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A Mortal’s Medicinal Elixirs

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50 Brandon? Nicole's eyes lit up. "That's such a profound technique, William!" When William heard that, he chuckled. "Wanna learn? I can teach you." She was delighted by the proposal. “Really? Thanks!" Bang! The door was eventually kicked open and slammed to the ground with a resounding crash.

After that, a middle-aged man in a plaid shirt and a cigar in his mouth walked in. He was of average height and appearance but exuded an extremely fierce aura. It was enough to frighten anyone who was timid. Behind him was a group of a dozen experts, including two masters of the Qi State.

At the sight of the middle-aged man, Denson screamed, “Kill him, Dad! He was the one who forcedto drink urine. Boohoo" He bawled out loud as he hated William to death and wished for him to have a miserable death! The middle-aged man was Kane Stone. After glancing at his son, he looked disgusted and scolded. "Useless trash!" Ignoring Denson, he approached William and sat across from him. Everyone else was driven away except for Aidan and Sophie.

The middle-aged man exhaled a puff of smoke and stared at William while asking him, "Do you know who I am?" "Of course, I do. You're Kane Stone, Brandon Cromwell's disciple,” answered William as he scanned him from top to toe. He is undoubtedly a Qi State master who has achieved the Rhythmic Breath Realm.

After hearing that, Kane grinned and snapped, "If you know who I am, how dare you lay a finger on my son? Do you have a death wish?" "I'm not interested in your son. He was the one who provokedfirst. I'm being lenient by sparing his life for your sake." Then, Kane snickered and inquired, "For my sake?" He nodded, his expression hardened, and his eyes grew cold. "You think you can step onsimply because you have slight achievements?" When he heard that, Aidan got to his feet and said, "Mr. Stone! I'm also at fault for today's incident. I shouldn't have allowed someone like that to attend my party." Kane glanced at him and said, “Don't say that, Mr. Wright. We're a family now that your family has willingly transferred 20 percent of the shares of Prosperity Villa to me. We're on the sboat now," Aidan smiled in response. "It's my family's honor to work with you, Mr. Stone!" Kane nodded and spoke to William. "Since you're also a Qi State master, vo own lifel Then, William glanced at the tand uttered, "Let's wait a little longer." Kane was stunned by his response and asked, "For what?" "Someone.

should put an end to your 1/4 50 Brandon? "Is that so?" Suddenly, an energetic voice with a hint of anger sounded outside the door.

Despite his initial intimidating appearance, Kane was visibly shaken by the voice as he jumped up and shrieked like a cat whose tail had been trampled. “Master! What brings you here?" The man at the door was none other than Brandon Cromwell.

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Seeing that, Kane rushed over and kneeled on the ground while flattering him, "Master, why didn't you letknow you were coming? Is there anything you needto do?" However, Brandon ignored him and approached William with a bitter smile. "Oh, William, I'm sorry that you had to witness such an embarrassing scene. I know you're trying to save my pride by not teaching him a lesson." Then, William stood up and said, "Don't worry about it, Brandon." Brandon? Kane was stupefied. Why is William calling my master by name? On the contrary, Aidan's face was equally pale.

Staring at his disciple, Brandon questioned coldly, "Did you know William was the one who cured father and daughter? Were you trying to kill him earlier? Were you trying to kill my savior?" my After Kane heard that, he trembled with fear and plopped to the ground. I'm sorry for being ignorant, Master. I wouldn't have said that if I had known!" Then, he quickly turned around and kowtowed to William. "Thank you for saving my grandpa and Elizabeth, sir. Please accept my sincere apologies!" Thud! Thud! Thud! Without any hint of insincerity, he bowed three times.

Facing his apology, William muttered, "You don't have to thankbecause it is a doctor's responsibility to save lives." "Get up.

b"stard! Brandon uttered coldly.

Later, Kane stood up but still bowed to William apologetically. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, sir." While saying that, he walked up to Denson and kicked him while scolding him, "Damn you! How did I even raise such an incompetent son like you?! I'm going to kill you!" On the other hand, William knew that Kane was only acting in front of him. After all, Kane couldn't possibly kill his own son.

In response, Denson bawled loudly, "How could you beatup, Dad? He's the one who deserves a beating At that moment, Brandon's facial expression was as icy as frost. "Stop making a fuss!" Hearing that, Kane quickly stopped beating his son and scratched his head. "What should I do then, Master?" "What do you say, William?" Brandon glanced at William.

