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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

Hope accompanied Logan


the airport, tears brimming in her eyes as she embraced

him tightly, reluctant to see him leave.

As the announcement for his flight echoed through the terminal, Hope reluctantly pulled away. “Don’t forget to

eat and get srest,” she reminded him, placing her hands on his arms.

“I promise,” Logan assured her, gently tucking stray strands of hair behind her ear before leaning in to kiss her,

pouring his emotions into the tender moment. Stepping back, he glanced briefly at Clifton.

“Keep watch while I'm away,” Logan instructed him solemnly, his gaze lingering with. full of concern.

“Don’t worry, Boss,” Clifton reassured Logan.

“Logan, I'll take care of Hope as well. So, don’t stress about her well-being,” Paul's girlfriend, Violet, chimed in,

wrapping her arm around Hope's shoulder for added comfort.

“Let's go ahead. We can’t afford to miss the flight, Paul urged, prompting the two of them to bid farewell and

depart with a wave.

Once they were gone, Hope and Violet returned to the mansion with Clifton, the air heavy with a mixture of

anticipation and apprehension for what lay ahead.

“Hope, did Logan ever mentionto you?” Violet inquired as she settled onto the couch in the living room.

Camila provided them with water before departing with the servants to prepare dinner.

“No, he never did. | was aware that Paul was seeing someone, though,” Hope clarified, taking a sip of water

before placing the glass on the table. “Logan doesn’t often discuss the people he knows with me,” she added.

“In fact, there's a significant reason why he may not have mentionedto you,” Violet asserted, taking another

sip of water before setting her glass down.

“A big story?” Hope's surprise was evident in her tone.

“Yes, indeed, Violet confirmed. “I graduated from the scollege as Paul and Logan. Olivia was my friend as

well. When Logan lost Olivia, he was shattered, and in the heat of the moment, | said something to him that

caused him to resent me. Despite still communicating through Paul, our relationship was never the same.”

“I'm sure you didn’t mean to hurt him, Hope reassured, her empathy shining through

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Chapter 83

her words. “But Logan is sensitive when it comes to Olivia. | can’t help but wonder what kind of relationship they

had,” she mused aloud. “Although he’s toldthat I've brought meaning and happiness back to his life.”

Violet smiled warmly. “It’s truly remarkable to see such a transformation in Logan,” she remarked. “Olivia was

instrumental in pulling him out of the darkest phase of his life. When you lose someone, you have to find a way

to move forward because twaits for no one. Logan struggled with that, but Olivia was there for him during

that time, which is why she holds such a special place in his heart. Her loss was devastating for


As Violet shared what she knew about Logan’s past with Hope, she continued, “Olivia may not have been his

destined mate, but they formed a deep bond. I'm incredibly glad that destiny intervened and brought you into

his life,” she affirmed, her words carrying a sense of genuine happiness and hope for their future together.

“I made a foolish mistake yesterday. He must have been so worried,” Hope confessed, her gaze dropping to her


Violet gently placed her hands over Hope's, offering comfort and support. “Paul toldabout what happened. It

was indeed a mistake, but Logan was beyond terrified for you. He was shaking with fear,” she revealed solemnly,

emphasizing the depth of Logan’s concern for Hope's well-being.

“I want to celebrate his birthday, but | don’t think he’ll be back that day. He mentioned. it's the anniversary of

his parents’ passing,” Hope revealed, withholding the fact that it was also the day her parents had died. “I don’t

want him to see it only as a day of loss anymore. | want him to find joy that day since he was born on that day,”

she declared.

“Hope, the best gift you can give him is your presence. Today, | witnessed firsthand how much he cares for you,”

Violet affirmed, her smile radiating warmth. “He’s taking small steps towards you and will soon be ready to move

forward completely,” she assured, offering Hope a sense of hope and encouragement for their future together.

“I will drop you to your home,” Ryan said as he cto the living room after freshing up, with keys in his hand.

“I'll go by myself,” Roaxana said.

“I cannot let you go alone,” Ryan replied.

“Why? The other days you did letgo by myself. I've not forgotten how you didn’t open the door and even

changed its passcode,” she complained to him.

Her intention was to spend the night at his apartment to prevent him from drinking

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Chapter 85

after her departure.

“Are you leaving or not?” Ryan inquired impatiently.

“No, not yet,” she replied firmly.


“Why are you so determined to stay here? Your mom will be worried about you,” Ryan reasoned, approaching her

and attempting to pull her up by her arm. However, she remained rooted to the spot, unmoved by his efforts.

“Do you even realize | got sick because of you?” Roaxana suddenly confessed, her words hanging heavily in the


“What?” Ryan's grip on her arm loosened for a moment. “Did you cry?” he asked.

“Of course, | cried buckets. My only best friend askedto forget him and not show my face to him ever,”

Roaxana confessed, her voice heavy with emotion.

Ryan’s heart sank as he remembered that day, realizing he had been too harsh on her. “Are you doing better

now?” he inquired gently.

“Yes, | am,” Roaxana assured him, her tone more composed.

As Ryan almost withdrew his hand from her arm, Roaxana caught it, surprising him. Before he could react, she

tugged him down, causing him to hover above her momentarily. “Roxy!” he exclaimed, startled, quickly

composing himself and sitting beside her.

“What's gotten into you? This isn’t like you,” Ryan remarked.

Roaxana responded by flipping her hair to one side and attempting to look cute, placing her hands on her cheeks

in a playful gesture.

Unable to contain himself, Ryan burst into laughter, prompting Roaxana to inquire why he was laughing. “You

shouldn't laugh at me. | was trying to be cute, she protested.

“It was just so funny,” Ryan managed between chuckles, offering an apology as he struggled to regain his

composure. Roaxana couldn't help but feel a surge of joy seeing

his smile.

In a spontaneous moment of affection, she enveloped him in a hug, causing him to momentarily freeze, his

laughter fading away.

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“Ryan, please, keep smiling and laughing like this. I've missed it so much. | miss the Ryan I've known all these

years,” Roaxana murmured softly, her hand gently stroking

his back.

Feeling comforted by her touch, Ryan curled his fingers slightly, silently acknowledging

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Chapter 85

her words. As Roaxaria leaned into him, he instinctively drew her close, his arms. encircling her in a warm



Apologizing for his behavior, Ryan held her for a moment longer before reluctantle releasing her, letting her go

with a sense of remorse lingering in the air.


“Ryan, don’t you wish to know the truth?” Roaxana asked him.

“I don’t want to hate my father for lying to me. | think I'll be upset to learn why my mother died,” Ryan

expressed and it showed that he wanted the truth to remain hidden.

Roaxana understood what he desired. “Alright.” She placed her hand above his and held it firmly. “Don’t lose

yourself. You are such an incredible man, Ryan. | cannot see you in such a devastating state,” she murmured.

“I know. Roaxana, | can be a good friend to you, but we can’t be good life partners. We aren't destined for each

other,” Ryan again claris

to her. “You should consider dating Isaac. I'll help you,” he pronounced..

Roaxana was never with a guy before other than him, so Ryan understood how uncomfortable it was for her to

open with any man.

“I don’t wish to date him and you cannot forcefor it,” Roaxana delivered her

decision to him.

“I respect your decision, but, Ryan met her gaze when she placed her index finger on his lips.

Letat least prove to you how good we both look once we get together. Letmake those efforts. You won't

find a loyal woman like me. | promise you,” Roaxana asserted as she peered into his orbs.