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Thriller Night Talk

Ch199 - Extra
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Editor-Koneko, Proofreader- Spring Flower

Father Wei and Mother Wei were indeed very scared, but their minds were very clear.

Bei Quan was right.

Master Wang borrowed Wei Dahe's hand and gave Father Wei a bottle of medicated wine with added ingredients, just to make him develop sstrange illness after drinking the wine.

After Father Wei's unsuccessful attempts to find a cure, naturally, he would begin to consider the possible involvement of supernatural forces. And Master Wang was the "expert" that Father Wei and Mother Wei trusted the most, so they would seek his help first.

In this way, Master Wang had a good reason to cto their house. First, he could do something sneaky, and second, he could discreetly retrieve the medicated wine he used for his "scheme". Lastly, if anything happens to Father Wei afterward, the Wei family would attribute it to the strange illness and wouldn't suspect Master Wang at all.

This was a cunning and vicious plan that killed three birds with one stone!

After understanding the intricacies of the situation, Father Wei and Mother Wei realized how serious things were.

They had an evil Taoist lurking around them, and the risk was just too great. Not to mention, if they didn't handle it properly, who knows how the Taoists would retaliate?

After carefully considering the severity of the situation, Father Wei and Mother Wei decided to entrust everything to Bei Quan to handle, intending to completely resolve this problem.

Bei Quan readily agreed to this "commission".

He first instructed Father Wei and Mother Wei to hire professional security personnel and install hidden surveillance cameras in their home, yard, and at the main entrance. He emphasized that the cameras must have infrared night vision capabilities.

Then, Mother Wei went to a paper-cutting store to have a life-sized paper figure made that closely resembled Father Wei.

After that, Bei Quan instructed Father Wei and Mother Wei to pretend as if nothing was wrong and wait for Master Wang to arrive at the agreed-upon time.

Sure enough, on the afternoon of the 4th of October, Taoist Master Wang showed up right on time.

Father Wei and Mother Wei's acting skills were excellent. Despite knowing that the man in front of them was the culprit who had been tormenting them for half a month, and that his intentions were far from innocent, they still showed a warm and welcoming demeanor. They first talked endlessly about their troubles and then respectfully asked for his help.

Master Wang repeatedly expressed his humility, and promised to do his best. He then asked the homeowners to temporarily leave and proceeded to head upstairs with a compass in his left hand and a peach wood sword in his right.

At this moment, the newly installed surveillance cameras cinto play. Father Wei, Mother Wei, Bei Quan, and Wei Fuyuan hid in the housekeeper's room, observing everything that Master Wang was doing.

First, Taoist Master Wang pried open the floor tiles in the master bedroom and hid something underneath the floor. Then, as he went downstairs, he quietly stole the medicinal wine that he had asked Wei Dahe to bring.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After Master Wang left, Bei Quan didn't rush to dig out the unknown object that the demon had hidden in the room. Instead, he placed a prepared talisman under the mattress in the master bedroom, made the bed, and then, with Wei Fuyuan's help, positioned the paper figure on the bed.

After completing these tasks, Bei Quan smiled lightly at Father Wei and Mother Wei, saying, "Now, all we have to do is wait."

October 5th, Tuesday, 12:28 AM.

They had been sitting on the sofa, waiting for almost two hours.

Wei Fuyuan was getting a bit bored and couldn't help but want to play a gon his phone to pass the time. But then he glanced at his parents' tense faces and felt that this action might not be cautious enough. So instead, he picked up his cup and took a sip of coffee.

Right at that moment, he saw a figure moving on the surveillance screen.

"Here he comes!"

Wei Fuyuan exclaimed and set down his cup.

The other three immediately crowded around the screen.

Sure enough, using the night vision mode of the surveillance, they could see someone standing outside the front gate.

That person was wearing a black hoodie, with the hood pulled up to cover their head. The brim of the hood covered half of their face, and the remaining half covered by a mask. They looked like a very suspicious criminal.

But everyone knew their identity.

Yes, that was Taoist Master Wang himself.

They saw Taoist Master Wang sneakily approaching the wall of the Wei family's mansion. He looked around to make sure no one was there, then crouched down and quickly fiddled with something near the two gate pillars. After that, he put something into his pocket and turned to leave.

"Alright, the main event is about to begin."

Bei Quan smiled.

He took out a paper packet from his pocket, tore it from one corner, and evenly sprinkled a white powder around the sofa, creating a complete circle.

"Next, no matter what happens Uncle and Auntie, please make sure to stay inside this circle and not step out."

Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei naturally nodded their heads in agreement. But at the stime, the elderly couple couldn't help but be very curious, "What will happen later?" Upon hearing this, Bei Quan took out the small spray bottle containing bull's tears from his pocket, shook it in his hand, and asked with a smile, "Would you like to see?"

Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei looked at each other, their expressions conflicted.

Last time, they got curious and were almost scared to death by the big black spider in the bottle. If they were to spray bull's tears again, who knows what they might see! However, as they say, "Curiosity killed the cat". After a long inner battle, Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei finally gritted their teeth and said, "Well, let's see then!"

