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Thriller Night Talk

Ch194 - Extra
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

"Pfft, haha!"

Hearing this, Wei Fuyuan laughed unkindly.

"Why are you laughing? Ah?!"

Wei's father was so angry that he wished he could pounce on his son with a razor and let him experience the despair of having no eyebrows or eyelashes. Wei Fuyuan immediately stopped laughing and sat upright, pretending to be listening attentively.

Father Wei glared at his unfilial son, suppressed his anger, and continued.

After seeing that all his eyebrows and eyelashes had fallen out, Wei's dad was startled. He immediately went to the hospital and saw a dermatologist for help.

The experienced doctor, who had been practicing for thirty years, had never seen such a case before. He speculated that it might be a reaction to the face cream and prescribed santihistamines for Wei's father to try at home.

However, as soon as he returned from the hospital, before he could even take the prescribed medication, he noticed that a fine layer of short fuzz had grown on his bare face during the day, resembling a moldy boiled egg... Wei Fuyuan nodded: "Then what?"

"Then, these hairs started to grow longer and longer!"

Wei's father's expression was sad, his voice was filled with grief and anger, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

"Three days! It grew like this in just three days!"

Yes, the yellow hair on Wei's dad's face grew rapidly, as if he had eaten magic beans. In just three days, it went from a short fuzz to the length of a finger.

He went from being a slightly chubby middle-aged handsguy to a hairy throwback.

For a businessperson who interacted with many people every day, this strange condition was undoubtedly quite troublesome.

To deal with this mess of hair on his face, both Wei's father and mother exhausted themselves for over ten days.

The elderly couple tried every method they could think of. Wei's father first went to the top three hospitals in Fengxing City and consulted the best specialists.

However, no matter if it was through questioning, physical examination, blood tests, endoscopy, X-rays, or biopsies, the experts couldn't figure out which system in his body was malfunctioning or able to determine the cause. The prescribed medications, whether topical or oral, had no effect at all.

There was no way around it. Wei's mother had to take Wei's father to a beauty salon to temporarily remove the hair on his face using physical methods.

However, whether it was shaving, plucking, or trying various hair removal creams and devices, not only was it difficult to remove the hair, but the process also caused Wei's father a lot of pain. It was so painful that he almost passed out.

The most tragic part is that even if they managed to remove sof the hair on his face, it would grow back to its original state overnight. All of that pain was for nothing!

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As Wei's father recalled this memory, he seemed to also remember the intense pain he experienced during the physical hair removal. He was filled with a mix of sadness and anger, and his voice even sounded like he was about to cry.

"Ouch! It was so painful, incredibly painful!"

He reached up to touch his face, saying, "If I can't get rid of this hair... I can't just hide away forever, right?! Do I have to pluck my hair every single day? What kind of life is this?!"

Wei Fuyuan: "..."

This was tough. He genuinely felt heartbroken for his father."And there's more, it's not over yet."

Wei's father paused, then extended his right hand and lifted the sleeve of his silk pajamas.

Wei Fuyuan: "!!!!"

He saw that his dad's right arm had also grown a layer of yellowish-white mixed hair.

"In the past few days, hair has started growing on my arm too."

Wei's father lowered his sleeve and said with a hint of sorrow, "At this rate, it won't be long before I beca monster covered in hair."

"Oh, that's right..."

Wei's mother who was sitting beside him let out a long sigh, and looked heavy-hearted.

"We can't let things continue like this."

She lowered her voice and hesitated, "After thinking it over, we wondered... could this be... paranormal?"

Wei Fuyuan raised an eyebrow and instinctively activated his clairvoyance.

Now he's becquite proficient at it, almost like second nature, effortlessly opening and closing his clairvoyance.

In Wei Fuyuan's clairvoyant vision, both his dad and mom had a faint orange glow around them, indicating good health and positive energy.

--This is strange.

Wei Fuyuan instinctively turned his head and looked around in all directions.

He didn't find any ominous or evil presence in this master bedroom.

"Actually, it might not necessarily be paranormal."

However, Wei's mother thought that her son was scared after hearing the words 'paranormal' and quickly explained, "We just thought, you know... maybe your father has encountered sbad luck, or maybe..."

She hesitated for a moment but still voiced her speculation, "Or maybe he offended someone and they played a trick on him."

People who do business tend to have ssuperstitions about feng shui and metaphysics, and they often enjoy discussing such topics.

Wei Fuyuan had heard various strange stories from his father's business acquaintances when he accompanied him to social events, so he wasn't surprised by his parents' speculation at all.

"That's indeed a possibility."

Wei Fuyuan nodded. "So, do you have any suspects in mind?"

Wei's parents both widened their eyes, staring at him in astonishment.

The elderly couple knew their son very well.

Wei Fuyuan was an atheist and had always been skeptical and dismissive of supernatural phenomena.

