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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25


Chapter 25

The next few days passed in a blur and the day of the ball was upon us. I spent the entire day running

around, setting up the tables, lighting, and flower arrangements while Maria had given me a team of

servants to work under me.

Ever since my odd conversation with Callahan that day, he had been avoiding me. The Lycan King

busied himself with work and only stepped out of his office to take a shower.

I think he was also eating and sleeping there.

I wanted to talk to him and maybe clear the confusion but it felt awkward for me to approach him


Even at the dinner or lunch table, he was missing and sometimes I had food alone or with Maria.

My friend, Elijah, was missing as well. I heard from Drusilla that he had been sent to invite all the

alphas to the ball as the Lycan King was definitely not going to send out invites.

1 frowned a little but decided to focus on work. The evening was already setting in and I saw shades of

orange and yellow on the horizon as the moon began peeking out of the clouds.

It was going to be a full moon today.

And, I had the most dreamy decor set up imaginable. Instead of the usual roses, I decided to go with

orchids that were hung at regular intervals through the huge canopy of metal and wood frames that

served as the venue.

I had also decided to ask the gardeners to put on some mistletoe at cozy corners for couples to spend

some quality time and be in a private space.

All in all, I was too happy with the way the venue looked. I smiled wistfully at the preparations before I

saw the wide gates of the mansion creak.

The guests were beginning to come in.

I looked down at myself. I was dressed in overalls as I had been jumping up and down my heels, all


Not wanting anybody to spot me like this, I hid behind the thick bushes as I saw the first few guests

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come in.

There were men and women dressed in finery, their poses confident and their attire demanding


Handsome men. I had never seen before, stepped out of their cars as Beta Matteo rushed forward to

greet them.

He passed by me and I only raised an eyebrow to ask, “Where is the King?”

Matteo mouthed, “Working” while adjusting his tie and running in the direction of the guests.

I frowned and my gaze slipped to the window of the King’s office. The lights were on and the blinds

were drawn.

Was he not going to step outside and attend the event even for a minute?

I kept pecking through the trees that hid me as a group of gorgeous girls walked in.

They were wearing fashionable clothes, their hair and make up perfect and their dresses ensuring that

their assets were well displayed.

This place was filled with beautiful people and I was the odd man out here. Everybody was looking

around at the place. with bright faces and I could not help but wonder what they were thinking about it.

“The mansion is freaking gorgeous” One of the girls, a blonde commented and her friend, a curly haired

girl, added,

“So is the Lycan King”

The girls were standing a few feet away from me, adjusting their dresses and hair while talking about


I could not help but perk my ears to listen to what they were saying about him.

“But he is so damn cold and unreachable. I have been trying so hard to get a glimpse of him but he just

does not leave his mansion”

I chuckled at that line.

The curly haired girl replied, “True, but I heard a rumor that he took in a breeder. I believe the curse is

really making him impatient.”

The blonde girl curled her hands into fists and did a little dance of excitement, “That is why we are

having this ball. And, I am going to ensure he only has eyes on me.”


Chapter 25

She said while twirling a lock of her hair and my smile wavered.

“How are you going to do that, Amy?” The curly haired girl asked and Amy, the blonde girl, fluttered her


“By using this.”

She showed her friends a small bottle hidden in her purse. “I am going to mix this in his drink and

seduce him. Then when he has marked me, he has no option but to choose me.”

Amy wriggled her eyebrows as her friend shrieked, “You are a naughty girl”

Amy shrugged, “Everything is fair in love and war. And, Callahan is mine.”

My eyes widened at their scheming but it was not as if I could say anything. I was deemed the lycan

King’s breeder so I had no right on him.

He was free to choose any of the girls as his mate. I frowned a litle and shoved the little feeling of

jealousy bubbling inside. of me as I heard a few more girls gush about him.

I had no idea Callahan was so popular among the girls or even the men. I sneaked through the bushes,

trying to hear more of what people thought about him.

The men were trying to woo the girls in hopes of one of them would turn out to be their mate but

nobody seemed to give them any attention.

Wherever I went, they were talking nonstop about Callahan. My face further fell. There was no chance

in hell that he would even look at me.

And then I was surprised why was I still thinking of him. Had I not planned to run out of the mansion

while everybody was busy partying?

I shook my head and went back inside through one of the side doors but a chirpy voice greeted me.

“Oh my God, Zenovia. Why are you still not ready?”

I turned around to see Drusilla standing a few feet away from me, her hands on her hips.

“I…I did not know I was invited” I answered truthfully. Well, it was a half–truth.

Not only was I mateless but also wolfless. No man would want me because I was the lowest of the low..

Drusilla came forward and pointed a finger at me.

“What do you mean by not invited? You arranged everything. You are a guest here too.”

I shrugged as she looked at me from head to toe.

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“Now are you going back inside and changing into something decent or should I shout at you again?”

I gave her a smile. “I…I will happily watch the event from my room’s window.”

I knew there was no chance I was going to find my mate here so there was no point staying here. Plus,

I needed to get off my back, if I wanted to run away.


But Drusilla shook her head, “You are going in your room and changing into nice clothes or I am

coming and making you

wear it.”

I raised my hands in surrender, “Okay fine. I will go”

“You better,” as she smiled. I gave her a quick once over and asked, “Are you not changing?”

She was wearing a simple blue blouse and long pants.

“Ahh, I did not want to but on second thought let me join you”


And before I could protest, she was pushing me inside the mansion, all the way up to my room.

My protests fell on deaf ears as she closed the doors of my room and made me take a quick shower

while she selected a dress and accessories for me.

“Is this really necessary?” I asked miserably but she only glared at me.

Drusilla spent almost an hour, painting my nails, styling my hair, and applying makeup all the while

asking me to keep my eyes closed.

She had not even let me see what dress she had chosen for me and only instructed me to wear it.

I only felt the way she pushed accessories up my body, worked with the zips, and played with my hair.

Chapter 25

“Why are you wasting all of your time on me? You have to get ready too.”

I said but she shook her head, “I like helping other girls get ready. I used to help my…never mind.”

She had started to open up about her life but quickly closed her lips.

I wanted to ask her more about her personal life and family but it seemed like the topic was off limits.

I felt the soft brush upon my cheeks a few times before she finally huffed, “Phew, that was a lot of hard

work but still it was interesting”

“Can I open my eyes now?”

I asked and she replied. “Oh right, now you can”

So I looked at the reflection in the mirror that was staring back at me and screamed.

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