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Dark Magus Returns-Novel

Chapter 600 The Legendary Tier's Power
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A message was being passed on from the Dark Magus Raze to Tilon through Rayna. Needing to sort out another problem, Raze had left things in her hands, and he made sure to tell her clearly what the shield could do.

For this shield was the greatest creation of the Dark Magus yet. There were three tiers of items that Alter had considered worthy of their tand resources to gather and get.

At the lowest of the three, there was the Mythical Rank; these ranked items were such things as the Earring and the Statue that Raze had created. Both of them were items that needed to be unsealed.

This tthough, Raze hadn't created a sealed item; with the use of a powerful enemy, he had managed to create a Legendary ranked item, just underneath the God tier, and it had the powers to go with it as well.

"Listen up, and listen well!" Rayna said, shouting as she continued to fight. She was weaker than usual so she was struggling a bit but carried on swinging her spear as she explained things.

"The first thing...

The first effects of the shield that she had explained to Tilon was what he had already figured out himself. The weightlessness of the shield including the increased power one would get for attacks that were blocked.

What was also explained though, like that of the Lux Sword, the power wouldn't just restore one's Qi, but also heal the user using it as long as they continued to block the attacks.

This was something that Tilon was unaware of, but then cthe next set of explanations about what the shield was able to do.

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"Now that you understand this, I'll explain how the rest of the shield works for you!" Rayna shouted.

She didn't mind if others heard because none of them would believe a word that was being said, even Polter that was attacking didn't believe that all of this could be the work of one item.

The only person that would believe it was the creator and the one using it right now.

"The basis of the shield is the energy that's stored in it from blocking attacks. Once the energy has been given to you as much as possible, as attacks continue to hit, it will continue to store more energy in the shield itself!"

Tilon had already gone beyond the point where he was getting effects from the shield but was still blocking Polter's attacks.

If anything Tilon was confident and started to move forward while blocking attacks, aiming to get him away from Alba.

"First, if the shield is slammed into the ground, a mass amount of energy will cout equivalent to what is stored, this will block attacks the moment it touches the ground at a far bigger range!"

Right now, knowing this was useless, there was no way for Tilon to use it, and the attack range of the person in front of him was direct.

It would be handy if they needed to block a bigger attack or multiple attacks at once; it still wasn't a way for Tilon to use it.

"While the shield is in its upright position, this is its storing mode, as it blocks attacks, slamming it releases the energy.

"However, if you turn the shield with its pointed end facing upwards, then it will reflect attacks used on it!" Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Hearing this, Tilon didn't waste any time, knowing how strong the effects were he was putting his trust in the Dark Magus.

Turning his shield around he blocked an attack, and right as Polter's curved blade touched it, he felt his large hand immediately get flung back.

Not only did it get flung back but a mass amount of Qi had hurt him, he could feel pain on his hand, on his fingertips.

'What that woman is telling him… is it true, was it really able to deflect… my attack!' Polter started to think.

What if everything she was saying was true.

"No energy needs to be stored to use the shield this way!" Rayna continued; she wanted to say something else, but she thought it was best to leave it till the end.

"Lastly, there is one more thing the shield is able to do. If the shield is thrown, all the energy stored in it will be unleashed, and the edge of the shield will becas sharp as a sword!

"No matter where the shield is thrown, it will always cback to its user!"

Tilon had placed the shield back in the upright position and blocked another hit from Polter.

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A shield being used as an attack weapon, he had thought of barging and shoving the shield into opponent's faces before but throwing it was unheard of.

He was a bit uneasy; after all, throwing this great shield, it could also mean losing it.

'I need to believe in the Dark Magus, he wouldn't lie and say such a thing to me!' Tilon thought as he took the shield and hurled it.

The edge of the shield was glowing pulsating with all the power that had gathered blocking Polter's attacks.

Seeing the shield coming at him, Polter swung his curved blade right at the shield but the pulsating edge had cut right through the sword.

It went through it with next to no resistance at all; as it went forward it sliced right through Polter's neck, his head started to fall to the side.

Then, the shield changed direction and had cright toward where Tilon was standing. The shield ripped through the man's chest and cright back to Tilon's hand soaked in blood.

Alba, with one of her eyes left open, she saw it, she managed to see everything. ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪs ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ʙʏ NovᴇlFɪre.nᴇt

'Even if the whole Crimson Crane were to go up against Polter, we would have lost, but with that one item, Tilon managed to defeat him completely on his own, and with ease.'

'How could such an item exist… right now, with that shield, it might be no exaggeration to say he's the strongest member in the Crimson Crane.'

Then another idea cinto her head, wouldn't it then be the creator of such a shield would be the strongest, and where exactly was the Dark Magus?

Not only that, but Rayna had one more thing to tell Tilon.

"That shield… is also Cursed…"