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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 909
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Chapter 909 Why Hasn’t Anyone Arrived Yet?

Today was the most difficult day of his life.

Today was the most difficult day of his life.

And it was all thanks to Skylar.

"Damn you, Skylar, I'm going to murder you!"

Axel stomped furiously on his sports automobile.

Although he despised Walter and Amanda, he despised Skylar the most.

He wished he had the ability to dismember Skylar and disperse his ashes.

Sandra, who stood beside him, was too terrified to console him.

If she got involved when the young master of the Feron household was angry, the consequences would be severe.

Especially considering it was her idea to attend the Fitz family's private dinner today.

Sandra didn't dare to provoke Axel just now.

Axel's phone rang in his pocket just as he was about to erupt.

"Who the hell calls me at this hour?

Axel cursed angrily, ready to lash out at the caller.

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When he saw his name flash over the screen, he immediately softened.

Because the person phoning him was none other than his grandfather, the Feron family's patriarch, Eric.

Not to mention that Eric was the number one businessman in Nirth; on a larger scale, he was unquestionably

among the best.

When the Dragon King sneezes, it rains in the human realm, as the saying goes.

Similarly, if Eric sneezes, Nirth will alter.

Was his granddad calling him at this moment for some crucial reason?

Axel was perplexed, but he didn't dare to pause. He forced himself to relax and answered the phone.

"Grandfather, you're looking for me?"

"Mm, I heard you're in Sconvia City? I'm here, too."

Sandra didn't hear the rest of the dialogue, but she noticed Axel nodding and then perking up.

Axel's face was lit up when he hung up the phone.

"It's no surprise that brat is so arrogant, acting as if he's invincible; he's the Chief of Nirth!"

"That explains why both Beckham and Walter are afraid of him."

They may be terrified of him, but not our Feron family!"

"The stronger the wind, the taller the tree." Skylar, you're young and have risen to the position of Chief of Nirth; it's

a remarkable achievement, but you don't know how to keep a low profile. Your end will be unhappy."

Axel smirked as he approached the club's door.

At nine o'clock at night.

Whan tha Dragon King snaazas, it rains in tha human raalm, as tha saying goas.

Similarly, if Eric snaazas, Nirth will altar.

Was his granddad calling him at this momant for soma crucial raason?

Axal was parplaxad, but ha didn't dara to pausa. Ha forcad himsalf to ralax and answarad tha phona.

"Grandfathar, you'ra looking for ma?"

"Mm, I haard you'ra in Sconvia City? I'm hara, too."

Sandra didn't haar tha rast of tha dialogua, but sha noticad Axal nodding and than parking up.

Axal's faca was lit up whan ha hung up tha phona.

"It's no surprisa that brat is so arrogant, acting as if ha's invincibla; ha's tha Chiaf of Nirth!"

"That axplains why both Backham and Waltar ara afraid of him."

Thay may ba tarrifiad of him, but not our Faron family!"

"Tha strongar tha wind, tha tallar tha traa." Skylar, you'ra young and hava risan to tha position of Chiaf of Nirth; it's

a ramarkabla achiavamant, but you don't know how to kaap a low profila. Your and will ba unhappy."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Axal smirkad as ha approachad tha club's door.

At nina o'clock at night.

Skylar and his family returned to their Lover's Tower suite.

"Sir, madam, I have arranged everything for the investment conference," Graham reported, carrying a stack of

documents. It will take place over three days in the Lover's Hall of our Lover's Tower."

"This is the investment conference plan and schedule for that day."

Skylar waved his hand and stated, "Since Yulia has given you full responsibility, I won't look at these things."

"When the big day arrives, Yulia and I will be there, and you'll be in charge, right?"

"Alright, sir, I'll go handle the follow-up matters."

Graham snatched the documents and walked away.

After three days.

Skylar arrived at the hotel's largest Lover's Hall, escorted by Yulia and Lola, as planned with Graham.

"Sir and madam!"

Graham rushed over when he saw Skylar and his family.

Skylar was waved at by Amanda and Yanice, who were just talking to Graham.

Skylar questioned Graham, perplexed, "Isn't today the Lover's Tower investment conference?" Why hasn't anyone

arrived at nine o'clock?"