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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

Chapter 24


I walked away from my office unsure of what or why I had done or said whatever I had.

The way Zenovia had stared at me and confidently said that I could never love anyone had made me

feel a bit odd.

And, I was surprised why her words had affected me. It was not as if I ever cared who said what about


I was aware of how sometimes people whispered behind my back when they thought nobody was

hearing, calling me


I was the arrogant lycan King who everybody feared but had not won the hearts of his people. And the

reason partly was this stupid curse.

I had no idea why the idea of having a mate was so enticing for everyone. Humans lived their lives

without a mate, they chose someone they liked and if things did not go well, they would part ways as

easily as they had found each other.

Some never married their entire lives because either they did not believe in the concept of having to

commit to just one person their entire lives or only looked for sex and hookups.

I fell in neither category. It was not as if I hated girls in general but I had not found anybody who would

want me…just me as a person, not because I came with a complete package of luxury, power, and


And early enough, I learned in life that people did not come close to you if they did not want anything in


Zenovia had been labeled an outcast by her family and she had nowhere to go. Maybe, that is why she

was suddenly trying

to show she was useful.

I coiled my hands into fists as I headed towards my room, anger rising up from the pits of my stomach.

I headed straight to my room and turned on the shower. Stripping out of my clothes, I let the cold water

run down my body, relaxing me..

I stood there for a long time, the water soaking me as I tried to distract myself. Whenever I was near

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that girl, she drove me mad.

It was like she had no filter in her mouth and would just blurt whatever she thought about me. And, I

was getting annoyed that it affected me, not in a way I liked.

I would have simply killed someone if they had dared open their mouth to argue with me, but the little

lamb was simply too fearless. And it turned me on.


I swore as I ran a hand through my hair and applied body wash. When I looked down, I realized that I

was hard as fuck.

And, I had been thinking about Zenovia nonstop. Suddenly, my brain brought up the memory of our

kiss and how she had responded to me.

My hand went to my thick member and I began stroking it as I recalled how it felt to have her body

under mine, of how it had been to see her dance.

A moan left my lips when I recalled the way she had danced around her room, wrapped in her towel

and looking sexy as hell without a care in the world.

I began stroking myself harder as I recalled her long slender legs and the way she had fallen on me,

stark naked, and how I had gotten barely a glimpse of her bare body.


My cock was throbbing, wanting to bury inside her.

If she could make me hard without even being around, I could only imagine what it would feel like to

have her sweet little mouth suck me.

The thought was too much to handle and I began stroking myself harder. My nerves tingled at that

thought and all I could imagine was her sitting in front of me as I fucked her sweet mouth.

And then I would worship her body just like she worshipped my cock. The feeling was heavenly and 1

relaxed after I found my release. My cock slowly stopped twitching again but I had never felt so

dissatisfied before.

My lycan growled in my head. “Zenovia is a beauty.”

“I know,” I said as I cleaned myself up and felt a bit relieved after having pleasured myself. I could not

even remember when was the last time I got such a hard boner.

Chapter 24

I was perfectly fine and had no health issues but it was just that plastic and brainless beauties did not

make me feel the way this girl was doing.

While I dried myself with a towel and wrapped another around my waist. I heard a knock on the door.

“What?” I only asked as I stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards the mirror.

It was my gamma Elijah at the door.

He knocked once and said, “It is me, king”

1 did not turn back and only grunted as I dried myself with a towel. He took that as permission and

slowly opened the door.

“King, are you free?” He asked as I opened a drawer to find the comb and began combing my hair.

“For a bit, yes. Then I have some files to read” I mumbled as I opened the wardrobe and pulled out

some clothes to wear.

Elijah went silent and I looked at his reflection through the mirror while putting on the t–shirt I had

pulled out of the


Pushing it down my torso, I asked, “What is it?”

Elijah rubbed a hand over his neck and replied, “Nothing. I just wanted to check if you had your

discussion with Zenovia.”

I nodded gruffly. “I did”

He looked at me through the mirror hopefully. “And? What is your decision?”

I took a bottle of gel from the table and applied some of it on my wet hair while answering him.

“I said yes so you all can have your fun”

Elijah’s face brightened at that, “So she really did manage to convince you”

I corrected him, “I had never really said no to her, not directly at least Nexxt I pulled out jeans and put

them on while Elijah replied.

“To her maybe not. But to everybody else, you kept saying no for the past year.”

I raised an eyebrow at that while wiping the excess water off my neck and asked, “What is it that you

really want to talk about El

I got straight to the point and hoped that he would too.

“Zenovia…she is going to be your anchor?”

I looked sharply at him. “I have not discussed that thing with her and neither has Dru. We both agreed

on the fact that Zenovia first needs some time to recover and trust me. Being an anchor is no easy task

so we need to make her feel safe around us so that she would be more inclined to agree to the task

Elijah stepped forward and nodded feverishly. “Yes, I do agree with that. She is a very sweet girl and

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quite nice.”

“Hmm.” I mumbled unsure of where my gamma was going with this.

Elijah thought about it for a second and added, “Well, Matteo told me a bit about her and how her

family sold her to you. II only wanted to ask you what you planned to do with her.”

I finally turned my head at Elijah and pushed my hands into my jeans pockets.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I have talked to her and she seems very nice. I don’t really think you should punish her.”

I titled my head at that, “Do you see her crying or dying? I am letting her heal, right?”

But Elijah was quick to jump on that line.

“I know. But that is because you need her to be your anchor. Once her purpose is served, you will just

discard her for being

a traitor.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Elijah who was going to add more but stopped speaking


“Why are you so concerned about a girl you met merely 3 hours ago?” I asked.

Elijah swallowed nervously and looked away. “I just don’t want you to punish an innocent soul. And

hoped that you

would see she is not a traitor.”

I kept looking at him, trying to understand what he was trying to say

“Look El, you were not here and her entire pack swore that she sold insider information to rogues who

used that against them. While I do not deny that she might have been influenced or brainwashed by a

trickster, the fact remains that her own father disowned her.”

Elijah coiled his hands into fists, “Then probably he is mad too. Zen would never hurt even a fly.”

There was little distance between us and I closed it. I was now standing directly in front of my gamma.

“What is your point?” I asked and Elijah fumbled a little.

“I told you. She seems innocent and you are often driven by rage so I do not want you to hurt her.”

“If you are so confident of her innocence, show me the proof for that. I am not going to be fooled by

innocent faces. anymore, you know that, right?”

I asked Elijah and he got my point. He nodded his head and gave me a short bow before leaving my

room as I looked at his retreating figure.

But there was a new doubt that he had planted in my head.

Was my gamma smitten by the feral cat I had brought for myself? And why was I feeling jealous


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