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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 121
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An Emotional Day
I’m sitting on the couch daydreaming about my session with Master Jude. It’s been two days and I’m still feeling the
aftereffects from it. What he did to me, what they did to me
was something that I never thought I would enjoy, but it’s the exact opposite. I want more, my body is craving more. I know I’ve
said many times that I could never let anyone else inside of me, but Master Jude has changed all of that. I want to feel him take
me and use me while Jace watches, or better yet, joins. That’s what I want, I want to be sandwiched in between two of the
hottest Doms. My birthday is coming up soon, I wonder if Jace will allow me this one thing. I want to respect his feelings, and if
he says no, then I will drop it, and never
ask again.
Speaking of Jace, I cannot unsee what I walked into that night at Jude and Beth’s. I was surprised for sure, but then when I
helped get him off, my own arousal was running down my thighs again. I know Jace loves his pussy, but I think most of the turn
on was the fact that Jude took control and domi
nated everyone, yes, even Jace.
I’m sad to be seeing them go, but they have lives to get
back to, and so do we. Jude and Beth will be stopping by be fore they head to the airport, and I know I’m going to cry. They are
all I know really, who are part of the lifestyle. Sure, l’
ve met a few others at Shameless, but Jude and Beth are our
real friends.
“Hey, baby. Jude called to tell us that they are headed over here now.” Jace sits down beside me and observes my reaction, “Are
you okay, Ella?” His brows furrow as he reaches over and caresses my face.
Closing my eyes, I lean into his touch before nodding. I’m betrayed by the single tear that decides to slip past my closed eye lid,
so I open my eyes once more and shake my head, no, before wrapping my arms around his neck.

“What’s wrong, baby?” His arms come around me as well and his hand rubs my back, trying to soothe me.
“I’m going to miss them, Jace. I don’t like that our friends
live so far away.”
He chuckles and then leans back to brush the wetness away, “We will see them again, baby. It’s not like it’s forever. Once we
both finish school, then we can move back or go
wherever we want to go.”
“Maybe we should just switch schools and move closer.” This was not the right thing to say, though.
“Are you fucking serious? You get into one of the top schools in the country, on a full scholarship, and you want to throw the
opportunity away? For what? What’s gotten into you, Ella.”
I sigh. He’s right of course, I’m not being very smart at the moment, just letting my emotions get in the way, “I’m sorry, you‘re
right. I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” I give a little chuckle, “I guess with everything that has happened, they have been here
with us, and it’s just sad to see them go is all.” I shrug it off, but he pulls me back in to him.
“It will be fine, you will see. We will start classes in a few
weeks, and you will be so busy that you won’t have time to
miss anybody. Then when the holidays arrive, we will go back
and see everyone.”
| giggle and squeeze him tighter, “Yeah, I know. I’m just being dumb.”

He tangles his hand in my hair and pulls back on it, so I have to look at him, “Don’t ever call yourself dumb again. I don’t like my
girl being called names unless I’m the one doing it, and only when she’s being extra naughty for me.” His smile is sexy as hell
and causes me to bite down on my inner lip.
A spark ignites inside me, but it quickly fizzles out at Jace’ s next words, “Jude and Beth will be here any minute to say their
goodbyes, and then Kingsly wants us to go to the police station and give our statement, since we haven’t given one

He then leans into me and runs his tongue over the outer
shell of my ear, “When we get back home, I will give you what
your dripping pussy is needy for.” I feel a slight sting as he nips my lobe, “Do I have to check to confirm what I just said?”
“No, she’s so wet for you, Jace.”
“That’s what I thought.” He pulls back with a smile and then brings his lips to mine for a brief kiss and then whispers against
them, “I love you, Ella Marie Baxter.”
“And I love you, Jace Mitchell Palmer, with my whole
Jude and Beth have lunch with us before they leave, and
I’m grateful for the little time that we get before they leave us. Beth and I are already discussing the things we are going to do
when Jace and I come home for Thanksgiving while the guys talk about something that has to do with a club or train ing center,
or whatever it is. We just enjoy the last moments with our friends before we walk them to the door.
Beth gives me a big hug before moving to Jace while
Jude comes to stand in front of me, “I’m going to miss you Precious. You make sure to take care of my friend until | come back,
you hear?”
| smile up at him, “Yes, Master Jude, I promise.”
“That’s a good girl. I want to thank you again for being good and taking your torture session so well. I’m very thank ful for what
you gifted me with that night, I will never forget
I blush and look down, “You’re welcome, Master Jude.”

