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You Hit My Heart by Kylie Stanford

Chapter 149
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The two had a bowl of ravioli at a roadside restaurant and took a taxi to the Warner family.

Mr. Arnold was at hwhen he cout and opened the door for Joyce and called respectfully, "Ma'am."

"Mr. Arnold, this is my friend from the group. We are here to copy scompany information and will leave soon." Joyce said.

"Please cin." Mr. Arnold politely invited Juanita inside, "I'll make stea."

"Oh, no, don’t worry about that." Juanita waved her hand in a hurry. The Warner family was so big and luxurious, that she couldn't

help but stagger a bit.

"It's my pleasure." Mr. Arnold bent down respectfully.

Joyce entered the house and asked Juanita to take a seat in the living room.

She first cto Stephanie's room to keep her company for a while.

Mr. Arnold cout with brewed tea and placed it in front of Juanita. He looked at her for a long tand couldn't help but ask,

"Miss, are you the daughter of Mayor Sanchez of the Capital?"

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Juanita was stunned and just picked up the cup of tea with a shake of her hand. The hot tea tipped out and splashed on her hand,

"It's hot!"

She hurriedly put down her teacup and shook her hand with great force.

"Does it hurt? I'll get sice for you." Mr. Arnold said with concern.

"No, no, it's okay, it's fine already." Juanita picked up a tissue and dried the back of her hand. She glanced at Mr. Arnold in a panic,

"Sorry, you have the wrong person."

"Oh, it's possible. I'm sorry." Mr. Arnold smiled knowingly. Just looking at her flustered expression, no doubt he was right. In the

past, the Warner family and the Capital had a lot of dealings, and Mayor Sanchez often cto the Warner family. This girl looked

just like Mayor Sanchez. He had heard that the Capital's mayor's daughter ran away from hto escape a marriage, and it

seemed to be her.

The girl in front of him, sweet, kind, and lovely, certainly cfrom a big family.

Since she didn't want to admit it, he wouldn't reveal it.

Mr. Arnold offered to get Juanita a new cup of tea. "Please enjoy it." He then retired respectfully.

Juanita sighed with relief and patted her heart beating wildly, not expecting to be almost recognized for hiding in Khebury.

At that moment, Joyce cout of Stephanie's room.

She waved at Juanita, "Grandma has gone to bed. You cwith me."

"Good." Juanita immediately ran up to the front.

The two of them ctogether to the study on the second floor.

Joyce took out her laptop, opened it up, and then copied several documents.

When Juanita finished reading it, she was stunned! No wonder Joyce was not at all worried, so she had a good idea!

"Con! It's about time. We can go back."

Joyce smiled slightly at Juanita.

The two agreed and then returned to R&S Group.

When they returned to the 12th floor, the twas exactly 3:50.

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Joyce walked into the conference room, she re-tuned the computer she left on the podium in the morning, connected her mobile

USB drive, and transferred the documents to the computer.

The rest of the project team were already sitting in the conference room waiting for her, watching Joyce nervously as they all

sweated for her.

Outside the meeting room, Charlotte waited anxiously for Shelly, sending another message to urge her not to cin late for such

an important matter. She was just too embarrassed to go in first and now it looked like she was paying extra attention to it.





