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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126 I Want That Candy

Camila nodded. Brian also looked at her. “Don’t be sad over an unworthy person.” “Yeah, I won’t be,”

she answered. After a brief chat, Marcus took the hint and left upon bidding Silas and Brian farewell.

Silas and Brian were left alone now. The two brothers fell silent and did not say a word to each other.

Finally, Silas spoke first, “Do you still faint often lately?” Brian was like a hedgehog on defense. “You

don’t need to put up an act!” , “You know I’m only concerned about you.”

Brian snapped, “I wouldn’t want to trouble you, President Nolan.”

They were at daggers drawn. But Camila happened to notice how different Silas’s attitude was toward

Brian like there was an unspeakable pain hidden behind his eyes.

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She immediately cut in, “How did you guys show up right on time?” Brian huffed. “I didn’t think I’d bump

into you when I came here to observe!” Silas did not make a sound. He could not reveal that it was his

son who had notified him.

Ignoring Silas, Brian turned his attention toward her. “Camila, where did you buy the candy you gave

me last time? I want to get some more.” “Oh, did you finish it? I’ll get more for you then. It’s from a

rather remote place in a small alley. I’ll send it to you after I buy it!” He nodded. “Okay. No wonder I

couldn’t find it in any of the supermarkets I went to.” “Yeah, it’s not a well-known brand. I’ve just grown

used to the taste of this candy since I ate it growing up, so I keep going back to the same store!”

Seeing the doting look in Brian’s eyes tormented Silas. Brian, if she weren’t the woman I’ve been

looking for, if she weren’t the mother of my son, I would let you have her! But now… South snuck his

small hand onto Silas’s face and looked up at him as if to comfort him.

Silas felt his heart soften and he smiled. “Let’s get going, Camila!” She answered with a low murmur

then looked at Brian and said, “Thank you for today!” His eyes grew gentle. “No problem.” “We’ll get

going now. I’ll call you once I have it!”

After they said their goodbyes to Brian, they made their way out of the hotel. During the car ride, Silas

looked at Camila and said, “I want to eat it too.” She was boggled. “Huh?” “The candy!”

She finally understood him. “Sure, no problem.” The corners of his lips slowly curled up as he looked at

her. “Don’t be mad. I’ll be mad on your behalf.” She was looking out the window. “No, it’s fine. I’m not

mad anymore. Lyla won’t have it easy from now on.” “You’re too generous!” A smile appeared on her

face. “A lot of people say I’m heartless. Yet, you think I’m generous?” “Getting fooled once might just

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mean that you weren’t aware of how evil people can be. Getting fooled twice; well, the other party

might just be too clever. But if you get fooled three times by the same person, then you’re just not the

brightest person in the room. Sometimes, being kind to your enemy will only bring you more harm. Just

because you let her go doesn’t mean your father will change his mind about you. He’s already biased.”

With her gaze still trained outside the window, she thought, Yeah, being biased sure is a scary thing.

He defends Lyla without even knowing right from wrong. I’m just the fool who got the short end of the


After several attempts, Ben finally managed to ask Jessica out on a date. He bought her flowers,

invited her to a meal, and did everything he could to tend to her needs. She practically had him at her

beck and call. While they were at a fancy restaurant, Ben grabbed her hand and said with a pitiful look

on his face, “Sweetheart, don’t be mad anymore. I know what I did wrong. I was seduced by that

woman, but I never thought about breaking up with you!”