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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self by Fleur Delacour

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96 Every Corner of the Kins Residence Is Disgusting

Oliver's crude action stunned the housekeeper instantly, and with fear and panic, she shouted while backing up,

“You're trespassing on private property! If you dare do anything, I'll call the police and have you arrested!”

Angela's gaze turned icy in response. “Now, how can you say that? Am I not allowed in my own home?”

Always remembering that his task was to keep Angela from harm’s way and intercept anyone or anything that

upset her, Oliver shoved the yapping housekeeper and threatened, “Another word, and I'll beat you up as I did

with that gate.”

The housekeeper shut up instantly, shuddering in fear.

As Angela looked at the gate Oliver violently tore down, she felt inexplicably pleased. With her chin up in the air,

she proclaimed, “Well done. You get a raise!”

“Thank you, Mrs. Lawson.”

Mrs. Lawson? Angela wanted to correct him but ultimately held back. After all, Oliver wasn’t wrong to address

her as such.

What was she doing now? Had she not cto retrieve her household registration so that she and Jonathan

could get married?!

She blushed in response, and to calm herself down, she muttered repeatedly about needing to get used to Oliver

and the others calling her ‘Mrs. Lawson.

This is a part of the agreement. Jonathan has helpedso much. | have to do my part.

With Oliver's show of force, none of the other Kins Family servants dared to step forward.

Angela quickly walked in and entered the living room, which looked just like before with a slight difference-the

framed photo on the wall had changed.

In the freshly taken photo, Fanny was wearing that day’s outfit, holding Christopher's arm, standing beside

Scarlet, with her four brothers standing firmly behind. Everyone in the photo had a smile on their face,

exceptionally harmonious.

After just one glance, Angela looked away and went straight to the small utility room she used to stay in.

The door of the utility room was slightly ajar, as if there were too many things piled up

Chapter 96 Every Corner of the Kins Residence Is Disgusting

inside, and the door couldn't close properly.

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She pulled the door open and found that the room had been filled with clutter in her absence. Several boxes

were placed on her bed, haphazardly stacked.

Angela remained calm as she walked in, rolling up her sleeves, and began to move the cardboard boxes on the

bed one by one.


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Glancing inside the boxes, she saw that they were filled with Fanny’s outdated clothes and unwanted items.

Is this meant to tellthat only what Fanny doesn’t want, | can have?

Oliver followed closely behind, but upon entering, he immediately frowned at the cramped and cluttered space.

Is this where ma’am used to live?

Though he had only known Angela for a few days, he couldn't help feeling enraged at the sight.

With a stern face, he strode forward and took the boxes from Angela’s hands. “Letdo all the heavy lifting,

Mrs. Lawson. You just give the order.”

Angela, still recovering from her injuries, quickly agreed. “Take all these boxes, the ones on the bed, and these

ones too, and throw them all into the living room!”

“Okay.” With his strength, Oliver swiftly cleared the clutter in no time.

Bam, bam!

The sound of things being tossed around frightened the servants standing at the corners of the hall, their faces

turning pale with fear, afraid that the stern-looking brute would beat them up.

One of the servants, frightened, quickly called George. “Sir, please cback quickly. Angela has brought in a

burly man, and we couldn't stop them. They've thrown away a lot of Miss Fanny's belongings.”

Back in the utility room, Angela pulled out a dusty bag and silently began to pack the remaining items after

shaking off the dust. There wasn’t much left of hers here, just sbooks left by her grandmother and a few


Last time, she couldn't take everything with her in one suitcase, so she only packed the essentials. This time,

she planned to take everything away, leaving nothing behind for the Kins Family to grow tired of.


Chapter 96 Every Corner of the Kins Residence Is Disgusting

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After finishing the cleanup, Angela walked out and stared at the housekeeper. “Where is the household


The housekeeper hesitated for a moment before stuttering, “It’s in sir and madam’s room”

“Go and get it,” Angela ordered plainly. “Now!”

She didn’t want to go in herself, finding each and every one of their rooms repulsive and disgusting.

After taking a gander at Oliver's towering figure, the housekeeper rushed upstairs in fright and returned with the

household registration in her hands, which were trembling as she handed it to Angela.

Taking the household registration, Angela flipped through it and found herself on the last


Then, she glanced at the dismantled gate. “I'll compensate for the gate. I'll have someone deliver a new one

later. | won't owe the Kins Family anything,” she said and left Kins Residence with Oliver.

With her page of the household registration now in hand and her belongings packed, there was nothing left for

her at the Kins Residence to linger over.

Upon exiting Kins Residence, she found the door of the black car that had been waiting silently open, and she

could coincidentally catch Jonathan's side profile when he worked.

Angela's heart skipped a beat. Indeed, good-looking people have no flaws from any angle!

She held up her skirt and jogged toward the car, and after poking her head inside, she chirped with sparkling

eyes, “Look. | got the household registration.”

The next moment, she quickly got into the car and urged the chauffeur to drive away in a panic.

A chuckle escaped Jonathan as he set his work aside. “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“You have no idea how intimidating Oliver was just now. When the servants refused to let us in, Oliver, with his

strong muscles, simply broke the iron gate. Who knows how much that gate was worth? | even pretended to be

generous and said we'd compensate them for it.” Angela was animated as she spoke, her face lively and bright.

“And then | threw away all of Fanny's stuff, so we need to leave quickly to avoid running into them and wasting

our breath.

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As she spoke, Angela remembered something and quickly pulled out her phone, blocking all the Kins Family

members’ contact numbers.




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Chapter 96 Every Corner of the Kins Residence Is Disgusting

Jonathan listened attentively, then smiled with interest. “Since you've already made the promise, I'll have to help

you cover it up. I'll have Sebastian see to it.”

Look at that: for someone who can expand his business to such a skill, his mind is indeed more cunning

than others.

Angela smiled sweetly, ingratiatingly. “Thank you, Jonathan. Don’t worry. I'll make a note of it in my notebook

and pay you back when | make money.”

Jonathan quirked a brow in response, noncommittal.

Amidst their conversation, the car quickly left the Kins Residence and soon disappeared from view.

After drinking ssobering cure and taking a short nap in the car, Donald felt slightly less intoxicated.

However, instead of resting in his room after returning home, he sat alone on the balcony, smoking.

He finished one cigarette, then lit another, and the ash fell into small pieces onto the floor.

Hecate also had a furrowed brow, expressing her concerns. “Smoke less. It’s not good for your lungs.”

Just now, at the restaurant, she hardly understood much of the conversation about agents, guaranteed accounts,

and the new terms regarding wedding procedures. It overwhelmed her, and she could only nod along.

They were dealing with top-tier wealthy families, operating on a completely different level of understanding.

Their methods were sophisticated and intricate. If they were intent on deceiving Angela, it would be a piece of


Hecate sighed again, thoughts about other things. “If George and Scarlet find.out Angela is getting married

unannounced, they might be agitated. Should we call and let them know?”