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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 122
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A Romantic Dinner
With the day being so emotional for me, Jace thought it would be a good idea to take me out to dinner. It isn’t anything fancy, but
it isn’t fast food either. It’s a quaint little Italian restaurant that offers private tables and romantic music. Jace even pulls the chair
out for me and places a kiss on my bare shoulder before I sit down. Thank God I changed from my jean shorts and tank top, into
a sundress before heading to go fill out our statements. Even though, this isn’t a high-class place, I still would have been out of
place with what I was wearing.
The tables are small, and they have sheer curtains all around, giving you a sense of privacy. A rose in a slim, glass vase, with a
candle beside it, sits in the middle of each table. The server brings us two glasses of water and a basket of breadsticks when she
comes to greet us. Leaving us with two menus, my eyes roam the area that we are in. I can barely see through the curtains, so
we have quite a bit of privacy.
Once the server comes back and takes our orders, I give Jace my full attention, and smile, “Thank you, Jace. This is all so
He reaches over and takes my hand, “I wanted to do something to cheer you up, baby. I hate seeing you sad, and we also have
to celebrate.”
“I thought you were going to take me home to do that?” | grin.
“Well, you know that will be a given, but I wanted to do
something special, especially now that we don’t have to worry about stalkers.”
I suck on my lower lip for a brief second, “Can I thank you now, or do I have to wait?”
“What do you have in mind?” He cocks a brow as he grins.

Before I can chicken out, I take a quick glance around and then start sliding off my chair. Jace’s expression goes into shock
mode, as I disappear beneath the table. A white tablecloth hangs all around, so I have complete privacy as I reach my hands up
and undo his jeans. I hear chuckle come from him, but it gets cut short as I wrap my lips around his growing cock.
I can’t believe I actually took the initiative to do this on my own, but I’m so glad I have, because I feel powerful. Being able to
choose to do this on my own and not be ordered to do it, is just as hot as when he does order me to do it. Taking him deep into
my throat and holding myself there before coming back up has his hand coming under the table to tangle in my hair. He does not
take over, though, letting me work his cock the way I know he likes it.
Suddenly, there is another voice at the table, and I realize that the server has come back. I go to pull away, but Jace holds my

head in place as he informs the server that I stepped away for
a moment. With me not at the table, the girl has the nerve to flirt with him. Giggling and going on about how she will be starting
college classes soon, but she’s only a senior in high school. On and on she goes as I continue to suck my boyfriend’s cock.
Since he feels the need to continue the conversation with the
girl, I pick up my pace and start fondling his balls as I do. I can feel his need rising, and only then does he start trying to get the
girl to go away, but she’s not taking the hint until finally, Jace has had enough.
“In case you have forgotten, I am here with my very sexy girlfriend, so I suggest you leave and only come back to do what you
are being paid to do, and that is to serve us!”
Thear the poor girl mumble her apologies and then leave just as Jace explodes in my mouth. He releases a huge load and I
happily swallow all of it down. Once I make sure he’s all nice and clean, I tuck him away and crawl back up into my chair,
smirking. Taking my napkin, I wipe the corners of my mouth and smile sweetly across the table as Jace just stares at me with a
satisfied smirk on his face. Neither of us say anything until the server comes back over with our house salad.
“Oh, I hope I don’t get too full after the appetizer that I had.”
Jace coughs out a laugh as the server looks at me strangely because we never ordered any appetizers. I smile at the girl, “My
boyfriend was sweet enough to feed me a special treat.” || wink at her, but she’s still confused, so I leave her be to ponder over
what I said.
“You are such a little slut.” Jace says jokingly after the girl leaves.
I shrug, “You love it, and besides, she shouldn’t be flirting with my boyfriend.”

