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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49 Drink This and I'll Spare Your Life Sophie didn't give it much thought. "Why? William is just helpingout." With an icy expression, Aidan replied, "Helping you out? Do you know who Denson really is? He is the illegitimate son of Kane Stone, the true emperor of Justford! If Kane gets enraged, the entire Justford will suffer Instead of being afraid, Sophie blinked her eyes in surprise. “Denson is Kane's illegitimate son? It's no wonder he is so arrogant! I used to think he was just wealthy, but it turns out he is so much more!" She did not consider William's predicament at all. Her focus had shifted to the fact that because Denson was Kane's illegitimate son, she really needed to grab hold of him. As such, she dashed out the door. Aidan sat on the couch and made smuffled noises before lighting a cigarette and starting to smoke.

On the other hand, William just stared at him calmly. “I am not even afraid of what lies ahead. Why are you terrified?" he asked nonchalantly.

Aidan raised his head in response, a worried expression on his face. "I can't help you this time, William. Not even Miss Lloyd can. Kane Stone is not someone with whom people of our level can go against!" "Really?" William remained calm. "On what level is he, then?" To that, Aidan could only offer a bitter smile. “Kanc is Brandon Cromwell's apprentice! Do you know who Brandon is? He's a martial arts master, someone like a god to people like us! His twin brother, Sheldon, is the mayor of Justford, whereas his other two elder brothers, Matthew and Joseph, are both powerful figures in Kreim!" William wasn't astounded at all. "What's the big deal? I only have one life. He can take it if he wants. What else can he do to me?" Aidan slammed his fist on the table in rage. "William, you have to leave Justford right now!" "Leave? It's too late!" The door was suddenly kicked open and a group of men dashed in led by Denson, who had been kicked by William earlier.

His face was ferocious as he stared at William and grimly exclaimed, “Credit to you for not fleeing, but you'll regret it soon!" "Do you think you can deal withwith just these few people of yours?" William said indifferently.

That made Denson laugh. "I must say, rascal, you are truly daring to be so unconcerned at this point! I admire your bravery." Sophie stood next to Denson at this point, hugging his arm and coquettishly saying, "Denson, I'm just jealous about you having so many women attracted to you. Everything I have said earlier is merely out of anger. I will never like such garbage like William!" Aidan also stood up. "Mr. Hyde, can you be lenient to William?" Be lenient? To me? William narrowed his eyes and remained silent.

1/4 Chapter 49 Drink This and I'll Spare Your Life) On the other hand. Denson gave him a stern glare. "Lenient? That depends on his sincerity!" "Please tell us if you have any requests, Mr. Hyde. Anything can be done as long as you are not angry," Aidan quickly stated.

The next second, Denson took a large beer glass and handed it to Aidan. "Urinate in this? Aidan was stunned. He looked at the beer glass, took it silently, and went to the gents. Denson instructed one of his men to follow Aidan and ensure that he indeed urinated in the glass.

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Two minutes later, Aidan brought back the glass, half of it filled with urine. When he entered, he fixed his gaze on William, clearly knowing what Denson would do next.

Denson laughed. Then, he pointed to the glass of urine and said to William, “Finish this and I'll only break your legs today. Otherwise, I'll take your life!" Queenie, Tanner, and Zach, who had been chased away earlier, were all present.

Seeing William's predicament now, Zach burst out laughing. "Why aren't you as arrogant as you were just now? Drink it now!" Queenie smiled mockingly too. "I was just wondering how Miss Lloyd could have feelings for someone like you. What's happening now is your deserved end!" On the other hand, Tanner wore a perplexed expression, "Just take a step back, William. Drinking this is better than losing your life." He couldn't help but offer advice.

Many of William's former classmates had joined the crowd and were watching what was going on interestedly as if it were a good show. Sof the ladies even covered their noses in disgust.

Aidan sighed. "William, now that things have progressed to this point, it's more important to keep your life. Maybe you should just drink it." William's face showed no anger at all. He wasn't a moron. From the moment Zach appeared, William knew that the Aidan standing in front of him was not the one that he used to know.

But he couldn't figure out what had changed Aidan. After all, he had just helped the Wrights get through their difficult times.

"Were you the one who planned this?" William inquired calmly.

Aidan's face creased when he heard that. "I don't know what you are saying, William. We are friends, and I begged Mr. Hyde to spare your life because I don't want you to die. How could you accuseof plotting against you now?" "Look in the mirror, Queenie chinied in sarcastically. "Who do you think you are for Mr. Wright to waste his tplotting against you?" "Are you going to drink this or not?" Denson inquired coldly, William smiled in response before standing up and taking the glass of urine. Aidan's eyes immediately lit up. Drink it! Drink it right now! After you drink it, Tia will never regard you highly again! At this point, Nicole jumped in. "One would rather die in honor than live in disgrace. Aren't all of you going overboard?" 2/4 Chapter 49 Drink This and I'll Spare Your Life Among everyone present, only Nicole, who had just known William, spoke up for him.

"Nicole, a little humiliation is nothing compared to being alive, Aidan nonchalantly responded.

That made Nicole frown as she looked at William and shook her head.

Thump! Suddenly, Denson found himself on his knees. William had slapped him on the head, and he obediently opened his mouth wide in response.

The next thing everyone saw was William pouring the glass of urine into Denson's mouth.

When everyone saw this, sof them turned around and puked in disgust, whereas others dashed toward William to stop him. However, all of them fell to the ground before they could get close to William.

"There's a ghost here!" someone yelled and hurriedly backed away.

Aidan was stunned as well. What is happening? The entire glass of urine was forced down Denson's throat. When that was done, Denson screamed in rage and indignation, then began throwing up on the ground.

William tossed the glass to the ground and asked, "How's the taste?" Naturally, Denson couldnt speak. He vomited incessantly, eventually puking bile. Sophie, too, found him repulsive and kept her distance, refusing to approach him.

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Aidan was completely dumbfounded when he saw what was going on. "Are you insane, William? Kane will never let you off the hook! You're finished! No one can save you now!" he pointed at William and yelled.

However, William completely ignored him and sat back on the couch. He only calmly said, "Call Karie. I want to meet this so-called emperor of Justford!"

Without him saying, Denson had already taken out his phone. Tmm going to diel Askerhy father to saveright now. Be quick!” he screamed into the phone's speaker. Meanwhile, Nicole looked at William in surprise. How can he be so composed? Who exactly does he have backing him? William then pulled out his phone as well and called Brandon. "Hey, Brandon, do you know Kane?" Brandon had just finished dinner with his daughter. "Kane is my apprentice. Why? Do you know him too?" he replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah. We have a minor dispute between us and will be meeting up shortly. Given that he is apprentice, I thought I'd best give you a heads-up." your Hearing this, Brandon immediately furrowed his brows. "Is that b*stard stirring up trouble again? Where are you, William? I'll be right there!" William then gave Brandon the location before ending the call.

Frowning. Aidan spoke out at this moment. “It makes no difference whom you call, William. No one dares 3/4 Chapter 49 Drink This and I'll Spare Your Life to be at odds with Kane in Justford!" William said nothing in response and sat down to smoke his cigarette, his gaze cold.

Nicole sat down too. "Do you mind givinga cigarette?" He handed her one. "Women who smoke age quickly." That made her laugh. "It's all right. I don't usually smoke. I simply want to accompany you right now." "Accompany me?" William was surprised.

"It's been a long tsince I've seen a real man like you," Nicole continued.

William laughed in response. "I practice martial arts.

"My family is into martial arts too. Unfortunate