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He lifts my head up by my chin, “Hey, don’t ever be shy around me, Precious,” his eyes sweep my whole body, “There is
absolutely nothing to be shy about. I’m going to miss you.” He then pulls me in for a tight hug with his hand on the back of my
head. Like Jace did earlier, he tugs my head back and kisses me. There is no tongue involved, but it affects me just
the same.
A throat clears, “Do you mind releasing my girl?” Jace chuckles as he pulls me away from his friend and straight into
his arms.
“My bad.,” Jude says as he wipes the corner of his mouth
and winks at me, “See you in a few months.”
“Oh, wait! My birthday is the very end of August. I would
love it if you guys are able to make it back, even if it’s just for the weekend. I’ll understand if you can’t though, I just wanted to let
you know.”
Jude grins, “We will see what we can make happen, how’s
that?” He caresses my cheek and I nod.
“Have a safe flight you too.” Jace sends them off and then closes the door before holding me tight, knowing that I need
it right now.

“How about we go shower and get the statements out of
the way, so we can come back here, and I can really make you feel better.” Jace says as he pulls away from me a little.
I give him a watery smile, “Yes, please.”
The police station is bustling when we enter. Uniformed
officers walking this way and that way, some with criminals in cuffs, some consoling victims. We make our way to the front desk
and let them know who we are and that we are sup.

posed to be meeting with Kingsly and another detective. Luckily, Kingsly was able to get a different detective than the ones that
we were dealing with before. This one seems to ac tually be taking his job seriously.
“Jace, Ella, l’m so glad you could finally make it in,” Kingsly states as he comes out of a door behind the front desk with another
guy, “This is Detective Matheson. He’s tak en over your case and will make sure you get justice for ev erything.”
“Thank you, I hope you’re better than the last two lazy asses that were on it.” Jace states, and I squeeze his hand, a silent plea
to be nice.
“My apologies for that Mr. Palmer, Miss Baxter. Some of the older detectives seem to think that they can pick and
choose which cases to work on. They have both been moved to other precincts and put on desk duty for a while. As for myself, I
don’t take stalking very lightly. I lost a dear friend to
a stalker a few years back. Had I known there was an open
case, I would have been on it a lot sooner.”
“We appreciate it,” Jace nods, “As long as justice is served; Ella has been through enough already.”
“I understand,” the detective sweeps his hand towards the door they just came out of, “If you follow us, we will take
you to go write your statement, and then we would like you to make a positive ID on both.”
Jace and I both write out statements, which are at least
three pages long, and then we are each taken to a separate
room. They have me ID Davis first, and then they switch Jace,
and I and I find myself in another room with a two-way mir ror. Since I’ve never seen the woman without a disguise on,
they have all the women in a baseball cap and the same type
of aviator sunglasses that I’ve seen her wear.
They have each woman step forward and in a whispered

voice, they each say, “He’s been dying to get a taste of you for a while now”, the same thing the woman from the dress ing room
had said to me. I can’t be too sure, though.
“Uh, can you have number one and number four say it again, four looks like the woman who came into my work, but number one
is a close second?” I ask and close my eyes so I can really listen to their voices, “It’s number four, she’s the one that came into
the dressing room!”.
“Are you positive, Ella?” The Plasks.
“Yes, I will never forget her voice. I would remember her perfume too if she was wearing any.”| stare at the woman on the other
side of the mirror.
“You did good, Ella,” Kingsly states, “I’m glad we finally got them both.”
“Davis said that he wasn’t working with anybody, that he
didn’t trust anybody else.”
“Well, people tend to lie when they are in love and trying
to protect someone.” Detective Matheson chuckles, “We will find out the truth and they will be going away, Miss Baxter. Cynthia
will be charged with attempted manslaughter and Davis with stalking and attempted rape, but the stalking charges will be more
since he was working with the person who stabbed you. Regardless, they will both be going away for a long time.”
Jace is just walking up to me when the detective informs
me of this, and I smile up at him, “Thank you so much, Detec
“It is my pleasure, Miss Baxter.”
“Come on, baby,” Jace takes my hand and smiles, “Let’s go home.”