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When the Boss’ Lady Became His Sister-in-law

Chapter 86
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Chapter 86 Sitting in the locker room for half a day, Garner scratched his head in irritation.

“Those bastards!” he cursed inwardly.

With a gloomy face, he walked out of the locker room and glanced at Melissa, sitting in the yard. He hesitated for long and decided to let it be.

“Garner,” Melissa called out to him first.

Garner pretended not to hear and steeled himself to leave.

“Garner, the boss is calling for you.” Someone who couldn't read the room had reminded him.

Taking a deep breath, Garner turned and walked up to Melissa. “Boss, what do you need?” “Overttonight. An extra 30 grand. What do you say?” Melissa wanted to rag Garner, determined to keep him up all night.

Garner had already been on his feet the whole night yesterday.

The other bodyguards could tell the boss was picking on Garner and felt sorry for him. “Boss, Garner hasn't had a break for three days straight. At this rate...” Money was no good if one was too dead to spend it.

What was the boss trying to do? How did Garner tick off the boss? “Fine, I'll do the overtime.” Garner's voice remained calm, without a ripple. “I don’t need the money. Please doa favor, boss.” Melissa looked at Garner with interest, seeing him ask her for help.

“No money? Speak up.” Melissa was intrigued.

“My nephew's schooling... No school dares to take him.” Garner hung his head, clenching his fists.

He wasn’t good at asking for favors. He wouldn't have spoken up if he had another choice.

Melissa noticed that about Garner. “Your nephew is an unregistered citizen?” Garner shook his head, replying. “No, it's because he crossed the heiress of the FitzGerald family.” *The FitzGerald family...” Melissa's fingers tapped lightly on the table. “The daughter of the FitzGerald family’s mistress who climbed up the ladder? Her nis Eve, right?” Melissa wore a look of disdain, clearly not a fan of Eve.

Garner looked clueless. He wasn't up to speed on these high-society scandals.

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“Heh, messing with my people. She's got snerve.” Melissa sat up straight and stretched gracefully. “I can help you out. Just keepcompany tonight.” “Cough...” Nearby, the other bodyguards quickly left as if they hadn't heard a thing.

Garner's face darkened. “No need. I'm off.” With that, he turned and walked away.

“Garner!” Melissa slapped the table in irritation.

Garner acted as if he were deaf to her, ready to be fired if that was what it cdown to.

Seeing Garner leave without looking back, Melissa's face flushed with anger, calling him a blockhead.

“Find out about the best kindergarten in Silvergrove City. Say it's my nephew, and see who dares to stop it.” Melissa's slender fingers picked up a cigarette, asking the butler to light it for her.

The butler nodded. “Yes, madam.” “Callmiss.” Melissa frowned.

The butler quickly nodded again. “Yes, miss.” It was at the car repair shop.

“Move it along. Are you paying the rent or not? If not, scram.” The landlord was at it again, pushing them out.

“We still have a month before the lease is up. We haven't decided yet...” Kristin spoke softly and with sfear.

“A month? Everyone knows you pay three months in advance. Didn't you know that?” The landlord was rude, obviously intent on kicking Kristin and the others out.

Kristin bowed, hesitating for a long tbefore speaking. “We... won't renew.” “What? Not renewing?” The landlord's voice was sharp. “Not renewing and still squatting here? Grab your stuff and get lost!” He was about to enter the room to throw Kristin's things out.

“We still have a month.” Kristin protected Summer as she backed away.

“A month? You've got to be out three months in advance.” Kristin's eyes reddened. She wanted to fight back but felt powerless.

She knew the Turner or the FitzGerald family was messing with her through the landlord.

So even if she stood her ground, it would be pointless.

“Kristin, your brother's been renting fromfor six years. He's a loyal tenant. How much do Chapter 86 you charge a night out there?” The landlord smirked, squinting at Kristin through a cloud of smoke.

Kristin's face paled, her fingers digging into her palm. “What are you talking about?” “Don't play dumb. Do you think | don’t know the score? Go and ask around who doesn’t know you're selling yourself. Open for business, and I'll knock it off your rent. How about that?” The landlord moved in on Kristin with a dirty smile, reaching out to grope her.

“Ah!” The landlord screamed as he saw Summer smash a pair of pliers on his foot.

“You little bastard.” The landlord tried to hit Summer.

Kristin pushed the landlord away with force and ran out, holding Summer.

“What's the act? Playing the saint while being a whore.” The landlord grabbed Kristin's hair and threw her to the ground.

“Mommy...” Summer clung to Kristin, scared.

“What the hell do you think you're doing!” Fortunately, Garner returned, rushing over and kicking the landlord out.

away! The landlord knew Garner’s ruthlessness and scrambled his pants hitched up when he saw him return.

“Garner...” Kristin was trembling in the corner, her voice shaking. “Let's go. Let's not stay here anymore.” Garner quickly picked up Summer and comforted Kristin. “Okay, Ill find a place tomorrow.” Kristin looked up at Garner, tears uncontrollable.

Why did they have to endure all this? Why did they have to take the malice from others? “Kristin...” Seeing Kristin looking off, Garner put down Summer, and his voice filled with panic. “Go get the medicine.” Summer dashed into the room to get the nitroglycerin pills.

“Kris, take deep breaths.” Garner patted Kristin's back frantically. “Listen to me. Take deep breaths.” Kristin took a deep breath, her lips turning white from the pain in her heart.

“It's okay now. It's all right.” Summer brought the medicine, and Garner helped Kristin take it.

Kristin took a long tbefore lowering her head, curling her legs, and crying.

She didn’t even know what she was upset about. Was this the life she was supposed to live? “Kristin!” Outside the door, Vincent's sounded.

Chapter 86 Kristin had just cto her senses when she heard Vincent's voice and hid in the corner in fear. “Garner...” Vincent had shown up.

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Garner was itching for a fight with those sons of guns.

He shoved Summer into the house, locked the door, and picked up an iron rod the ground glaring at indent as he entered. “What are you up to now?” Vincent's gaze fell on Kristin in the corner, his voice deep. “Get out here.” Kristin hugged herself tightly, too afraid to move.

“Vincent! Don't push it too far,” Garner stood protectively over Kristin.

Inside were Summer's cries and the sound of banging on the door.

He was frightened.

He feared that this malicious guy would hurt his mom.

“So, what if I'm bullying you?” Vincent scoffed, had his bodyguards block Garner, and slowly approached Kristin.

Garner landed a punch on one of the bodyguards’ faces. They were three against one, but they were no match for him.

“Vincent, you bastard.” Garner grabbed Vincent by the collar and landed a hard punch on his face.

Vincent punched back but was no match for Garner in fighting.

“Are you all freaking dead?” Vincent cursed under his breath.

All the bodyguards swarmed and pinned Garner to the ground.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Vincent cursed from the pain, got up, walked over to Kristin grabbed her hair and dragged her out. “Heard my brother helped you sort out your little bastard’s schooling, huh?” “You bastard, let go of my sister!” Garner struggled violently.

Vincent looked at Garner with dark eyes. “Last time, | wanted to ruin your hand. | didn't think yoy wer such a tough nut to crack. How about | chop it off this time? Do you think you can get it reattached?”