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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 946
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"Isn't this offer attractive enough?"

Indeed, the stakes were high. Winona represented not only the family's future, as the only heiress, but also held a special place in

Howard's heart, having raised her since childhood. The bond they shared was undeniable, and the thought of anything happening

to her was intolerable.

"Alright, I'll let her mother go, and you'll release Winnie," Howard conceded. He had to save Winona, no matter the cost.

It was clear he was already considering alternative strategies, as holding Pearl's mother captive no longer held the advantage it

once did.

Pearl was about to agree, seeing it as a reasonable exchange. However, Richard's firm grip on her hand stopped her mid-nod,

signaling her not to agree so quickly.

"No, what we want isn't as simple as that," he said.

Howard, taken aback by this sudden shift, pressed for clarification. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing much. We've considered it, and it seems you would gain more than we would."

By now, Howard knew where Winona was and was slightly relieved. The tone of the conversation was a lot calmer.

"And how do you think I'd gain more?"

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"Winona is your granddaughter, and you two share a deep bond. So you'll benefit more after the exchange."

Listening to Richard's serious explanation, Pearl couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Although it made sense, it felt off. The negotiation

seemed more like choosing goods at a flea market.

Howard, however, failed to see the logic. "But Pearl's mother is her family. How could | possibly stand to gain more from this


Richard countered, "To Pearl, her

mother is sofAeone she barely

knows, Jacking any deep emotional

connectién. Her decision to savedyer

is Rasagmore on obligation than’

affection. You, on the other hand,

have shown just how impoftant

Wihona is to you." Contenfbelongs

to novelenglish.net

Howard took a sharp breath, caught off guard by Richard's insight. He was now forced to acknowledge the emotional leverage they

held over him.

If Richard couldn't bechis grandson-in-law, it would be a significant threat to the Jesseltons. With him around and the two

families at odds, the Jesseltons would face a strategic disadvantage with Richard opposing them.

"So, what are your terms?" Howard asked.

"I don't ask forsmuch. Simply ensure

Pearl's othurs sof return and

agree to sever all future oO”

collaborétions with Hugo. Of caurse,

the second condition is that you

musTsign a contract to make sure

ygFwont go back on your-words."

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Pearl was taken aback by Richard's foresight, not having anticipated his real objective was to safeguard against any collusion with

Hugo. This was a move she didn't see coming.

She glanced at Richard, impressed

by his confidence and composure.

Somehow, she found him oddly ~~ «_

attractive, This must be the reasofy’

why sheliked him. He always had a

plan, Strategic thinking, and

unwavering calmness, embédying

the charm that made himso

irresistible to her. Content belongs

to novelenglish.net

"What's the reason for this condition?" Howard challenged, his frustration mounting.

Richard replied casually, "It's just a personal preference. You're free to refuse, but doing so means you won't get what you want."

"How dare you!"