Wei's parents initially thought that it was commendable enough for their son not to argue with them, but they never expected that after Wei Fuyuan ran away from hfor half a year, he would cback and suddenly agree with them without any argument.

Wei Fuyuan: "What?"

Wei's parents looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Ah! When it comes to doing business, it's impossible to avoid offending people completely..."

Wei's father replied. "But son, you know me... I wouldn't go so far as to harm someone for them to get back at me, right?"

Wei Fuyuan furrowed his brow and nodded slowly.

Indeed, his dad was a natural-born businessman.

To outsiders, Wei's father appeared bold, decisive, and loyal, exuding the aura of a 'big brother'. He was reliable and took responsibility in critical moments.

In reality, Wei's father was meticulous, with attention to detail. He could quickly analyze the pros and cons while making decisions that were most beneficial for the situation. In terms of interpersonal skills, he could be considered a successful exemplar.

With his father's level of 'people skills', even if he couldn't please everyone, he wouldn't offend people to the point where it couldn't be resolved.

Moreover, Wei's father always adhered to the principle that 'a gentleman loves wealth but with integrity'.

He never withheld costs or salaries, so the likelihood of getting into major disputes over money was also low... Wei Fuyuan looked at Bei Quan and asked, "What do you think?"

Bei Quan smiled slightly at Wei Fuyuan and shook his head gently, saying, "We still need to see more."

Wei Fuyuan immediately understood.

He then asked his parents, "So, what do you plan to do?"

"Ah, we have invited Master Wang to come," Wei's mom sighed deeply.

"He will arrive tomorrow." Wei's father touched his furry cheek and said with a troubled expression, "I hope Master Wang can helpget rid of this facial hair."

Upon hearing this, Wei Fuyuan furrowed his brows again. The 'Master Wang' mentioned by his parents is the most trusted and skilled practitioner of mysticism.

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Wei's parents have known Mr. Wang for over ten years. Wei Fuyuan remembered that Master Wang was around sixty years old, originally from Jiangyou, and practiced Daoism at Longhu Mountain in his youth.

After completing his training, he returned to the secular world and settled in Fengxing. He claimed to be the orthodox descendant of the Heavenly Master and makes a living by providing services such as feng shui consultations, fortune-telling, and analyzing yin and yang residences.

Master Wang was not only eloquent but also quite skilled. He had a great reputation among the wealthy merchants in Fengxing City. Wei's parents trust him a lot. Whenever they have any questions related to feng shui, they usually seek his help. The biggest deal they made with him was having Master Wang oversee the construction of their current mansion.

"Since it's Master Wang who's coming, there shouldn't be any problem." Wei Fuyuan smiled and reassured his parents, "Don't worry, let's see what he says when he comes tomorrow."

Wei's parents have been tormented by this strange illness for days, and they are exhausted both physically and mentally.

Master Wang was their last hope.

Now seeing their son agreeing with their thoughts, Wei's parents breathed a sigh of relief together. At the stime, they felt a strange sense of comfort, realizing that Wei Fuyuan, who had been away from hfor half a year, had indeed grown a lot. He had even learned how to comfort his parents.

As a result, the elderly couple found the unexpected guest, Bei Quan, quite pleasing to the eye.

Wei's mother coughed and said to her son, "Since you're back, stay here..."

She turned to look at Bei Quan, with a somewhat awkward expression and tone, "And as for your... friend, he can stay for the night too."

That's how things were settled.

Originally, Wei's mother wanted to arrange a separate guest room for Bei Quan to stay the night.

But Wei Fuyuan, being the protective husband he was, couldn't bear to see his wife even slightly inconvenienced.

He casually said, "The bed in my room is big enough," and without further ado, he led Bei Quan to his room.

Wei Fuyuan's room was on the third floor of the villa. Although it was not as spacious as the master bedroom, it was at least on par with the configuration of an executive suite in a five-star hotel.

Before lunch, Bei Quan eagerly explored his boyfriend's bedroom.

Wei Fuyuan's bedroom faced north and south.

On the southern side of the room, there was a floor-to-ceiling window that almost took up an entire wall.

Standing by the window, he could see the garden and the main entrance of the courtyard.

A huge floor-to-ceiling bookshelf divided the room in half. On the side near the floor-to-ceiling window was a living area that also served as a study, while the inner side was where the bed is.

"Not bad, this desk is much nicer than the one in 'Santúchuan'," Bei Quan remarked.

He reached out and touched the custom-made solid wood desk - clean, clearly indicating that even when the owner was not around, someone took care of cleaning it.

"Just your average run-down company!" Wei Fuyuan embraced Bei Quan from behind, pulling him close into his arms.

"Calling it a dangerous building would be giving it too much credit..."

Young Master Wei initially wanted to say that he would help him find a better work environment in the future. But then he realized that he hadn't reconciled with his parents yet, his card was frozen, and he had to rely on Bei Quan for his salary 'sponsorship'. So, he had to swallow his grand promise of 'changing houses'.