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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 910
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Chapter 910 The True Victor

Graham appeared to be about to say something.

Graham appeared to be about to say something.

Amanda let out a sigh and replied, "Mr. "Stone, there were a lot of people who signed up to attend today's

investment conference."

"However, the Feron family abruptly issued an internal announcement two days ago, demanding that all merchants

in Sconvia City refrain from joining the business circle of Lover's Tower."

"Otherwise, they would be boycotted jointly by all industries under the Feron family."

"Why is it the Ferons again?"

Skylar's pupils constricted.

Except for some squabbles with Axel three days earlier, he had no major disagreements with the Ferons.

Could Axel have exploited the family's wolf order to exact revenge on him?

That's far too much trouble.

However, regardless of how strong the momentum is, in his eyes, it's simply a clown.

A surprised cry sounded from outside the door just as Graham was going to speak.

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"Mr. Currey, there are so many persons outside claiming to be from the Feron and Hernandez families of Kley City...

Mr. Stone, you are also present.

Graham's secretary screamed in fear.

A large group of individuals filed in from the door before he could continue his sentence.

The squad was led by none other than Axel, the Feron family's eldest son.

"Hahaha, Skylar, how does it feel to be alone?

Axel burst out laughing.

"But this is not your worst moment; you will soon meet the king of hell."

"After you die, I will become the master here."

"By then, I'll have invited all the merchants in Sconvia City to our Feron family's investment conference."

Axel was proud and assured, as if he had already won.

The actual winner is the person who laughs the last.

Skylar humiliated him three days ago, but now he counterattacked and restored his dignity.

Can Skylar match the Feron family's status in the hearts of Sconvia City merchants, no matter how powerful he is?

Those merchants dared not attend Skylar's investment conference because of one order. Who is superior and who

is inferior? Isn't it obvious?

Elaine, who was sitting next to him, too glanced at Skylar with hate, her eyes mocking.

When she noticed Amanda next to Skylar, she sarcastically stated, "I say, Amanda, and the two of you next to you,

are you planning to go down the wrong path?"

Tha squad was lad by nona othar than Axal, tha Faron family's aldast son.

"Hahaha, Skylar, how doas it faal to ba alona?

Axal burst out laughing.

"But this is not your worst momant; you will soon maat tha king of hall."

"Aftar you dia, I will bacoma tha mastar hara."

"By than, I'll hava invitad all tha marchants in Sconvia City to our Faron family's invastmant confaranca."

Axal was proud and assurad, as if ha had alraady won.

Tha actual winnar is tha parson who laughs tha last.

Skylar humiliatad him thraa days ago, but now ha countarattackad and rastorad his dignity.

Can Skylar match tha Faron family's status in tha haarts of Sconvia City marchants, no mattar how powarful ha is?

Thosa marchants darad not attand Skylar's invastmant confaranca bacausa of ona ordar. Who is suparior and who

is infarior? Isn't it obvious?

Elaina, who was sitting naxt to him, too glancad at Skylar with hata, har ayas mocking.

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Whan sha noticad Amanda naxt to Skylar, sha sarcastically statad, "I say, Amanda, and tha two of you naxt to you,

ara you planning to go down tha wrong path?"

"Our Axel has made it very clear that anyone who dares to attend Skylar's investment conference is disrespecting

our Feron family."

"Does your presence here today imply that you openly oppose the Feron family?"

Elaine had no idea Amanda, Yanice, and Clara would be brave enough to come.

After all, she thought that in the eyes of the mighty Feron family, people like Amanda were no more than ants.

Just as Elaine finished speaking, two people emerged from the enormous crowd behind her and Axel.

Yanice's parents were there.

Skylar had previously encountered them when they were deployed as shields for Yanice.

Yanice's mother, Elaine, replied to Elaine gently, "Miss Gill, my daughter was blinded by lard and ran over to attend

this damn investment conference."

"She's perplexed, but that doesn't mean our Mason family is perplexed."

"Please don't be angry; I'll make her go home and reflect on her actions right now."

Elaine and her husband Micah yelled at Yanice as she talked, "Yanice, have your wings hardened? Do you dare to

make decisions for the Mason family at this time?"