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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self by Fleur Delacour

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 One Hundred Thousand

After a brief silence, Donald shook his head. It was evident to anyone with eyes how poorly George's family

treated Angela.

Donald's expression turned colder as he stubbed out the half-smoked cigarette in his hand, his tone harsh,

“George's family has hearts as hard as stones. Whether they are aware or not is irrelevant. If they ignore the

grievances Angela suffers in her husband’s home, | will step in. | will bring her back to our home.”

Whenever Angela suffered grievances, even if she was bullied in school, Donald and Scarlet showed no concern.

Instead, they would blher for causing trouble and ask her to reflect on herself.

Hecate sighed. Donald has a point. They only ever care about their adopted daughter.

“Still, Angela’s prospective in-laws gave a ton of betrothal gifts. If they find out that you've intervened as the

overseer, I'm worried Donald and Scarlet will cause a scene,” she said.

Donald snorted and replied coldly, “They can catall they want. All those betrothal gifts were given to

Angela. We didn’t take a penny. | have a clear conscience!”

Hecate nodded in agreement. Donald's right. We have no intention of coveting Angela’s betrothal money. If

George and his family were any better to Angela, she would have no need for us to step in at all!

Neither of them spoke again, and the room fell into silence until the door opening echoed from the entrance,

followed by the doorknob turning.

Queenie quietly entered the house silently with puffy eyes, clearly having just finished crying.

Her situation startled Donald and Hecate, and they quickly approached her.

“Queenie, what happened?” Hecate couldn't help but feel heartbroken, and then she had a suspicion in her

mind, causing her expression to suddenly change. “Did your husband's family hit you? Queenie, you must not

hide this fromand. your dad!”

A lump immediately formed in Queenie’s throat. Her voice bechoarse, and she forced back her tears as she

said, “No, Mom, no one hit me.”

Under Donald and Hecate’s persistent questioning, she finally revealed the truth.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Mom, Dad, | need money...” As if finding it difficult to utter these words, Queenie choked for


a while before finally managing to speak up with difficulty, then covered her bloodshot eyes

and sobbed.

“Horace’s mother is seriously ill, and the surgery and medical expenses require a large sum of money. Horace

and | don’t have much savings, and what we can gather is far from enough...”

She didn’t want to ask her parents for money, but her husband's family used both gentle and forceful tactics,

pressuring her to cup with the money.

Because Horace wanted her to be a full-thousewife, she hasn't had a job since graduation. Horace gave her

a monthly allowance for living expenses, and that was the only money she had. But... it was all used for living

expenses, and with her mother-in-law watching over her, any surplus would be taken away by her mother-in-

law. How could she possibly have any money?!

She had hoped that Horace would stand by her more, but he said, “Queenie, my mother’s illness can’t be

delayed any longer. Think of a solution. If it’s not possible, go back hand ask your parents for smoney.

“Besides, your uncle’s family is so wealthy, and they're also related to Jonathan. This amount of money is

nothing to them, but for us, it’s life-saving money!”

With no other alternatives, Queenie had to return home.

Donald felt sympathy for his daughter and couldn’t possibly deny her the money. He didn’t say anything, just let

out a deep sigh, “Since our Queenie’s mother-in-law is ill, we should. offer assistance. Family should assist each

other in times of need.”

He had initially planned to give Angela a generous dowry when she got married. The groom’s family was

wealthy, and although they were an ordinary family, they couldn't compromise their dignity and manners.

But now, he was faced with a dilemma.

“How much do you need?” Hecate quickly made her daughter sit down and then poured her a cup of warm


Queenie pursed her lips and reluctantly said, “We need a hundred thousand.”

Hecate widened her eyes in shock and was stunned for a few seconds. “A hundred thousand?! What kind of

illness does your mother-in-law have that requires so much money?”

“It’s kidney failure. She needs dialysis and a kidney transplant. Horace said that a kidney is expensive, and he’s

also trying to raise money from everywhere,” Queenie explained with a


weary look on her delicate face.

She had been taking care of her mother-in-law these past few days, and it had already worn her out mentally.

Her mother-in-law never liked her, and now that she was sick, she was event harder to deal with. She would say

all sorts of harsh things to Queenie, accusing her of wishing her mother-in-law dead.

Horace’s bad attitude didn’t help either. He said that marrying her didn’t help him at all.

Donald turned grimly but showed no emotions.

After a long pause, he said, “Leave the money to your brother and me. Don’t worry. You stay here tonight, and I'll

give you ten thousand dollars before you leave. Use it to fill the gaps.


“I'm useless, Dad. You're already so old, yet I'm still asking for your support, causing you trouble.” Queenie felt

deeply sorry.

Her father was a teacher, and her mother worked in a textile factory. Their combined monthly incwas only a

few thousand, and it took them a whole year of scrimping and saving to accumulate ten thousand dollars. Asking

her parents for so much money all at once, Queenie couldn't bring herself to do it.

Hecate looked at the dark circles under her daughter's eyes. Her face had becmuch thinner than the last

tshe saw her. She felt a pang of sadness and could only imagine how Horace’s wicked mother tormented

Queenie using her illness.

Hecate got up and fetched a set of her own pajamas for Queenie. “Now, aren’t you just making your dad and me

sad?! Are you hungry? I'll go and make you something to eat. Look at you; you're ice-cold. Go and take a shower

while | make your favorite.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

A lump formed in Queenie’s throat again as she listened to her parents‘ caring words, and she held it back until

she reached the bathroom and closed the door before bursting into tears.

In the kitchen, Hecate and Donald cooked up Queenie something to eat.

“They're still short a large sum of money. Let's not forget about Angela’s dowry, too. Quincy has only been

working for a few years. He definitely won't have much savings. How are you going to cup with the

remaining money?” Hecate asked, feeling frustrated.

As Donald cooked the noodles, he contemplated. “I'll go to the hospital tomorrow and talk to the doctor first.”

Hecate nodded. She was just an ordinary illiterate housewife who had no better ideas.


Springgate Estates, Lawson Residence.

Angela woke up the next morning, bathed in the bright and warm sunlight.

Opening her eyes, she saw unfamiliar white curtains surrounding the bed, and for a moment, she couldn't quite

comprehend her whereabouts.

After obtaining their marriage certificate last afternoon, Jonathan returned to work at the company while she

returned to the villa in Springgate Estates and spent the afternoon reading.

In the evening, Jonathan was too busy to chfor dinner, so she ate May's cooking alone and then went

upstairs to study for another two hours before going to sleep.

Although she and Jonathan had obtained their marriage certificate, their current interaction pattern remained the

same, and it made Angela feel particularly reassured.

After lying in bed for a few seconds, Angela threw off the covers and quickly got up, then washed up and went


In the dining room, Jonathan was dressed in a gray turtleneck sweater, complemented by gold-rimmed glasses.

He seemed to radiate a touch more warmth than before.

He was emotionlessly flipping through sdocuments at the table until he heard her coming down. He took a

gander at her and put the papers in his hands down.

“It's 7:35 a.m. now,” he reminded plainly. “You're about to be late.”