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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 44
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Chapter 44

“How long has it been?” he asked, his brow furrowed and his voice grave.

Never before had Natalie been so grateful for her period. Even the usual discomfort seemed trivial now.

“Two days,” she replied tersely, pressing her lips together.

His aura turned stormy in an instant. Even without seeing his face clearly, Natalie could feel the irritation

radiating off him.

Just then, his phone buzzed in the pocket of the discarded clothes nearby, indicating an incoming call. Seeing

that he made no move, Natalie bit the bullet and nudged, “Your phone.”

Brian wasn’t deaf. He waited for the phone to ring a second tbefore he yanked it out, barely containing his


He was about to shut it off, but as he glimpsed the caller ID, he paused.

After a fleeting look at Natalie, he draped the blanket back over her and stood up, walking towards the living


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Although he took the call out on the balcony, Natalie could still faintly hear a woman's voice on

the line, “Brian?”

“Got it,” Brian replied after a few words from the other end, his voice low. “I'll be right there.”

He ended the call and, after a moment of silence, looked back towards the bedroom. “Next Monday, cto my

office to sign the contract.”

Natalie lay in bed, listening to the sound of Brian leaving the apartment and closing the door. She let out a quiet

breath in the darkness.

Reid waited by the rear car door downstairs. As Brian descended, he quietly said, “Mr. Howard, we might not

make it in time. Should we delay the press conference?”

Brian felt like he had lost his mind.

In five hours, an international event he had been planning for half a year was set to begin, and he was the main

organizer. Yet here he was, having flown back from abroad, all for a one-minute call with Natalie.

The heavy tension from Brian stopped Reid mid-sentence. Reid closed his mouth and bowed his head.

Before getting into the car, Brian looked up at the tenth-floor window.

“Push it back an hour,” he said firmly.

“Also, arrange a car service for Natalie to take Nate.” The cheap car Natalie had borrowed was hardly fit to be a

toy for Nate. She was that broke.

“Understood.” Reid responded with due respect.

“And we've been tracking the FireWing for a few days. Around 11:30 last night, a suspected signal appeared in

this building for a few seconds between the sixth and seventh floors. We're checking the background of the

residents on those floors,” Reid said, handing over a tablet.

Brian frowned at the blinking red dot on the screen. FireWing must have caught on to the hackers following him,

leaving such an obvious trace. Even without thinking hard, Brian knew it

was a ruse.

A bunch of incompetents were played by FireWing.

“Thoroughly check everyone who entered this building last night,” he commanded, tossing the tablet back

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“Will do!”

When Natalie opened her door the next morning, Reid stood there like a guardian deity.

Upon seeing her, he immediately greeted her with respect, “Good morning, miss.” Startled, Natalie thought he

was there to pick up Nate and whispered, “I promised Nate I'd take him to breakfast. You can take him after we


“No, miss. Mr. Howard is currently abroad, and the young master will have to impose on you a few more days.”

Reid explained.

As he spoke, he pulled out a set of car keys and offered them to Natalie, “Please choose one, miss.”

Natalie glanced at the five car keys in Reid's hand, furrowing her brow. “I don’t need it. | have my own car.”


“Mr. Howard said that clunker isn’t even worthy of being seen at the school gates. It would sully the place. The

young master is far too precious.”

Taking a deep breath, Natalie stared directly at Reid, saying nothing.

Tust like the kind of biting remark Brian would make.