So Bei Quan sprayed the bull's tears on the elderly couple.

Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei sat nervously on the sofa, stiff as wooden carvings.

They didn't have to wait long.

Before Mr. Wei could even count to two hundred, he saw a dark shadow suddenly appear by the closed door.

It was a person's foot, or rather, it would be more appropriate to call it a "claw".

That foot wasn't big, it looked like the size of a seven or eight-year-old child, but the five toes were unusually long and strong. They curled downward from the second joint, with an arc like the sharp claws of a bird of prey, looking as if they could easily pierce through flesh and skin.

Although the master bedroom door was closed tightly, that foot performed what is called "passing through walls" right on the spot, directly passing through the thick wooden door and firmly stepping on the floor inside.

Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei: "!!!"

At that moment, they felt extremely regretful.

They blamed their darn curiosity!

If they had known that this thing would appear in such a horrifying way, they shouldn't have sprayed the bull's tears just now!

But now, it was too late for regrets.

After the foot landed, it quickly transformed into half an arm and a body, followed by a head, and then a complete upper body.

Finally, the four of them saw the true appearance of that "thing".

It was a dwarf that didn't exceed a height of 1.2 meters.

It did indeed have a human-like shape, with a big head and an extremely skinny body, so thin that only bones remained, like a walking skeleton frame.

But although it had such a slender body, it had a bulging belly, swollen like a ten-month pregnancy. The enormous belly bobbed up and down as it walked, giving an especially horrifying impression. "Hungry ghost," Bei Quan said softly in a gasping voice.

Only to see the hungry ghost, with a big belly, following the "ghost path" formed by the two golden-bordered decorations on the floor, step by step towards the bedroom's large bed.

But it didn't end there.

Behind the hungry ghost, a second black figure stepped in.

This "person" was very tall, estimated to be at least over two meters. However, their body proportions were very abnormal. The neck, shoulders, and legs were clearly too long.

If one had to describe it, it looked as if their body had been forcefully stretched out.

The most terrifying part was that this "person" had a wide-open jaw, with a long tongue hanging down from their lips, reaching to their chest, measuring more than three feet.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Bei Quan continued, "Hanged ghost."

Father Wei and Mother Wei: "!!!!"

They held each other, trembling in fear. Even though they were terrified to the extreme, they tightly bit their lips, afraid to make a sound. Unfortunately, their teeth were uncontrollably chattering, making a squeaking sound. "It's not over yet," Bei Quan reminded them promptly.

Sure enough, right behind the hanged ghost, the third, fourth, and fifth black figures quickly entered.

The third one had an inflated body, with facial features squeezed together, resembling an overinflated balloon. It seemed like it would burst with just a gentle poke of a needle.

The fourth one had a blurred face, with an entirely charred body that was decaying. As it walked, invisible black ashes gently drifted down.

The fifth one looked like an elderly person with a hunched figure, covered in unknown sores. Their steps were unsteady as if they could collapse from exhaustion at any moment.

"Drowned ghost, burned ghost, and diseased ghost," Bei Quan quietly revealed their identities.

One after another, with repeated and intense encounters, Father Wei and Mother Wei reached their limit of fear. Their adrenaline levels were saturated, and strangely enough, they beccalm.

They watched as the five dead ghosts stood in front of the bed where they slept every day as if confirming something. They paused for a few seconds, then suddenly rushed forward, all at once, towards "Father Wei" lying on the bed. Crackling and rustling.

The sound of paper tearing, mixed with the brittle sound of bamboo splintering could be heard.

In just a short ten seconds, the paper figure was clawed, scratched, torn, and bitten by the five dead ghosts until it was completely torn apart. Its original appearance was unrecognizable.

Even though the victim was just a paper figure, the scene of these fierce ghosts tearing it apart exceeded the psychological limits of an ordinary person.

Mother Wei was scared to the point of being paralyzed on the couch, burying her head in a pillow, unable to even look directly at the horrifying scene unfolding before her eyes.

Father Wei, being a tall man at 1.85 meters, managed to hold himself together despite being terrified. However, his whole body was trembling like a sieve, and cold sweat dripped down like raindrops, sticking his yellow hair together in clumps.

At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind:

--If it weren't for Bei Quan, it would belying on the bed, being torn apart by those evil spirits!

Just then, Bei Quan suddenly spoke:


With that, he formed hand seals and loudly recited:

"This talisman commands the three pure ones to follow my lawful edict: if the divine powers are true, exorcise it and restrain it, let my command be completed with haste!"

In the next moment, the bed suddenly emitted a bright red light, followed by a loud "bang" that sounded like lightning splitting the air, forcefully sending the five evil spirits on the bed flying away.

The spirits fell to the ground, seemingly terrified, and quickly turned to escape.

This time, they didn't even follow the path set by Master Wang, instead, they jumped out of the window and phased through walls. In the blink of an eye, they had disappeared without a trace.