With a wave of dismissal, William uttered, "Forget it. It's only a trivial matter, but I have squestions for Mr. Hyde.

"Hey, sc*mbag! Mr. Barrejt wants to ask you questions. You better answer him honestly!" Kane immediately threatened his son.

214 Chapter 50 Brandon? Denson was terrified of his father, so he nodded while sobbing.

"Are you involved in today's incident?" William questioned. "What incident? I don't know a thing!" Denson hurriedly replied. William then glanced at Sophie. "Are you unaware of this too?" After hearing that, her face becpallid. Sophie was not a fool for not realizing William's status was superior to Kane's. So, how could she dare lie to him? "Aidan instructedto do it. He even gave70 thousand and taughtwhat to do." He sighed inwardly. I knew it was him! Suddenly, Aidan's expression morphed into anger. "What the hell are you saying? Since when did I make you do that?" "It was you! I still have the screenshot of the transaction you sent me. You were the one who madeapproach William and sow discord between him and Denson!" she retorted.

At that moment, Kane was enraged upon hearing that. Grabbing Aidan over, he questioned coldly, "What are you up to, brat?" Aidan's face immediately turned pallid as he stuttered, "I-I'm not up to anything, Mr. Stone!" Slap! After receiving a smack from Kane that knocked out several of his teeth, Aidan was left dumbstruck.

"If you dare to lie again; I will kill you!" Kane threatened coldly.

Aidan knew that he had no choice but to confess now. "I was only trying to teach William a lesson, Mr. Stone. I never expected things to unfold this way." After hearing that, Kane frowned. "Teach Mr. Barrett a lesson? Do you two have grudges against each other?" On the other hand, William said indifferently, "Not only do we not hold any ill will towards one another, but we were once roommates. I was the one who helped his family settle the cursed project in Prosperity Villa." Kane was shocked to hear that. "So, it was you who did it! I salute you, sir!" That sentence csincerely from his heart. He knew about the issue with Prosperity Villa, but seeing how William could resolve it proved the man's brilliance! Then, William looked at Aidan. “I treat you like a good friend, Aidan. Why did you try to hurt me?” seves Hearing that, Aidan thundered, "Stop pretending! Tia only has eyes for you. Even after I went to great lengths to pursue her, she never bothered to giveso much as a glance! Isn't that all because of you?" William shook his head in response. "That's your business. What does that have to do with me?" "If you were crippled or even dead, she might consider accepting me," Aidan snapped, madness flickering in his eyes.

Whack! With a strike from Kane, Aidan was launched into the air and and fell to the ground. After spitting a mouthful of saliva, Kane huffed, "Is this how you treat someone who helped you? B*stards like you are 3/4 Chapter 50 Brandon? seriously the worst!" Nonetheless, Aidan nearly lost his life due to Kane's deadly hit, and he spat blood as soon as he opened his mouth.

Once again, Kane bowed at William. T'm really sorry, sir. Denson was used by this brat.

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"What's over is over," William uttered magnanimously. Walking up to Denson, he removed the Golden Needles from his body.

Denson instantly leaped up and before m grabbed a chair nearby before swinging it at Aidan. "Damn you! How dare you make use of me?! I'm going to beat you to death" Aidan howled due to the pain, and his legs and ribs were soon broken.

When the others outside heard the howls, they assumed it was William's voice. Then Queenie shook her head En. and snickered, "He's dead meat now." However, Tanner sighed. "Why, William? It's only a glass of urine. It won't make you die." On the other hand, Zach felt exhilarated. "Let him act for now! He deserves to die!" By the tDenson was satisfied, Aidan had fainted.

"I'm sorry for today's incident, William. Why don't you let Kane treat you to a meal today as a token of apology? Brandon suggested.

we can Without a doubt, William had to agree to his suggestion. "Nah. Don't worry about the apology, v, but w still have sdrinks together." Kane was delighted to hear that. "That's right! Let's go and have sdrinks together!" The trio, along with their subordinates, then left Aidan's house.

Nevertheless, everyone was shocked when they saw William cout in one piece, chatting happily with Kane.

Seeing that, Queenie muttered, "No way How did that happen?" Send Gifts 30