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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84

“You actually tookto the water aquarium!” Hope was shocked as they both stood. outside the biggest

aquarium of their country.

“These are our tickets,” Logan said and showed them to her.

“When did you book them?” Hope queried. “You were so angry onyesterday,” she murmured.

“I booked them in the morning,” Logan replied. “Let’s go in. He grasped her hand and took her inside. Spending

more than hour inside the aquarium, they exited it. Before making their way to the car, Hope took him to the

park constructed within the premises of the aquarium.

Under the shade of a giant tree, they both sit. The people were far from their sight and nobody was around

them. “Logan, last night | thought a lot about us. | realized | lack in. many things while trying to be a good

companion,” she murmured and glanced at him.

“We both have flaws, Hope. What you did the last day was foolish. If not for this pendant, Alaric had killed you,”

Logan pronounced. “I don’t know how | would have survived then,” he muttered. He intertwined their fingers.

“Clifton is looking for them. As soon as we get a track of them, I'll inform you.”

Hope hummed and moved closer to him. She rested her head on his shoulder. “I promise | won't do things like

this anymore. The phone you gavecarried a lot of memories inside it. But they took it away with them. |

don’t know whether Alaric is my uncle or not. He used my mom’s nto maketrust him,” she murmured.

“Every truth will cout, Hope, Logan stated. “There's something | always wished to tell you for a long time.”

He caressed her hair and brushed his fingers with hers.

“What is it?” Hope queried.

“Olivia gavethe comfort when | lost my parents. She did what | found right. | never actually bothered what

she desired. Lately, | have thought a lot about it. That's when | realized, she was just likeand two like poles

can never attract each other.”

Hope lifted his head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. “So, you want to say that-

“I didn’t like her the way | like you. You have becmy other half, who is embedded with me. | like the way you

makespeak up, makefight with you, get bothered by you and even love you. | have forgotten these

emotions a long tago. You have filled my life with the happiness again,” he expressed his deep inner feelings

to her.

Hope kissed him and closer her eyes. Her hand found its place on his arm as he kissed

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Chapter 84

him deeply. He, too, opened his mouth, thus reciprocating to her. His hand possessively held the back of her

head and opened his mouth widely. Because they were in the park, they both stopped themselves after a while.

The air reached their lungs as soon as they parted their mouths. Logan rested his head. against Hope’s and

tenderly stroked her neck. A smile emerged on his lip as he felt relieved to have her by his side.

Ryan stood up from his seat and put on his blazer as he told his secretary he would leave now. Reaching the

parking lot, he opened his car's door when a familiar figure showed his presence to him.

“Natasha,” Ryan whispered and looked in her direction. “What do you want?” he asked, frowning at her.

“Are you still angry atfor what | did?” Natasha asked.

Ryan chuckled to hear her. “You think after what you did, | would worship you,” he laughed and rubbed his


“Well, whatever happened wasn’t in my hands. You know this well. You weren't ready to givethe t|

wanted,” Natasha said.

“Natasha, will you stop glorifying the act of your cheating?” Roaxana'’s voice

reverberated in the parking lot and Natasha turned around to know who this woman


Roaxana walked toward Ryan and stood in front of him. “Why don’t you apologize for what you did instead of

showing yourself a great person?” she arched an eyebrow at him.

Natasha opened her mouth to speak, but Roaxana didn’t let her. “Ryan was quite kind to you. If | would be in his

shoes, | had made sure to make you suffer along with your idiot. boyfriend,” she stated. “Don’t even open your

mouth because if you do, Ill slap you.”

Nobody ever made Natasha feel this humiliated. It was worse than what Hope did to her. She watched them

getting in the car and wondered if they both had something going on.

Roaxana drove as fast she could, overtaking the cars ahead of them.

“You should slow down,” Ryan said.

Roaxana listened to him and decelerate the car after stime. She pulled the car in the parking lot of the

apartment building, where Ryan lived and ran her fingers

10:48 Fri, 1 Mar

Chapter 84

through her hair. “Why did you even let her talk to you?” She asked.

“Before | could even send her away, you appeared out of nowhere,” Ryan replied.


Roaxana glanced at him. “You think I did wrong. She cheated on you. She was lucky, | didn’t pull her eyes out,

she muttered while gritting her teeth.

Ryan ended up smiling to hear her comments. “You did nothing wrong. Thanks for speaking up on my behalf. |

couldn’t have been this rude to her, but you did right,” he stated, praising the step she took.

Roaxana smiled and told him they were friends, so she could at least do that for him.

“Friends?” Ryan arched his eyebrow.

“Aren't we? | have not broken my friendship with you yet,” Roaxana clarified to him.

“What were you doing in my company? Didn't | tell you to leave?” Ryan asked her.

“Ah, 1-1 thought to wait for you,” Roaxana stated.

“How long did you wait?”

“Why? Are you worried that I'm hungry?” she questioned him. And her stomach growled in this entire

conversation. She covered her belly using her hands and told him it was nothing.

“Let's go to my apartment. I'll cook for us,” Ryan said and exited the car. Roaxana was stunned to hear him and

followed him to his apartment. She removed her heels and wore the slippers upon entering his house.

“You talked toin such a calming tone after a long time,” Roaxana asserted.

“I'm sorry for hurting you all this time. Do you want to freshen up? You can use the washroom. I'll cook somethin

light for us,” he affirmed.

“Hmm. I'd like to wash my face,” she said.

“Okay. Then, I'll see you in the kitchen,” Ryan stated.

“Sure.” Roaxana went to the washroom while Ryan headed to the kitchen. He cooked white sauce pasta for

them, which readied soon. While serving it on the plate, Roaxana cthere and praised him for his cooking


They both sat around the table and began eating. Roaxana was happy that this tRyan didn’t angrily ask her

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to leave. She slowly eat the pasta while gazing at her.

“Roxy,” he called out her nand she realized he used this nicknfor her after

Chapter 84

such a long time.


“Did you refuse to date Isaac?” Ryan asked.

“Hmm. | did. But why do you ask?”

“Nothing.” Ryan didn’t wish to tell her how Isaac talked to him on the phone and told him to not hurt Roaxana.

He even had asked Ryan to stay away from Roaxana.

“Something has happened. Tell me,” Roaxana urged.

“Nothing has happened. | guessed it because you should have been with Isaac at this. hour,” Ryan asserted, thus

not letting her doubt him.

“I don’t like him. So, | don’t wish to date him. | cleared him this already,” she stated and began eating again.

“But he seems to like you,” Ryan proclaimed.

“Are you trying to setup with him? | like you and | will date you only,” Roaxana clarified to him. She licked

her lips. “This pasta is delicious,” she mumbled.

Ryan smiled a little and let her enjoy her food. However, he had made up her mind he would not date her. The

way Roaxana acted around him, would make his heart melt, but for their betterment, he wished to keep her


“No matter how hard it will be forto open your heart, I'll do it, Ryan,” she suddenly said, causing their eyes

to lock again..

“I'am not a good guy for you. I'll treat you badly,” he pronounced.

“You aren't the bad guy either. | understand the turmoil inside you. So, | won't keep forcing you to date me.

Instead, I'll wait for your heart to seeas a woman too,”

Roaxana said with a smile. She was confident that she would succeed in opening Ryan's heart for her.