was Jenna. She walked into the office, didn’t say a word, and sat in the back of the room.
Jenna has been sitting there through 3 meetings, saying nothing. The tapping just started about 20 minutes ago. Jenna is
tapping her nail on the back of her phone. It’s a bit annoying, but I’m more interested in what Jenna will do next.
I continue to work, not looking or speaking to her. I make sure the patrol schedules are taken care of and factor in the specifics
from my earlier meetings. I want to make sure the twins are set up with everything when they get back. A throat clears, causing
me to look up.
Jenna’s eyes are burning into me, but she says nothing. I look at her for a bit before returning my eyes to the paperwork. A throat
clears again, and I slowly look up at Jenna. She continues to stare and say nothing. Jenna finally speaks before my eyes drop
back down. “Well?” I shrug my shoulders and start to drum my fingers on the desk. “Are you going to speak?”
“I’m not sure what you expect me to say.” Jenna sighs and shifts in her seat.
“I’ve been sitting here this entire time-”
“No one asked you to.”
“I’VE been sitting here this entire time, waiting for you stop being busy.” I slant my head and look at her.
“Why? So you can admit your mistake and fix things.”

“My mistake?” Jenna looks up and huffs. When she looks back at me, I can see a fire in her eyes. She stands up, steps to the
side, and places her hands on her hips.

“You tried to reject me. I’d say that was a pretty big mistake.” I put my pen down and push my chair from the desk. Jenna’s eyes
stay on me as I stalk toward her. I push her into the wall gently. Jenna’s hand automatically grips my arms, and I run my nose up
and down her neck.
I can feel Cato’s excitement, him twirling around in my head. Cato has been whining for his mate, even knowing who and how
she is. It has been quite a struggle with him lately. The sparks I feel on my nose, and lips feel so good and are making me so
hard. I gulp but continue my movements. I’m watching Jenna, and her eyes are closed. Her breathing is getting heavier, and she
is letting small moans come out.
My hand grips her neck, allowing me to run my lips along her jaw. I move my hand down her collarbone, grabbing her left b****t. I
knead it and pinch her n****e a few times. Jenna’s hands get tight around my biceps. I let my hand fall further down her slim
torso. I can hear her breath catching as I make my way further. She is wearing shorts with an elastic band which makes things
much easier.
I drop my hand to her thigh, running it up to her core slowly. I dip my hand under her waistband and into her panties. Jenna is so
wet for me; I can feel myself getting harder. I slip my finger between her lips and stroke her c**t. My finger is slick, moving up and
down. Jenna is moaning in my ear, and my face is buried in her neck, keeping my sounds muffled.
I slip my finger further down until I find her entrance. I slowly push my finger into her, causing Jenna to tense up briefly. I move
my finger in and out while letting my mouth caress her neck. I insert another finger and continue to stroke the inside of her.
Jenna is moaning openly and meeting the thrust of my fingers. I let my tongue graze her neck before targeting her marking spot.
I start to suck and nibble at the marking spot while my thrust gets faster. I can feel Jenna clench around my fingers, and I think
she’s getting close. “I....I....I’m going to.......” I stop immediately. I pull my fingers out of her and take a few steps back. Jenna’s
hair is mussed, her lips are parted, her eyes are glassy, and she looks confused. “Wh....why did you stop?”
“I DID make a mistake. I forgot you wanted the twins and not your mate.” I wipe my fingers on my jeans and walk out of the
office, listening to Jenna’s exasperated cries. Cato is whimpering in my head, so I put a block up. I need a cold shower.
No one is speaking, and it’s unnerving. I take a step back from Landon, but I stumble. Landon reaches for me to help, but I slap
his hand away. There is blood on his neck, and he smells like her. Did Adela mark him? Is my mate gone; is he already claimed?.

I swear I’m going to start to hyperventilate, and I try hard to keep it down. I close my eyes and take deep breaths. I open my eyes
and can see the tears in Landon’s while feeling the tears build in mine. I really think she marked him....oh Goddess!

“T....there’s blood because of Adela. She....she was comforting me and she.....she....”
“She marked you,” I whisper. I can hear Lincoln’s sharp intake of breath, but I can’t look at him.
“NO! NO! No, no, no, I swear, no.” I start to breathe heavily, gasping for breath. I see the twins reach for me, but I just can’t
handle that right now. I stumble back until the couch seat hits the back of my legs. I fall back on the couch and clutch my chest,
trying to get my breathing settled.
Lincoln kneels in front of me, rubbing my back and whispering calming words. Landon watches the both of us, not moving. He’s
breathing heavily as well. “I was wrong. I let her get too close. She appeared out of nowhere, and I didn’t tell her to leave. I let
her touch me, and I let her comfort me. I was just so angry and hurt, but that isn’t an excuse. I don’t know if she was trying to
mark me.” Landon runs his hand down his face. “If Goliath hadn’t broken through, I’m terrified of how things would have turned
out.” I swallow but don’t look at Landon. A part of me is furious. He knows how she is and what she wants, yet he allows her to
get so close. She almost took everything from us.
A bigger part of me feels so f**king guilty. This happened; Adela got her opportunity because of me. I caused this and almost lost
everything. “I don’t know what happened. Neal was fine. We spoke this morning at training, and he was our guard for shopping.
Everything was fine. I....” I shake my head, trying to figure out when everything changed. “I went into the dressing room to
change back into my clothes and Neal slipped in. He started talking about how he liked me. He said he knew how I felt about him
and how I should give into it. I have no idea where he got that idea from, I swear. I’ve only ever been friendly to him, nothing
more. I even told him that he was wrong and I only wanted my mates. He backed me into a corner, and when he got close to
kissing me, I kneed him in the groin.” I can’t look at either of them. I feel so guilty and so sad. My entire future was almost taken
from me today in multiple ways, and it’s just too much to wrap my head around. I can feel the tears falling from my eyes, but I
make no move to wipe them away. “I swear, I don’t want him. I only want you two. I’m so so sorry. I don’t know why he did this...I
Sparks erupt on my hands. I can see Lincoln holding my hands and kissing my knuckles through the tears. “It’s okay, baby. We
will figure this out. I’m sorry I doubted you.” A sob is heard through the room. I look over to see Landon on his knees, hands flat
on the floor. He is sobbing, tears rushing from his eyes. I rush over to him and place my hands on his face. I kiss the back of his
head a few times before pulling it up. We lock eyes, and the pain in his is breaking my heart.

“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I even thought you could be unfaithful. I almost lost everything because I let my emotions take over
instead of trusting you.” Landon’s crying is making me cry. He is sitting back on his heels. I climb into his lap, and his arms
instantly wrap around me. I grab his face and place sloppy kisses everywhere.
“I love you....I love you.” I keep telling him between each kiss. I quickly kiss his lips once, then again. I pull back and look at
Landon. I lean in and capture his lips again. He moves a hand to the back of my head and deepens the kiss. I feel like I can
finally breathe again, and it feels good.