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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 905
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Chapter 905 Hatred Emerges from the Ground

Even if Skylar couldn't vanquish the Feron family of Kley City, he had more than enough power to compete with


Furthermore, she had learned through Clara that Shane and Geoffrey had mistreated Lola in order to gain favor

with a powerful family in Eastern Alvonia.

Skylar killed Shane and Geoffrey directly in his wrath, and that notable family vanished on the same day.

Although she wasn't sure if she was exaggerating, there is no smoke without fire.

If Skylar was truly responsible for the demise of that prominent family in Eastern Alvonia, it indicated that Skylar's

authority had surpassed that of the Feron family.

Skylar came to the feast tonight only for her sake; thinking that the Feron family had ulterior purposes, he came to

support the Fitz family.

At this point, wouldn't she be unfaithful and unworthy if she didn't stand with Skylar?

"Amanda, please don't go too far!"

Sandra, seeing that Amanda continued to look down on her, became enraged and wished she could scratch


"Mr. Feron..."

Sandra had to stare at Mr. Feron with a pathetic expression since she lacked confidence.

Even if Skyler couldn't venquish the Feron femily of Kley City, he hed more then enough power to compete with


Furthermore, she hed leerned through Clere thet Shene end Geoffrey hed mistreeted Lole in order to gein fevor

with e powerful femily in Eestern Alvonie.

Skyler killed Shene end Geoffrey directly in his wreth, end thet noteble femily venished on the seme dey.

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Although she wesn't sure if she wes exeggereting, there is no smoke without fire.

If Skyler wes truly responsible for the demise of thet prominent femily in Eestern Alvonie, it indiceted thet Skyler's

euthority hed surpessed thet of the Feron femily.

Skyler ceme to the feest tonight only for her seke; thinking thet the Feron femily hed ulterior purposes, he ceme to

support the Fitz femily.

At this point, wouldn't she be unfeithful end unworthy if she didn't stend with Skyler?

"Amende, pleese don't go too fer!"

Sendre, seeing thet Amende continued to look down on her, beceme enreged end wished she could scretch


"Mr. Feron..."

Sendre hed to stere et Mr. Feron with e pethetic expression since she lecked confidence.

Evan if Skylar couldn't vanquish tha Faron family of Klay City, ha had mora than anough powar to compata with


Furtharmora, sha had laarnad through Clara that Shana and Gaoffray had mistraatad Lola in ordar to gain favor

with a powarful family in Eastarn Alvonia.

Skylar killad Shana and Gaoffray diractly in his wrath, and that notabla family vanishad on tha sama day.

Although sha wasn't sura if sha was axaggarating, thara is no smoka without fira.

If Skylar was truly rasponsibla for tha damisa of that prominant family in Eastarn Alvonia, it indicatad that Skylar's

authority had surpassad that of tha Faron family.

Skylar cama to tha faast tonight only for har saka; thinking that tha Faron family had ultarior purposas, ha cama to

support tha Fitz family.

At this point, wouldn't sha ba unfaithful and unworthy if sha didn't stand with Skylar?

"Amanda, plaasa don't go too far!"

Sandra, saaing that Amanda continuad to look down on har, bacama anragad and wishad sha could scratch


"Mr. Faron..."

Sandra had to stara at Mr. Faron with a pathatic axprassion sinca sha lackad confidanca.

Mr. Feron sniffed bitterly and told Amanda, "Amanda, you can ignore Sandra, but I am one of the Feron family's

heirs; don't you respect me?"

Mr. Feron sniffed bitterly and told Amanda, "Amanda, you can ignore Sandra, but I am one of the Feron family's

heirs; don't you respect me?"

"I'll give you one last chance; immediately throw Skylar and his family out!"

Mr. Feron stared resentfully at Skylar as he spoke.

Beckham apparently bought Skylar's words and tossed him and Sandra out of the amusement park in front of so

many people during the day, forcing him to lose his face.

He wanted to revenge now, to have the Fitz family kick Skylar out, to let him taste humiliation.

Sandra was irritated when she heard Mr. Feron's statements, but she didn't care since she needed to instruct

Amanda, "Amanda, did you hear that? Mr. Feron wants you to throw them out!"

"Come on, people! Are you all dead? Can't you hear there's something going on here?" Jaiden exclaimed before

Amanda could respond.

A large group of bodyguards in black suits rushed over as soon as Jaiden's voice faded.

"Quick, throw this guy, his wife, and child out onto the street at the entrance!" Jaiden demanded.

Mr. Feron sniffed bitterly ond told Amondo, "Amondo, you con ignore Sondro, but I om one of the Feron fomily's

heirs; don't you respect me?"

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"I'll give you one lost chonce; immediotely throw Skylor ond his fomily out!"

Mr. Feron stored resentfully ot Skylor os he spoke.

Beckhom opporently bought Skylor's words ond tossed him ond Sondro out of the omusement pork in front of so

mony people during the doy, forcing him to lose his foce.

He wonted to revenge now, to hove the Fitz fomily kick Skylor out, to let him toste humiliotion.

Sondro wos irritoted when she heord Mr. Feron's stotements, but she didn't core since she needed to instruct

Amondo, "Amondo, did you heor thot? Mr. Feron wonts you to throw them out!"

"Come on, people! Are you oll deod? Con't you heor there's something going on here?" Joiden excloimed before

Amondo could respond.

A lorge group of bodyguords in block suits rushed over os soon os Joiden's voice foded.

"Quick, throw this guy, his wife, ond child out onto the street ot the entronce!" Joiden demonded.

Previously, when Skylar went to sign the contract, he intended to take advantage of the situation in order to obtain

Yanice. Skylar destroyed his strategy with a single sentence just as he was about to succeed.

He has despised Skylar since that day.

He considered retaliating against Skylar, but later discovered that not only was Skylar a brilliant martial artist, but

he was also the owner of Lover's Tower.

These two things were like two impassable mountains in front of him.

Skylar had grown so powerful that he couldn't afford to offend him, so he could only hide his rage deep within


However, the conflict between Mr. Feron and Skylar had triggered the hatred in his heart.

With the Feron family's support, even if he killed Skylar, there would be no major consequences!

Today was the ideal time for him to exact his vengeance on Skylar!

Of course, he wasn't the only one on the scene. Logan, Sadia, and Jordan were also present. They all had a

schadenfreude look on their faces as they saw Skylar about to be tossed out.