“You’re right on both accounts, Precious. I will definitely reward you once we get home.”
My panties dampen at his words, and suddenly, I’m not hungry anymore. I don’t want to ruin this dinner for him, though. I know
he’s happy that he’s doing something nice for me, so I will be patient, and let him pamper me before he turns me into his dirty
little whore for the night.
“Say it, Precious. Tell me how much you want my cock, and I will give you two more stripes across your beautiful ass.” Jace
teases me as we are in the playroom.
He asked me what I wanted him to do to me tonight as a little reward, and I told him that I wanted a good caning. I haven’t had a
good one since before I was stabbed, even when Jude worked me over, it wasn’t anything as bad as I wanted. I’ve lost count as
to how many I’ve received already, but I trust Jace enough to know how many striped welts he’s laid across my backside. All i
know is the sting from each strike has left a delightful burn all the way across both cheeks, and I still want more.
“Please, Sir, I want you to use me like the dirty whore that I know you love so much. My greedy pussy is craving for your big cock
to destroy it. I want it hard, fast and deep, Master Jace!”
“You’ve been a very good girl, Precious...”
The whooshing sound of the cane slicing through the air as it comes down across my very sore and very red butt has me
sucking in my breath, just before I cry out from the deep sting. One more, as promised, comes down before I hear him toss it to

the floor. I’m already bent over the spanking bench and so he doesn’t waste anytime slamming into me. I asked for it hard and
fast, and that’s exactly what I get.
“Is this what you wanted, baby? Is... this... hard... enough... for ...you?” He fucks me so deep that I can feel him touching
places that he’s never touched before. The burn each time he slams against my welted skin, builds the fires up within.
He doesn’t disappoint as he gives me everything he’s got and has me coming before he even gives me permission. Not lecturing
me for releasing without asking, he continues for a little longer before stopping and pulling out.
“I want to try something, Precious. I think you will like it.”
I’m still panting, but I’m able to respond, “What is it, Sir?”.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“You love it when we use the purple pussy eater to do DP, don’t you?” He asks as he walks away and rummages through the
drawers where he keeps all the dildos and vibrators.
“Yes, Sir...”
“Well, we aren’t using that one tonight, because we need to work you into that, but I’m going to try a different kind of DP. Do you
trust me?” He comes over with an average size rubber phallus and a bottle of lube.
“Of course, I trust you, Sir.”
Leaning down, he takes my lips and thrusts his tongue into my mouth as he kisses me for a moment, “Remember your safe
word, Precious.” He tells me as he pulls away with a grin.
I hear the lube squirt out of the bottle and then jump a little when he starts to insert the fake cock. It isn’t really doing much for me
because it’s a little smaller than Jace is. I’d much
rather have his inside of me, but I will let him do his thing. When I hear more lube being squirted and then feel Jace lining himself
up to my hole, the same hole that happens to be occupied at the moment, I begin to tense up.
“Relax, Precious. Just trust me. I’m not going to hurt you, it’s just going to feel really full, okay. I nod, “Use your words, baby.”
“Okay, Sir...” I relax as much as I can and wait for the pain.
He begins to push himself inside of me, alongside the dildo, a little at a time. Reaching around, he plays with my clit, helping to
distract me as he pushes himself all the way in. In no time at all I’m feeling fuller than I’ve ever felt. Jace begins to give little
thrusts as he continues to torture my clit.
“Oh, my God, I feel so full, Sir!”
“Am I hurting you?”
“No, Sir, it just feels weird.”
He chuckles, “I thought maybe you would like this since you like it dirty.” All of a sudden, a vibration starts, and I realize that the
dildo inside of me is indeed a vibrator, and with the feeling of being so full, I feel a climax start to build.
“Sir, I think I’m going to come!”

“Come all you want, baby, just as long as you take everything! give you.”
He picks up the pace and soon, he’s slamming into me like he was earlier, but not going as deep. I’ve never felt like this before. I
feel so full, and so...dirty! I smile at the thought,
knowing that he’s doing all of this because he knows how much I like to act the dirty whore for him, and in this moment with my
vag filled to the brim with both a fake and a real cock, I truly feel like a dirty little whore!